The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 244 Star Immortal Weapon (please subscribe)

Deep in the black hole, in the high-level demon area, Liang Ji is still desperately squeezing the power of the 'Dao Fruit', stimulating the 'Power of Heaven and Earth', and instilling more star power from his natal stars.

Efforts were made to maintain the transformation of the magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", and the natal magical weapon "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower" was activated to the extreme, creating a large area of ​​Xuanhuang light, capturing the "Flower of Star Spirits".

Now, the number of 'Star Spirit Flowers' he has refined into his natal stars has exceeded 400, approaching '500'.

Among the natal stars, more than half of the more than two million zero-level dependents have successfully awakened and advanced to the first level; among the first-level dependents, there are also nearly a million who have advanced to the second level, making the second-level dependents The number is showing signs of hitting two million.

The structure of the entire family clan has a tendency to develop from the 'pyramid' model to the 'inverted pyramid' model.

Not only has the level of the Familia increased, but because of the increase in the source and potential of the stars, the combat power of the Familia at the same level has also greatly increased compared to before.

Regardless of whether they are zero-level, first-level, or second-level dependents, their bodies have grown significantly. The first- and second-level dependents have used the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi" to become bigger, stronger, and stronger. At the same time, It also lasts longer.

The power of various bloodline magical powers used by the Nine Sons Bloodline Familia has also greatly increased.

A large number of 'Star Spirit Flowers' are integrated into the natal stars, improving the origin of the stars, which is an all-round improvement for the entire star and the dependents on it.

Of course, along with these improvements, the power of the Star's 'Dao Fruit' was consumed in large quantities, and Liang Ji's blood and energy were constantly consumed and restored, leaving him mentally and physically exhausted.

It can be said to be painful and happy at the same time.

After an unknown amount of time, an alarm sounded from the starship, awakening Liang Ji from the 'happy' process of collecting and refining the 'Flower of Star Spirits'.

He looked around and saw that the void star sea and the black hole field were almost filled with starlight energy, filling and illuminating the entire black hole field.

Liang Ji could no longer even see the other star palaces around him, as well as the starships of Yinghai Academy.

Only below, the star warships guarding the troops were like shining stars, still looming in the starlight, resisting the torrent of starlight and high-level void monsters that continued to rush out from the deeper parts of the black hole.

"The black hole has completely exploded. It is no longer suitable to stay here. We are ready to retreat!"

At this time, Senior Chen Zhao raised his voice.


Almost at the same time, a roaring explosion came from above. Liang Ji looked up and saw a bright beam of light blasting straight in from above, shattering the chaotic energy storm wherever it passed and scattering the mighty starlight. It broke open and blasted a large number of void monsters directly into the deepest part of the black hole.

It's like a divine needle inserted into the sea, which immediately clears and suppresses the turbulent storms, chaotic whirlpool undercurrents, churning sediment, and shaking seabed in the sea.

It also suppressed a large number of sea monsters that stirred up wind waves, whirlpools and tsunamis in the sea.

"Yinghai City!"

Liang Ji remembered that he had seen such a scene before. When the Starlight Giant and the black hole were fighting for the "frozen stars", Yinghai City had shot down a beam of light, which was like a needle inserted into the depths of the black hole.

It's just that at the beginning, he was in the black hole field and the first-level demon zone, looking at the light beam blasted by Yinghai City; but now, he was deep in the black hole, in the high-level demon zone, facing the beam of light he saw. The movement below.

What you see and feel is undoubtedly more shocking and magnificent.

The violent explosion of the black hole seemed to be shattered and suppressed for a moment at this moment.

Unfortunately, such a beam of light cannot last long and freeze. After one bombardment clears the black hole, the beam of light gradually dissipates.

Deep inside the black hole, more turbulent and violent starlight energy is surging and erupting.

"Let's go." Senior Chen Zhao ordered the starship at this time, saying: "This is not our battlefield."

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Yinghai City's attack to clear the black hole, the starships of Liang Ji and others began to fly out of the black hole; around them, starships from various star palaces and starships from Yinghai Academy were also flying outward. Fly away.

Below them, the star warships stationed there also began to fly upwards and retreated out of the black hole.

However, as these star battleships retreated, there were still streams of fairy light and divine light shooting out from them, hitting some of the stars scattered around the high-level monsters and black hole fields.

The stars that can exist in the depths of this black hole and in the high-level demon zone are all very huge and solid stars. It can even be said that if these huge stars can be moved out from the depths of this black hole, then the entire stars will be high-level. Level spiritual materials and treasures.

And as rays of fairy light and divine light shine on these huge and solid stars, the spiritual lights of runes, restrictions, and formations emerge on these stars, intertwining vertically and horizontally, turning these stars into huge formations. , Immortal weapon.

Yinghai Star Territory and Yinghai City have been operating and suppressing this black hole for countless years, and countless generations of garrison teams have been stationed and suppressed here. They have already refined many star sacrifices deep in the black hole into huge star artifacts and spiritual treasures.

At this time, as the black hole completely erupted, and as the garrison troops retreated step by step, these star artifacts and spiritual treasures that had been refined for many years were also activated one by one.

Thunder, flames, ice, hurricanes, floods... etc. According to the different attributes of these stars, their formation methods and restrictions activate various powers and issue different attacks.

The same thing is that every attack is very powerful. It can blast into the depths of the black hole and the starlight ocean below. It can knock down a high-level demon clan with one blow. The continuous attacks can even knock out the surging and bursting starlight flood. The waves are temporarily suppressed.

It is many times stronger than the attacks of many star battleships.

After all, the spiritual materials used in the construction of many star warships are far inferior to these star fairy weapons.

Moreover, the attacks of these star fairy weapons are all regardless of losses. They use all their strength and squeeze to extract the energy contained in the stars. It can be said that every blow is a self-destructive attack, and the power is naturally even more powerful.

After all, it is conceivable that with the complete explosion of the black hole, these star artifacts deep in the black hole will probably not be saved in the end. Now it is natural to play their maximum role before they are destroyed by the black hole.

The starship continued to fly upwards, and soon entered the intermediate demon zone, surrounded by a world of more chaotic and violent energy.

The beam of light blasted down by Yinghai City and the blow that cleared the black hole are rapidly losing their effect. The chaos and violent energy world and ocean that were shattered and shattered around them are quickly re-closing, recovering, and even becoming more chaotic. , became violent.

Liang Ji looked down, and it was difficult to see clearly the ocean of starlight deep in the black hole, only some stars were faintly shining.

Suddenly there was a roar, and a large fire seemed to shine and explode deep in the black hole. It was the final explosion and destruction of a star fairy weapon.

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