The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 253 The End (Please subscribe)

In the black hole battlefield of Yinghai, there were only about one million warriors left in Liang Ji's clan, and more than half of them were dead or injured.

The black hole changed from eruption to devouring, and the terrifying devouring power spread to the entire Yinghai Star Territory. It could even swallow stars into the black hole, swallow up and crush battleships and starships.

For a second-level star master like Liang Ji, it was even more difficult for his second-level family members to resist. In just a short period of time, there were two to three hundred thousand casualties, which was even greater than the casualties in the previous days of fighting in this flesh and blood melting pot.

At this moment, light shone down, illuminating the entire black hole battlefield.

He couldn't help but look up and saw a bright starlight bursting out like a pillar in the center of the black hole, in the direction of Yinghai City.

It's just that unlike the previous three times, the starlight pillar that erupted from Yinghai City this time didn't just blast into the depths of the black hole, but penetrated the sky and the earth at the same time, blasting downwards into the depths of the black hole and upwards into the void star sea.

The next moment, the starry sea in the void seemed to be lit up by the pillar-like starlight, and shining stars emerged and connected in the void, turning into a huge 'star map', covering and shrouding the top of the black hole.

"The Zhoutian Star Formation Diagram!"

"No! It should be said to be part of the 'Zhoutian Star Array', the Yinghai Star Territory Array!"

On the battlefield, each star master looked up at the ‘star map’ manifested in the void star sea, and exclaimed.

The 'Star Map' shrouded it, and the bright starlight shone down, suppressing the entire black hole.

The terrifying devouring force that the black hole erupted seemed to be able to swallow the entire Yinghai Star Territory, and was immediately suppressed.

On the battlefield, Liang Ji and others' family team, battleship, and starship team immediately stabilized their formation, and there was no sign of being swallowed into the black hole again.


At this time, a loud roar came from the direction of Yinghai City.

Looking up, you can see above Yinghai City, under the "Star Map", there is a giant figure made of starlight. With the blessing of the "Star Map", this starlight giant seems to become bigger and more powerful. .

At this time, the starlight giant stretched out a starlight giant hand and grabbed it towards Yinghai City.

The next moment, a large piece of divine light was captured from Yinghai City. Like water flowing backwards, it was collected upwards and fell into the hands of the Starlight Giant.

The divine light gathered into a human figure, struggling desperately in the hands of the starlight giant, trying to escape, but in vain.

Then there was a roar and explosion, and the divine light figure exploded directly in the hands of the starlight giant, and the explosive divine light and starlight impacted in all directions.

The 'star map' was spinning in the void, and large swaths of starlight suppressed it, quickly suppressing the explosive divine light and starlight.

The Starlight Giant reached out and reached into Yinghai City to grab it.

This time, before he could grab it, he saw a large black flame rushing out of 'Yinghai City'.

"Not even close!"

"It's just a little short of success!"

"I won't fail!"

The black flame burned in the void, and a demonic shadow could be seen faintly roaring crazily.

The starlight giant stretched out his hand of starlight and grabbed at the burning black fire and the crazy demonic shadow in the flames.

"I am the Devouring Demon Lord!"

"I won't fail!"

The demon lord in the flames let out a final roar, and the demonic shadows and flames suddenly exploded, attacking in all directions.

The 'star map' rotated in the void, and large swaths of starlight were suppressed again.

It was just at this time that a large area of ​​demonic fire burning in the black hole battlefield suddenly erupted, blazing and blending with the black hole, responding to the shattered demonic fire and shadows erupting from the 'Yinghai City'.

boom! Roar……

Deep in the black hole, it seemed to have been stimulated, and there was a roar like a roar again.

The entire black hole was shaking violently at this time, and the devouring power suppressed by the 'Star Map' surged again, shaking the star field and the 'Star Map' that enveloped it.

The suppressive power of the 'Star Map' was immediately pulled away, and the broken demonic fires and demonic shadows immediately took the opportunity to rush out, merged with the demonic fire burning in the black hole, and turned into a huge mass of demonic fire, in which the ground The shadows are faintly reunited.

"Haha...I understand!"

"If I don't enter the black hole, how can I succeed in swallowing the Demon Lord!"

In the reunited demonic fire, the twisted and broken demonic shadow let out a long roar.

Immediately, these reunited demonic fires and demonic shadows did not take the opportunity to escape. Instead, they turned around and rushed directly towards the depths of the black hole.

"Don't even think about it!"

The starlight giant manifested in Yinghai City gave a deep shout, stretched out his hand to grab the star map manifested in the sky, and then pulled it down.

Suddenly, the stars in the sky gathered together and fell, turning into a ball of blazing golden flames, directly blasting towards the demonic fire and demonic shadow rushing into the depths of the black hole.

In the roaring explosion, the golden flames and black demonic fire exploded together, and countless fragments were scattered throughout the black hole.

Roar! boom……

Deep in the black hole, a loud roar was heard again, and the devouring power exploded to its peak, immediately swallowing most of the demonic fire and demonic shadow fragments into the depths of the black hole.


The starlight giant snorted coldly, and reached out to the 'Yinghai City' a little lower down.

Then amid the roar and vibration, 'Yinghai City' once again blasted down a bright starlight pillar, directly blasting into the depths of the black hole, and a loud roar came from the depths of the black hole.

However, when the starlight giant looked into the depths of the black hole, he seemed dissatisfied. The starlight giant turned his hand, and a huge black flag appeared and waved towards the black hole.

Then he saw immeasurable black water rushing out from the black flag, vast and endless, and blasted into the depths of the black hole.

It's just that this black hole never seems to be filled up. Countless black water rushes down from the black flag, but it seems that no echo can be heard from the black hole.

Seeing this, the starlight giant put away the black flag, quickly shrank in size, and returned to Yinghai City.

At this time, the terrifying devouring power that erupted in the black hole has gradually returned to normal, and the torrent of starlight, energy storms, and void monsters of all levels have returned to the depths of the black hole.

It seems that everything has returned to normal.

However, when Liang Ji's star-condensed figure looked around, he could see a messy battlefield. There were a large number of broken stars floating in the void, and above the stars were everywhere people from various families and demon clans in the void. corpse.

In the black hole, the stars that were originally densely packed now became more sparse.

These all indicate that a tragic war has just ended.

It also indicates the end of this outbreak of the Yinghai black hole.

Liang Ji didn't sigh for too long, and immediately asked his family members to start cleaning up the surrounding battlefield.

Although this battle to suppress the black hole outbreak was tragic, and the battlefield was in a mess at this time, the rewards were undoubtedly greater.

A large number of void demon corpses were scattered everywhere, and many demon pills were even punched out from the broken demon corpses, floating in the surrounding void.

There are also those stars that were broken in the battle, and a large amount of remaining starlight, star resources, star treasures, etc. are floating in the battlefield.

These are undoubtedly huge wealth and treasures.

On the battlefield, the star masters who fought to the end began to let their dependents clean up the battlefield and collect the wealth and treasures.

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