The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 252 Star Array (please subscribe)

"Do you really think that I, Yinghai Star Territory, are easy to bully?"

"All cats and dogs jump out!"

The starlight giant shouted coldly, turned his hands over, and countless starlight gathered in his palms, blasting towards the 'divine crystal'.

Seeing that the giant hand of starlight was about to destroy the 'divine crystal', many fanatical monks suddenly rushed out of Yinghai City below. They shouted slogans of the Pantheon, and their bodies burned with divine fire, turning into streaks of divine light that shot into the air. God Crystal'.

With the help of these 'Slaves of the Evil God' burning themselves, the 'divine crystal' took shape instantly, bursting out with a bright divine light, blocking the giant hand of starlight that was pressing down.

Then, a figure walked out of the 'divine crystal'. The body was completely condensed by the divine light. The whole body and face were shrouded in the divine light, making it difficult to see clearly.

The figure looked around in all directions, then laughed loudly: "It turned out to be a black hole erupting! This is a good opportunity..."

"Hmph!" Seeing the arrival of this divine shadow, the starlight giant that shrouded it coldly snorted and said in a deep voice: "The evil god from the outside world dares to come to our star alliance!"

"You are seeking death!"

"Haha..." The figure condensed with divine light laughed loudly and said: "Under normal circumstances, I would naturally not dare to enter the Star Alliance."

"But now, since we have encountered a black hole explosion, maybe I will take the opportunity to harvest."

As the divine figure spoke, he had no intention of fighting the Starlight Giant. He turned into a divine light and threw himself directly into Yinghai City below.

The starlight network that blocked Yinghai City, as well as the various formations and restrictions placed in the city, had little resistance to the divine light and were quickly broken through.

And this divine light rushed into Yinghai City and immediately attacked the monks everywhere in the city.

At the same time, the Pantheon monks and slaves of the evil gods lurking throughout the city rushed out with fanatical expressions to face the incoming divine light.

Most of them chanted slogans to welcome the 'Light of the Gods'.

However, the divine light that rushed into the city had no intention of stopping for them. It just swept over these people with the divine light and devoured their souls instantly, leaving behind corpses with stunned and frozen faces that fell to the ground. .

And that divine light has already rushed to all parts of the city, pounced on more monks, and devoured more souls.

"you dare!"

The starlight giant shouted angrily in a deep voice, but could not help but stop the divine light from continuing to devour it. He chased the divine shadow to fight and kill in Yinghai City.

With this descending divine shadow temporarily holding back the Starlight Giant, the Hall Master of the Ten Thousand Demons Hall was even more relieved and tried his best to refine the Yin Demon Fire in front of him and the 'demonic seed' contained in it.

In the battlefield of the Yinghai Black Hole, the evil demon fire has quickly rekindled, burning across nearly half of the battlefield, devouring everything in the battlefield, and constantly blending with the black hole.

Of the more than two million warriors sent by Liang Ji, there were now only more than 1.4 million left. The chaotic battlefield, the brutal battle, and the wanton burning demonic fire caused him to exceed the limit in a short period of time. Six hundred thousand warriors from the clan were killed or injured.

Not only him, but all the dependent families of the star masters participating in this war suffered heavy casualties.

However, although the casualties were heavy, the results were not small. The seemingly endless tide of void demons in the black hole finally showed signs of being dispersed.

The violent impact of the tsunami of energy also showed signs of decreasing and declining under the suppression of many Star Lord Families, battleships, and starships.

Only the Yin Demonic Fire, which was burning wantonly on the battlefield, was now burning more and more, becoming less and more widespread.

Liang Ji's various bloodline clans used various bloodline magical powers to launch various attacks such as wind, rain, thunder and fire, ice, sword energy, etc., but they had no great effect against this demonic fire.

Only the magic-breaking effect of the black and yellow light blasted by the half-dragon clan had some effect on these demonic fires, but the effect was too weak to keep up with the speed at which the demonic fire burned and expanded.

But soon news came that this demonic fire was of Yin attribute, and it needed Yang attribute energy to restrain and destroy it.

But even so, there are not many star masters from all sides on the battlefield who have the power of the Yang attribute, and most of the levels cannot match this demonic fire, and the efficiency of destroying the demonic fire is also very low.

Moreover, as these demonic fires continue to burn and expand, they seem to be constantly blending and merging with the power of the black hole, becoming weirder and more powerful.

Soon, on the low-level demon tide battlefield and the mid-level demon tide battlefield, no matter the Star Lord Familia of each party, or the formations and restricted attacks of many battleships, it was difficult to stop the burning and expansion of this strange demonic fire.

Only the bottom of the defensive front of 'Yinghai City' can withstand the various attacks launched by the many starships and star battleships attacked by the high-level void monsters, and can continue to smash and destroy these strange demonic fires, preventing them from continuing to attack. Burning away deep in the battlefield, deep in the black hole.

In Yinghai City, the master of the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons, who was originally tall, strong, and full of energy, was now skinny and skinny, looking like his energy was withered.

There was only one pair of eyes, which were already as dark as ink, but were shining more and more, like two bottomless black holes, staring closely at the demon species in the demon fire being sacrificed in front of them.

In order to sacrifice this demon seed, he had sacrificed almost everything, including the many monks who followed him in the Temple of Ten Thousand Demons, and almost all of his own energy and spirit.

You must know that the 'Devil Devouring Path' he opened up can swallow the energy and spirit of others to make up for his own. This is how he can have such a strong and energetic body even though he is a practitioner of the Ghost Immortal Path.

In fact, after these years of devouring, the amount of energy and spirit contained in his body is very terrifying, but at this time, it has been devoted to the sacrifice of this demon species.

But now, as the demonic fire burns, the 'Devouring Demonic Seed' always seems to be about to appear and yet to be completed. It seems that it is always missing the last point and can never be completely condensed.

"There's still a little to go! There's still a little to go!"

The skinny Master of the Hall of Ten Thousand Demons murmured in his mouth, turning his black hole-like eyes slightly to look at the black hole battlefield outside Yinghai City.

It seems that it can be seen that the Yin Demonic Fire is blocked by those starships and star warships, and cannot burn into the depths of the battlefield or enter the black hole.

boom! Roar……

At this time, there was another loud roar like a beast's roar from the depths of the black hole.

The next moment, the power erupting in the black hole suddenly changed from eruption to devouring.

The terrifying devouring power comes from the black hole, devouring everything inside and outside the black hole.

The burst of starlight, the surging energy tide, and the impact of the void monster tide suddenly turned around and were swallowed deep into the black hole.

Even on the battlefield, Liang Ji and other Star Lords' families, battleships, starships, etc. were all captured by the terrifying devouring power of the black hole and fell towards the depths of the black hole.

Even inside and outside the black hole, many stars were swallowed up by this huge swallowing force, and were swallowed into the black hole and deeper into the black hole.

The devouring power of the black hole continued to grow and spread, and the entire Yinghai Star Territory began to feel this devouring power. Countless stars were shaken by this devouring power, and countless stars swayed.

It seems to be swallowing up the entire Yinghai Star Territory.

At this time, in the vast Yinghai star field, wherever the main star is, bright starlight shines in all directions and sinks into the void.

If you can overlook the sea of ​​​​stars from a higher place, you can see the starlight bursting out of these main stars, just like lighting up the formation nodes, and the starlight they emit is connected and intertwined in the sea of ​​​​stars, as if they turned into a huge " The star array' covers and envelops the entire Yinghai Star Territory.

Among them, the location of Yinghai City is undoubtedly the core of the ‘Star Array’.

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