The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 240 Deep in the Black Hole (Please subscribe)

At this time, the starship has flown through the low-level areas of the black hole field, which are the first-, second-, and third-level demon areas.

In the surrounding void, in addition to the stars and star seas scattered all over, you can also see various energy storms, sweeping and conflicting in the black hole field and the star sea void.

Various energy storms such as fire storms, astral wind storms, thunder storms, flood storms, gold storms, ice storms, etc., impact, collide, and explode everywhere, stirring up the black hole field and the mid-level void demon clan area. confusion.

Many huge void monsters measuring hundreds of feet or even thousands of feet fly alone or in groups in these energy storms, stirring up the energy storms, bombarding the stars, and devouring starlight.

But at this time, with the outbreak of the Yinghai Black Hole, these intermediate void demon clans gathered together and turned into a void demon tide, sweeping countless and chaotic energy storms, like raging tides and waves, constantly moving towards the outside of the black hole , the low-level area rushed away.

But before the waves of these mid-level void monsters swept and attacked, there were teams of battleships forming the strongest Great Wall to withstand their impact.

From those warships, various divine lights, wind, thunder, water and fire attacks were blasted, colliding, colliding and exploding with the chaotic energy storm.

"These warship teams are all warships from the Yinghai Black Hole garrison team."

Senior Chen Zhao introduced Liang Ji and others, then pointed at the void demon tides and energy tides, and said:

"You see, after the Void Demon Race advances to the intermediate level and begins to master the power of energy storms and natural disasters, their combat power will increase dozens or hundreds of times."

"Especially when they come together to form a void demon tide or energy tide, even ordinary warship attacks have limited lethality against them."

Liang Ji looked around and could indeed see that most of the magical attacks such as divine light, thunder and fire launched by the garrisoned warships were offset and blocked by energy storms and tides.

The remaining half of the attacks that could break through the energy tide bombarded those mid-level void monsters, and most of them were unable to break through the energy and physical defenses of the mid-level void monsters.

However, the Star Alliance has been fighting against the Void Demon Clan for many years. To deal with such mid-level void demon tides and energy tides, the garrison team naturally has its own methods.

Soon Liang Ji saw that among the battleships blocking the front, a spiritual light rose up, connecting and interweaving between the battleships, directly based on the battleships, they were arranged to form large formations.

Powerful auras rose from the battleships, gathered in the formation, and turned into bright divine light.

This time, the powerful attacks based on the battleships and arranged in formations finally broke through the surging energy tide and killed the mid-level void monsters attacking among them.

At this time, there were more battleship teams in the rear, flying out from several 'satellite' cities in Yinghai City and rushing here, continuing to increase the combat power of the battleship 'Great Wall'.

Similarly, in the depths of the black hole, there are more and more huge void monsters of the fifth and sixth levels reaching thousands of feet or even tens of thousands of feet. They gather into a tide and sweep away more violent, chaotic, and chaotic waves. More huge energy storms, tides, and waves are impacting on these battleships, the Great Wall.

The outbreak of the Yinghai Black Hole, the battle between the garrison team and the Void Monster Tide, which many people in Yinghai City are not aware of, has already erupted in the depths of the black hole, and is becoming more intense.

After Liang Ji and others watched the battle between the battleship "Great Wall" and the intermediate void demon tide and energy storm tide, senior Chen Zhao urged the red jade talisman in his hand.

Red light appeared in front of several people and turned into a light curtain on the podium again. Senior Chen Zhao ordered:

"Prepare the star cannon, blast out a passage, and keep moving forward!"


A voice came from the light curtain on the podium.

Then, Liang Ji saw formations and restrictions rising up on the seventh-level battleship of his mentor. Starlight emerged and circulated, and finally gathered at the bow of the starship, turning into a bright starlight and blasting out. There is also the luster of red jade flowing on it.

This starlight blasted into the energy tide, blasted into the intermediate void demon tide, shattered and opened a passage like a devastation.

Waves of cheers suddenly erupted from the warships that formed the Great Wall all around.

The starship of Liang Ji and others continued to move forward, continuing to fly toward the depths of the black hole along the blasted passage.

Behind him, voices of thanks and farewell blessings came from the battleship Great Wall.

As the battleship continues to go deeper, the energy tides and void demon tides it encounters become more numerous and stronger, becoming more majestic, mighty, and powerful in attack.

The mentor's battleship seemed to be moving against the strong wind, waves, and storm.

Fortunately, this is a seventh-level battleship, which is powerful enough. In this middle-level demon tide and energy storm, the starlight cannon keeps blasting out, and it can easily blast away the increasingly stronger energy storm, and more and more enemies will come. The demon tide exploded.

Suppressing the strong wind, breaking through the waves, and crushing them all the way.

And Liang Ji looked outside the starship. In the black hole field, as he continued to go deeper into the fifth-order demon area and the sixth-order demon area, he could see more and more various energy storms permeating the surroundings. The more violent.

The fifth-level demon area seemed to have entered a chaotic and violent ocean of energy storms; while the sixth-level demon area seemed to have entered a chaotic and violent energy storm world.

It was as if the black hole field had completely turned into an area of ​​energy storm.

However, when the starship continued to move forward, deep into the black hole, it broke through the sixth-order demon zone.

Liang Ji stood on the starship and looked toward the depths of the black hole and the seventh-level demon area in front of him, and all he saw were bright stars.

Just like in the black hole field, the intermediate demon zone is filled and composed of increasingly stronger and more energy storms.

Deep in this black hole, the high-level demon zone is composed of countless starlight energies that gather, fill, and form.

But at this time, the starlight ocean and the starlight world are boiling and erupting. A large amount of starlight energy is constantly impacting and even turning into tides and waves, surging upwards and impacting.

And among these bright starlights, high-level void monsters are flying and impacting. They no longer look down on these starlights. They do not feed on these starlights, but directly feed on the stars, directly swallowing the stars and the source of the stars. .

The number of high-level void monsters has been reduced a lot, and it is difficult for them to gather into a monster tide, but their individual attack power is stronger than the void monster tide.

Similarly, outside this high-level demon area, there are also Star Alliance garrison teams fighting against these high-level void demon clans and raging waves of starlight, blocking the impact of these starlight waves and high-level void demon clans.

They were planetary warships as big as stars, or directly made of stars, standing across the top to block the impact of high-level void monsters.

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