The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 245 ‘Yinghai City’ Defense Battle (Please subscribe)

The seventh-level starship went all the way up and entered the middle-level demon zone, and suddenly entered a state of crushing all the way.

Senior Brother Chen Zhao opened up all kinds of attacks on the starship, suppressed the chaotic energy storm along the way, and killed the mid-level void demon tide, making him invincible along the way.

The starships in the surrounding star palaces, the star battleships in Yinghai Academy, etc. are also at full combat power, clearing the middle-level demon area along the way.

If there had not been an explosion in the high-level demon zone in the depths, these seventh-level star battleships would have been able to suppress all the intermediate-level demon zones and suppress the black hole explosion.

But from the depths of the black hole, the bright starlight has already impacted, and the star warships in each star palace can only crush them all the way and rush upward.

Soon we arrived at the battleship 'Great Wall', where many star weapons had also been activated, forming a large array across it, bombarding and resisting the impact of the energy storm and the bombardment of the mid-level demon tide.

However, it can be clearly seen that the size and power of the star artifacts refined by the intermediate demon zone are far inferior to those of the high-level demon zone deep in the black hole.

When the starships from various star palaces retreated here, the warships that formed the 'Great Wall' also began to retreat outwards one after another.

Soon entering the low-level demon area, Liang Ji looked around and saw that everything here had become a battlefield of flesh and blood. Countless Star Lords' families were fighting and killing countless low-level void demons here.

Here, Star Lord's Familia are just consumables. A large number of Familia are killed every minute and every second, and a large number of low-level monsters are also killed.

This was a shocking scene that Liang Ji had never seen before for more than two years when he was hunting the void monsters and harvesting the broken stars in the black hole of the Yinghai Sea.

Even though he has long been used to seeing the life and death of the Familia above the stars and under the sun and the moon, and is used to seeing the Familia fighting for their lives on the battlefield, looking at the flesh and blood battlefield in front of him at this time is still... It’s hard to avoid being frightened.

Senior Chen Zhao also looked at the surrounding battlefields at this time, and said solemnly: "This kind of battlefield is the true furnace for training the family members."

"Within the Star Alliance, I am afraid that only when a black hole erupts once in thousands of years can we see such a flesh-and-blood furnace battlefield."

"But outside the Star Alliance, in the outer sea of ​​stars, on the battlefield between our Star Alliance and the God Realm, the Demon Realm, and the Spirit Realm, such flesh-and-blood furnaces often happen!"

As he spoke, he turned to Liang Ji and the others and said, "This is a rare opportunity. You can also take your family members to participate in the battlefield and experience such a flesh-and-blood furnace battle in advance."

"Star Palace disciples will fight outside the Star Alliance in the future and will never be afraid of any war."

"Yes, Senior Chen."

Liang Ji and three others responded in unison.

Soon, battleships, starships, and star battleships all rushed out of the black hole and flew to the center of the black hole. They reorganized their suppression and defense fronts with the 'Yinghai City' suppressing them here as the center.

Similarly, the 'Yinghai City' at this time has also been fully activated. It is covered by a network of intertwined stars above, and various formations and restrictions are operating below. The entire 'Yinghai City' has turned into a huge fairy weapon and spiritual treasure. start up.

At the same time, in the void star sea and black hole field above and below 'Yinghai City', there are also stars and fairy weapons being activated, and the stars are connected vertically and horizontally. With the seven 'satellite' cities around 'Yinghai City' as nodes, 'Yinghai City' is the center, arranged into a three-dimensional and powerful defensive front.

The retreating battleships, starships, and star battleships all flew into the defensive front one after another at this time, each having its own position, replenishing and operating the entire 'Yinghai City' defense front.

There is no doubt that 'Yinghai City' is the last line of defense to suppress and resist the black hole explosion. There is no room for retreat or failure.

At this time, a storm of starlight and energy erupted from the depths of the black hole, and high-level void monsters gathered together, and a wave of mid-level void monsters had already arrived.

The defensive battle of 'Yinghai City' has completely begun.

The battleships are still suppressed at the bottom of the stars, resisting and bombarding the high-level void monsters, but this time they have the backing of 'Yinghai City', and the support of a large number of star fairy weapons and three-dimensional formation defense lines around them. The combat power of the battleships has also been greatly increased.

And after layers of resistance arranged in the black hole, and layers of weakening in the black hole field, the starlight and energy storm that hit here, as well as the impact and combat power of the Void Monster Clan, have all been greatly weakened.

Under the bombardment and resistance of the star warships, these high-level void monsters were successfully resisted, and even bombarded continuously.

Then, the same warships formed the 'Great Wall', and with the support of the 'Yinghai City' defense system, their combat power was greatly increased, resisting and bombarding the mid-level void demon tide.

The starships Liang Ji and others were riding on, as well as the starships in the surrounding star palaces, did not participate in such a defense system. After all, when 'Yinghai City' designed and laid out the defense front, they had no place.

On the other hand, the starship of Yinghai Academy was flying towards the defense line, and he was among them.

However, the starships in each star palace have no intention of flying away or evacuating.

At this time, most of the starships were low-level star masters of the second and third levels such as Liang Ji and others. The star palace starship brought them here to collect the "Flower of Star Spirits" that erupted from the depths of the black hole to improve them. The stars, the origin and potential of the family are one of them.

Secondly, it also allows them to participate in such a flesh-and-blood furnace battle and experience and experience a real battle in advance.

Above Liang Ji's natal star, the star gate leading to the flesh and blood battlefield opened.

Deep in the black hole, his natal star refined more than 500 'Flowers of Star Spirits'. After this period of accumulation and transformation, his second-level dependents have exceeded two million.

Liang Ji divided them into two teams, one with one million family members, including the Chaofeng, Suan Ni, and Chiki family members who were forward, as well as the half-dragon, Yasu, and Biuan family members who were responsible for the offensive. There are also the Baxia and Jiaotu family members who are responsible for defense, and the Qiuniu and Pulao family members who are responsible for auxiliary work.

It can be said that Liang Ji's ten bloodline families have formed a complete battle formation.

Two teams take turns to fight, one team fights and fights on the battlefield, and the other team cultivates and recovers among the natal stars, while refining and preparing elixirs, magic weapons and other logistical supplies.

The sacrificial leader ‘Xi Fifty-ninth’ led various bloodline dependent clans to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony to wish the warriors from the expedition a successful return.

As the sacrificial ceremony reached its climax, the sky was filled with winds and clouds, thunder was flashing, and large pieces of 'starlight rain' fell on these warriors of the clan, giving them final blessings and strengthening.

This is the ‘Rain of Starlight’ that Liang Ji spent his meritorious service to apply for and exchange for from the Star Alliance. It is also the first time that he has given a blessing directly during the sacrificial ceremony of his family’s expedition.

The atmosphere of this sacrificial ceremony was immediately pushed to a higher peak. The sacrificial priests who held the ceremony and the warriors who went out to fight became more and more enthusiastic, passing through the 'Star Gate' with high fighting spirit and entering the battlefield of the flesh and blood furnace. middle.

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