The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 246 An Army of One Million (please subscribe)

A fighting team composed of one million second-order dependents was undoubtedly an unprecedentedly powerful team for Liang Ji.

After all, before this, the total number of second-order dependents in his natal star had not reached one million, let alone the second-order warriors that could be dispatched.

However, when these one million second-level warriors were thrown into the flesh-and-blood battlefield of the low-level demon area, they were like a stone thrown into the sea, unable to even stir up much waves.

At this time, in the Flesh Furnace battlefield, the number of low-level Void Demon Clan and the number of Familia warriors are probably calculated in units of hundreds of millions.

The millions of units of his family warriors were thrown into it, but they were drowned in the blink of an eye.

However, for Liang Ji and his family members, this was a living, bloody fight.

This is the battlefield where his team of millions of dependents must fight and fight with all their strength.

The Chaofeng Familia's 'Whispering Wind' was on top, the Chikiss Familia's 'Huan Yu' was on the bottom, and the Suan Ni Familia's 'Tu Yan' set off a large sea of ​​​​fire and followed closely behind.

The violent storm swept across, and the water and fire attacked mercilessly. Originally, this was an invincible attack method when hunting down the void demon group and the second-level void demon clan.

But at this time, in the battlefield of this melting pot of flesh and blood, even in the low-level demon zone, due to the explosion of the black hole, a large amount of starlight merged with more violent and chaotic energy and rushed into the battlefield.

Various storm forces of wind, water, fire, and thunder swept across all directions and turned into energy tides.

Numerous groups of low-level demons charged directly into the energy tide, which not only greatly increased their combat power, but also made their defense stronger.

Liang Ji's Familia, as the vanguard of the Famous Feng, Chi Kiss, and Suan Ni Familia, the violent storms, water and fire impacts set off at this time could only break and resist the energy tide that swept around and impacted the void demon swarm.

This allows the half-dragons, Yaozu, and Bijuan clansmen who are following them to attack and fight without being affected by the energy tide. They can directly engage with the void demon group among them and fight head-on.

The Half-Dragon Familia, using the magical power of the bloodline of 'Big and Small Ruyi', each Half-Dragon Warrior rapidly expanded and grew to more than fifty feet, reaching the size of the second-order Void Demon Clan.

Among them, the leader of the warriors, Chi Fifty-ninth, grew to a height of more than sixty feet.

You must know that before this, the size of the second-order half-dragon family members could only grow to about forty feet at most, and the warrior leader could not reach fifty feet.

But now, the growth of these second-order half-dragon family members has increased by more than ten feet. They have broken through from the size of the first-order void demon clan to the size of the second-order void demon clan, which also represents their combat power. A qualitative breakthrough.

This is also the reason why his natal star has been refined into more than 500 'Flowers of Star Spirits'. Not only the origin and potential of the stars have been greatly increased, but also the origin, potential and combat power of the family members have also been greatly increased.

Each of the half-dragon warriors with a size of 50 to 60 feet, holding the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' high, also reached a size of 50 to 60 feet, which was almost the same size as some second-order void monsters.

The surging and mighty black and yellow light circulated on it, like mountains crashing down, bombarding the second-order void monsters of similar size.

Even in this void star sea and black hole field, the combat power of the Familia clan is far inferior to that of the void demon clan of the same level. They can't be killed with just one hammer, but they can be killed with a few more hammers.

The Yijuan Familia and the Bijuan Familia, who are also responsible for the battle, can operate the 'big and small Ruyi' bloodline magical powers, which are not as dramatic as the half-dragon family members. However, the power of their bloodline magical powers like 'swallowing knives' and 'driving thunder and lightning' are There are also qualitative improvements and changes.

The storm of sword energy swept by the Biju Familia has become sharper and more powerful; the thunder set off by the Bijuan Familia has been able to gather into a sea of ​​thunder, engulfing and killing the Void Demon Clan.

It can be said that if it were still the previous battles to hunt down the Void Monsters, even if there were tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Void Monsters in the demon group, with the combat power of his Familia now, Liang Ji would dare to lead the Familia to charge directly. Entering the void demon group, attacking and dividing the demon group into pieces, and finally directly eating some of the demon group.

But at this time, in the battlefield of this melting pot of flesh and blood, there are not tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of void monsters in all directions, but hundreds of millions or billions. There are void monsters everywhere.

The 'Giant Spirit Hammer' struck by the half-dragon warriors is often unable to kill a Void Demon Tribe with one strike, but it is too late to hit a few more times, and they have to face a new and stronger Void Demon Tribe. Rush and fight.

Similarly, the storm of sword energy set off by the Yiju Familia and the sea of ​​thunder controlled by the Yijuan Familia are often broken by a steady stream of more and more void monsters before they can form a large scale.

In this case, Liang Ji's family team was often torn apart by the endless attack of the void monsters from all directions, and was divided, surrounded, and killed by countless monsters.

Therefore, at this time, the Baxia Familia and Jiaotu Familia, which are specifically responsible for defense, become very important.

The Baxia Familia have activated the bloodline magical powers of 'Big and Small Ruyi' and 'Danshan'. Under the influence of the 'Flower of Star Spirit', their body shape, strength, defense, combat power, etc. have also experienced qualitative breakthroughs.

One hundred thousand Overlord's dependents held up one hundred thousand 'Thousand Mountain Shields', that is, one hundred thousand hills straddling down to suppress, with all their strength resisting the impact of countless and surging demon tides from all directions.

The power of the Jiao Tu Familia's 'Ice Soul' magical power has also greatly increased. The power of ice of their envoys can no longer only freeze water or liquids, but can even freeze flames, storms, and thunder, and can freeze the turbulent impact of the battlefield. The energy storm and tide are frozen, blocking the impact of the void demon tide.

Under the defense and protection of the Baxia Familia and the Jiaotu Familia, Liang Ji's family regrouped and were able to encircle and kill some of the Void Demon Clan in a certain area within a short period of time.

The efficiency of killing immediately increased.

However, on such a flesh-and-blood battlefield, there are countless void monsters from all directions. Their killing efficiency and achievements are also achieved at the cost of constantly suffering heavy blows, and even serious injuries and deaths.

Whether it is the forward team charging forward to suppress the energy storm and energy tide, the melee team responsible for offensive combat, or the defensive team responsible for resisting and withstanding the impact of the monster tide, casualties are increasing rapidly every moment.

Even with the help of the 'Hui Chun' from the Qi Niu Familia and the 'Jie E' from the Pulao Familia, the casualties were still increasing.

In less than an hour, the million-member clan sent by Liang Ji had already suffered more than 100,000 casualties, and the rest were also injured. The 100,000-member prisoner ox family did not even have time to treat all the warriors.

Moreover, most of the magic weapons they used in battle and the elixirs they used to restore their combat power were consumed in a short period of time.

Of course, despite such sacrifices, their record was not weak either. They killed two to three hundred thousand void monsters, which was two to three times their number of casualties.

But Liang Ji had no choice but to open the 'Star Gate' at this time, allowing another team of millions of dependents from the natal star to come out and engage in round-robin training with them.

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