The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 251 God’s arrival (please subscribe)

The attack of the Ten Thousand Demons Palace, the black hole explosion reached its peak, and Yinghai City took action for the third time.

With the successive changes and impacts, the entire black hole seemed to be shaking violently, and the battle in the entire black hole field became more chaotic and intense.

In the low-level demon area, although the battles had always been very brutal, like a meat grinder or a flesh and blood furnace, they could basically maintain the order of the battlefield.

The dependents of star masters at each level basically only have to deal with the void monsters of the corresponding level.

Liang Ji's family members only need to continue to fight and fight against the second-order void demon tide. Even after being trained in the battlefield furnace, his family members have been able to gain the upper hand in the battle with the second-order void demon tide, with fewer and fewer casualties. , and more and more void monsters were killed.

But at this time, the entire battlefield was in chaos. Many third-level void monsters began to rush into the second-level battlefield, rampaging and killing wantonly among the second-level dependents.

Liang Ji's family members could only turn from defense to offense at this time. The family members of each bloodline gathered together to resist the impact of the third-order void demon clan with all their strength.

Even so, the casualties were still increasing rapidly.

Not only that, outside the black hole, the roars of beasts, roars and explosions of battle sounds were heard one after another.

These are many void monsters wandering in the Yinghai Star Territory. They broke through the obstacles of the main star systems in various places and reached the Yinghai Black Hole.

As for the Yinghai Star Region and Yinghai City garrison teams, they naturally have heavy defense arrangements outside the Yinghai Black Hole.

The black holes in each star field are the focus of suppression in each star field. It is not only the suppression of the inside of the black hole, but also the idea of ​​​​defending the black hole from the outside.

At this time, outside the black hole, there are also star fairy weapons that are activated, connected and intertwined to form a defensive formation. There are also garrison troops, star main battleships, starships in the Yinghai Star Territory, etc., forming the most powerful and solid defense. The front line resists the impact of the void demon tide outside.

At this moment, the entire Yinghai black hole inside and outside seemed to be boiling like boiling water.

Liang Ji also knew that this was the last moment. Although the battlefield was still chaotic and tragic, he still sent out another team that was recuperating and recovering in the natal star.

The second-level Familia team of more than two million people, equipped with high-grade magical weapons and high-grade elixirs, reached its peak combat power, and quickly stood firm in this chaotic battlefield to fight against the Void Demon Clan.

At this time, in the west city of Yinghai City, in the largest arena, there was a box.

The master of the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons was sitting cross-legged, with a pitch-black flame burning in front of him. It looked exactly like those demonic fires, even darker and weirder.

When those demonic demonic fires burned wantonly in the battlefield and in the black hole, devouring everything, the black fire being sacrificed in front of the hall master also became more and more powerful, and a demonic seed like a demonic fetus was faintly visible in it, which seemed to be about to condense. become.

And when the Starlight Giant manifested and took action on Yinghai City, and the yang fire was annihilated into the yin demon fire, the black fire that the hall master sacrificed also suffered heavy damage, and the demon species that were faintly manifested in it showed signs of collapse in an instant.

Fortunately, at this time, the explosion of the black hole attracted the attention of the starlight giant. It had not annihilated all the demonic fires on the battlefield and in the black hole, but it was able to barely save the black fires and demonic seeds sacrificed in front of him.

Even as the black hole explosion reached its peak, the battlefield became more chaotic and tragic, with heavy casualties. The demonic fire that remained in the battlefield and the black hole burned again, devouring everything on the battlefield and blending with the black hole. The power of black holes.

As a result, the black fire sacrificed in front of the hall master became strong again, and the demon species within it became clear again.

Seeing that the demon species had stabilized again, the hall master also breathed a sigh of relief, but when he looked up and looked outside, he could still see the figure of the starlight giant shrouding Yinghai City, controlling the entire Yinghai City and the entire battlefield.

He knew that it was not time to relax yet.

The hall leader took another look at the top of the arena, where the countless noises and emotions in the arena were swallowed up in the dark space, and he said solemnly: "Mr. Mei, it's time for our allies to take action. "

The crane-haired and childlike-looking Mr. Mei was looking at the black fire that the hall master had set up with enthusiasm and the demonic seeds contained in the flames. Hearing the hall master's words, he did not hesitate at all. He paid homage to the other party with a big salute and said: " Hall Master, I’m going.”

"I wish the hall master will successfully refine the Devouring Demon Seed and open another avenue to the sky for future generations like me!"

Listening to Elder Mei's words, the hall leader solemnly nodded and said: "Don't worry, Elder Mei, this path will be accomplished! Future generations will never forget your efforts and contributions in opening up the path!"

After hearing this, Mr. Mei nodded and said no more. He walked out of the box, came to the arena, took out a piece of 'divine crystal', raised his hand to sacrifice it, and shot it towards Yun Yun in the sky above the arena. Raw 'seed'.

"not good!"


"what are you doing……"

In the arena, there were shouts of surprise and many people took action.

Some of these people were staff of the arena, and most of them rushed towards Mr. Mei, while some were hiding in the auditorium. At this time, they attacked the fragments of 'divine crystal' that were shot into the air.

"Haha..." Mr. Mei said with a loud smile: "Friends of the Pantheon, I am here to help you summon your gods to come!"


The next moment, before the people in the audience could attack, the fragment of 'divine crystal' that Mr. Mei shot into the air seemed to sense something and suddenly emitted divine light.

Above the arena, the 'seeds' contained in the underworld space were immediately illuminated by the divine light and pulled out from the underworld space.


Then there was a sound of shattering, and the 'seed' split open and turned into large colorful fragments, revealing a much smaller 'divine crystal' fragment.


"my God……"

Several people who rushed out from the auditorium immediately cried out in grief when they saw this.

But, nothing can be stopped.

At this time, Mr. Mei had been captured by the arena personnel, and the fragments of the 'divine crystal' he sacrificed were completely aroused. The divine light swept across, swallowing up the broken 'seed' and the 'divine crystal' fragments wrapped in it. .

The fragments of the ‘divine crystal’ suddenly grew in size, and the divine light blooming from them shone down, covering the arena.



In the arena, many people watching the game in the auditorium were already a little confused in the face of the sudden change. At this time, they were covered by the divine light. They suddenly felt that their spirits and souls began to lose control and were swallowed up by the divine light. Go and sink into the fragments of the 'divine crystal' that are growing and getting larger in the air.

With such wanton devouring, screams of agony suddenly rang out in the field, and everyone's spirit was devoured and their souls perished.

There were various monks among them. At this time, they tried to sacrifice magical weapons and cast spells to fight, but they could not resist the suppression of the divine light; moreover, the 'seeds' of the arena swallowed by the divine light contained the things they had vented before. A large amount of emotional and spiritual energy has long been connected with their spiritual consciousness and soul. Even the monks of the ghost and immortal Taoism can hardly resist this devouring force at this time.

After devouring the 'seeds' cultivated by the Pantheon in the arena, and devouring a large number of the spirit and soul energy of the audience, the broken 'divine crystal' quickly grew and became complete, rushed out directly from the arena, and was suspended in Yinghai City. above.

At the same time, among the many arenas in the West City, there are dozens more with 'seeds' sweeping out the divine light and being swallowed up by the rapidly growing 'divine crystals' in the air, helping them to improve.

"Huh?" The starlight giant manifested in Yinghai City looked at the rapidly growing 'divine crystal', frowned and said in a deep voice: "God is here!"

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