The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 247: Refining real gold in the flesh and blood furnace (please subscribe)

A team of one million second-level dependents can basically only fight for an hour on such a flesh-and-blood battlefield, and then must be rotated and returned to their natal stars to cultivate, recover, and change clothes.

Moreover, with the current combat power of the Liang Ji Family, they can cause nearly 100,000 casualties in one hour.

One can imagine the ferocity of the fighting on the battlefield at this time.

One hour, converted into the natal stars, is only five or six years, although it is enough to recover injuries, blood energy, and replace magic weapons, elixirs, etc.

However, it took five or six years to replenish the number of sacrificed second-level warriors, but it was still not enough.

Even though the origin and potential of Liang Ji's natal stars have greatly increased, and the rate of advancement of zero-level and first-level dependents has greatly increased, the growth of the dependents still takes time, and five or six years is too short.

At this time, in the mentor's seventh-level starship, Liang Ji just pondered for a moment, then logged into the Star Palace official website, applied to the Star Alliance through Star Palace, and paid merit to move the time flow rate on his natal star to that of the second-level star. The limit is one hundred years in one day.

Under such circumstances, with one hour of rotation on the battlefield, about ten years can pass in his natal star.

Ten years is enough time for the more than two million remaining first-level family members to advance to more second-level families among the natal stars, and it is also enough for his family team to persist on such a battlefield for a few more days.

If you persist for a few more days, it will take hundreds of years when converted to the natal stars, which is enough time for new Familia to be born and grow up to make up for the losses of the Familia warriors.

Moreover, the speed of time flow is increased to the limit, and the speed at which the natal stars refine the demon pill is also greatly increased.

Originally, the speed at which stars could refine demon pills had reached within ten days. After refining more than five hundred 'Flowers of Star Spirits', which greatly improved the origin and potential of stars, the refining speed increased to within seven days.

Now, after the time flow rate has doubled, it is enough to increase the speed at which his natal star can refine the demon pill to about three days.

In this way, while fighting in battle, Liang Ji can refine the demon elixir faster, increase the strength of the spiritual veins of his natal stars, increase the total number of dependents born in the stars, increase the combat power and potential of the dependents, and increase the energy contained in the stars. The output and quality of raw spiritual plants, elixirs, spiritual gold veins, etc.

This will improve the quality of the elixirs and magical instruments refined by the family members.

In short, on the battlefield of this flesh and blood furnace, many low-level dependents of Star Lords are undoubtedly consumables, constantly investing in this furnace to compete with and exchange with countless low-level void monsters.

Even if Liang Ji's family can dominate among the same level, in such a meat grinder-like battlefield, they are still just consumables.

He spent his meritorious deeds to increase the time flow rate in the natal star to the second level limit. The purpose was to make the replacement speed of the Familia keep up with the speed of consumption on the battlefield, so that new, more, and stronger Familia warriors could continue to be invested. To this battlefield of consumption.

And when Liang Ji did this, he did not hesitate to expend his merits and constantly sent the warriors of the family members into this flesh and blood battlefield to be consumed. The reason was also very simple.

On the one hand, for participating in such a battle to suppress the black hole outbreak, the Star Alliance itself will have merit rewards, and there will also be credit rewards in the Star Palace.

As long as his family is strong enough and he kills enough low-level void monsters, he can earn more merit than he spent, not to mention the star palace credit reward.

On the other hand, although such a fierce battle would cause too much damage to the family members, it would also have a significant effect on training and improving the family members.

The flesh-and-blood furnace battlefield is not only a flesh-and-blood battlefield, but also a furnace, which can greatly train the Star Lord's family bloodline, potential, and combat power.

In just a few days, Liang Ji could clearly see that the offspring born from the union of the family members who returned from the battlefield were obviously stronger than before, with stronger bloodline power, and the rates of awakening and advancement were also the same. higher.

In this way, as long as this battle continues and the Familia is replaced for several generations, the overall quality and combat power of the Familia will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

So at this time, no matter how much merit, resources, spiritual stones, etc. are invested, it is undoubtedly worth it.

Through this battlefield furnace, he can accelerate the completion of the second-level promotion of his natal star and the second-level cultivation of his family members.

Moreover, the natal stars and the dependents cultivated in this way are undoubtedly the ones with the highest origin, potential and best.

It can lay a better foundation for the subsequent promotion of stars and the cultivation of dependents.

For this reason, Liang Ji did not hesitate to spend all the merits, resources, spiritual stones, etc. he had earned in the black hole of Yinghai in the past two years and invested it.

Even if there are not enough resources such as meritorious deeds and spiritual stones later, he will not hesitate to continue to apply for a 'student loan' from Xinggong to participate in this war.

It is to seize the opportunity of this war to train and improve the natal stars and dependents as much as possible.

The flesh and blood furnace forges real gold with thousands of hammers!

Time flies by, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed since the defensive battle of 'Yinghai City'.

Liang Ji held up the 'Star Mirror', and the starlight shone down to form an outline. He put a spiritual gold ore mother covered with star points into the teleportation array and sent it into the natal stars.


The dragon soul wrapped around the stars swallowed and refined this spiritual gold ore mother, and planted it into the natal stars.

This is a top-notch second-level spiritual gold ore mother. It is a precious spiritual material and spiritual seed that burst out from the depths of the black hole as starlight and energy storms exploded.

Normally, you might not be able to buy low-grade spiritual stones for 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, but now you can get them for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan.

On the one hand, this is because the black hole exploded, sweeping out too many precious spiritual materials and spiritual seeds, and the number increased greatly; on the other hand, it was also the subsidies provided by the Star Alliance and the Yinghai Star Territory to the star owners participating in this war. .

Only by allowing the Star Master monks who participate in suppressing the black hole explosion to earn enough profits can we ensure everyone's enthusiasm.

Not only spiritual stones and resources, but the Star Master monks who participated in suppressing the black hole at this time also had discounts for using their merits in exchange for various resources, benefits, benefits, etc.

Moreover, Liang Ji's use of meritorious deeds through the Star Palace also has discounts, which can be said to be more discounts than discounts.

Being able to exchange the least merit for the greatest benefit.

Nowadays, above the natal star, the area around the volcanic furnace where the sacred artifact 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' was cast has long been developed into the largest weapon refining base of the Familia, and a large number of weapon refining furnaces have been built around the volcanic furnace.

The Yajuan Familia mines, the Baxia Familia carries it, the Chaofeng Familia blows the wind, the Suani Familia smelts, the Biuan Familia tempers, the Chikis and Jiaotu Familia temper, the Qiuniu and Pulao Familia refine, and the Half-Dragon Familia sacrifices.

The refining of magical weapons has almost formed an assembly line with tacit cooperation among the Familia. A large number of magical weapons were quickly refined and sent to the hands of the Familia warriors, and put into the battlefield that was constantly being consumed.

At this time, a new batch of magical weapons, the 'Giant Hammer', were refined. After being refined, a half-dragon warrior blasted them out, easily smashing the past 'Giant Hammer' magic weapon.

With the rapid development of the natal stars, the various spiritual gold deposits and resources contained in the stars continue to increase, and the magical weapons refined by the Familia have finally undergone a qualitative change, from mid-grade magical weapons to high-grade magical weapons.

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