The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 250 The Dark Demonic Fire (please subscribe)

When the demon cultivators from the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons launched an attack in Yinghai City, the battlefield in the black hole field also changed.

Liang Ji's star-condensed figure was currently above the Familia team, observing the fighting strength and battle changes of the new generation Familia, when he suddenly heard a cry of surprise echoing on the surrounding battlefields.

"not good!"

"Someone attacked..."

"Yinghai City is in danger..."

As he screamed in surprise, he saw several Star Lords' figures dispersed by the starlight above the several Familia teams that were fighting against the Void Monster Tide, leaving only the Familia teams fighting in the battlefield. .

Listening to their exclamations, Liang Ji instantly realized that the real bodies of these people should be in Yinghai City, and they felt the danger and were attacked, so they had to withdraw their minds and consciousness to deal with the crisis on their own side.

In Yinghai City, an evil cult is launching an attack, threatening the Star Lord monks themselves!

boom! Click! Click...

At this time, there was a shattering and roaring sound from behind.

Liang Ji looked back and saw that above the Yinghai black hole, in the void star sea, a large area of ​​void suddenly shattered, tearing open huge void cracks.

In these huge void cracks, warships of various sizes are passing through the void.

Affected by the black hole explosion, these void cracks are extremely unstable. Void storms and void cracks often appear and collapse. Each such appearance and collapse will cause some warships to be directly destroyed in the void cracks.

But even so, dozens of warships still fought their way out, broke into the black hole field, and broke into the battlefield.

These battleships are not like the battleships of any star master, and there are no marks on them to indicate their identity or origin.

They broke into the black hole field and did not attack or kill the void monsters. Instead, they rushed towards the depths of the black hole.

"No! Stop them!"

A star master noticed something was wrong and immediately raised his voice.

Many Star Lords commanded their families to attack these battleships.

At the same time, in the surrounding void star sea and black hole field, some star weapons transformed and arranged by Yinghai City, which are part of Yinghai City's defense system, are also activated at this time.

All kinds of fairy lights and divine lights blasted out from these star weapons, blasting towards these suddenly intruding warships.

boom! boom! Rumble...

However, they saw that among the dozens of warships, several warships rushed out directly, withstood attacks from all sides, rushed into several battlefields where the Void Demon Race and the Familia Race were the densest and the most intense fighting, and then exploded directly.

Amidst the roaring noise, billowing demonic energy and countless demonic souls flew out from several self-destructed warships, spreading and demon-contaminated in all directions.

There were a large number of void monsters in the battlefield, and many of the Star Lord's dependents were infected by demonic energy and possessed by demonic souls. They became increasingly chaotic, violent, and attacked indiscriminately.

At the same time, strange demonic fire flew out from these self-destructing warships and burned in the battlefield.

These demonic fires seem to be able to burn and devour everything. Void monsters, Star Lord Familia, energy tides, starlight energy, broken stars, etc., can all be burned and devoured by these strange demonic fires, and quickly spread across the battlefield. spread.

Within these demonic fires, there seems to be a bottomless black hole capable of swallowing everything.

"Ten Thousand Demons Palace!"

Seeing these demonic energies and demonic fires, the star masters from all sides immediately understood the origin of these intruders into the battleships.

At the same time, under the cover of these self-destructing warships, the remaining dozens of warships were still rushing towards the depths of the black hole and deeper into the battlefield.

Deeper in the battlefield is a defense line composed of many battleships and star weapons, which resist the impact of the mid-level demon tide and have stronger combat power and attack power.

At this time, hundreds of warships and more star weapons suddenly attacked the intruding Ten Thousand Demon Palace warships.

But these warships of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace still used the old method. This time they directly sent more than a dozen warships to launch a suicidal attack, and all of them exploded. Countless demonic energy, demonic souls, and demonic fire spread all over the battlefield, covering the entire battlefield. There was temporary chaos.

Taking this opportunity, under the cover of the self-destruction of more than ten warships, the remaining ten warships continued to break into the deeper parts of the battlefield.

This is already a high-level battle area composed of starships, star battleships, and many star artifacts.

But this time, before the battleships of the Ten Thousand Demon Palace could initiate self-destruction, bright fairy lights shot out from those starships and star artifacts, directly blasting the remaining dozen battleships into pieces.

However, large amounts of demonic energy, demonic souls, and demonic fire still erupted from the shattered battleships, spreading and stained with demons in all directions.

But with the lessons learned from the previous two times, the high-level battlefield area has also been prepared for this. Various fairy lights, divine lights, and starlights are shot out from various starships and star fairy weapons to sweep away and annihilate these demonic energies. Demonic soul, demonic fire.

But it soon became apparent that those demonic energies and demonic souls were easily annihilated, but only those weird demonic fires that could burn and devour everything were difficult to annihilate.

Among starships and starry artifacts, it often takes more effort to forcibly extinguish some demonic fires.

At this time, in the 'Yinghai City' that was suppressing the center of the entire defensive front, stars gathered together and manifested into a starlight giant.

This starlight giant figure was the star master who forcibly removed the 'frozen stars' from the black hole, causing the black hole to explode prematurely.

The Starlight Giant manifested, reached out again from the black hole battlefield, picked out a large piece of strange magic fire, and soon made a discovery: these magic fires are merging with the power of the black hole, imitating the black hole's swallowing All power.


The starlight giant snorted coldly, turned his hand, and saw that on the starlight giant hand, there was a bright golden light gathering and blooming, like a sun rising in it, that was the power of the sun.

The bright golden light and the power of the Yang collided with the demonic fire formed by the power of the Yin and quickly annihilated it.

The starlight giant then raised his hand, and a large amount of golden light from the Sun fell on the battlefield, colliding with and annihilating the strange demonic fire in the battlefield.

boom! Roar!

At this time, whether it was because of the time or the appearance of the Starlight Giant, a loud roar suddenly sounded from the depths of the erupting black hole, like the roar of a giant beast.

Immediately, more majestic and mighty starlight burst out from the depths of the black hole, sweeping across the battlefields, stirring the tide of energy storms into tsunamis, and pushing the combat power of all levels of Void Demon Clan to its peak!

The entire Yinghai black hole explosion seemed to have reached its peak at this time.

The Starlight Giant's gaze also turned from the Yin Demon Fire burning in the battlefield to the depths of the black hole, and he made a hand seal and landed in the 'Yinghai City'.

Immediately with 'Yinghai City' as the center and seven 'satellite' cities as nodes, the defensive front composed of many star weapons around was lit up. Various formations and restrictions were activated, and the bright light manifested, condensed, and formed. Another more powerful and bright beam of light, the Dinghai Divine Needle, blasted directly into the depths of the black hole.

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