The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 255 The Development of the Religion of the Dependent Tribe (Please subscribe)

During the more than two months of the Yinghai Black Hole War, Liang Ji focused almost all of his attention on the battlefield, on the improvement of the spiritual veins of his natal stars and the renewal of his family members.

Naturally, I don’t have much time or energy to focus on my own practice.

Therefore, although his natal star has been upgraded to the second level (85%), it can be said that he is not far from advancing to the third level, but his own practice has fallen far behind, and he is still only at the evil refining level, and has not yet reached the third level. Can enter the refining level.

Moreover, not only his own cultivation, Liang Ji is very clear that the five elements resources, spiritual plants, spiritual beasts, practice places, and even the development of the family city-state in his natal star have lagged behind the strength of the star's spiritual veins. .

After all, in the past two months of war, the development of his natal stars and the cultivation of his family members were all centered around the war. The development of other aspects such as economy, politics, religion, etc. would inevitably slow down a lot.

Even later, after he refined all the spiritual seeds and spiritual roots that he had prepared previously, it was too late to collect and buy new spiritual seeds and spiritual roots on the battlefield. He could only refine demon pills to enhance his spiritual veins. Intensity, but the Five Elements resources, spiritual roots, etc. can no longer keep up.

Therefore, in the next three or four months, before he was promoted to the third level Star Master, Liang Ji had no intention of continuing to let his family members go out to fight and fight. Instead, he wanted to make up for the shortcomings of himself, the stars, and his family members.

At the moment, Liang Ji also said to the instructor: "The student will make up for his own cultivation as soon as possible."

Instructor Chiyu also nodded slightly and said: "When you reach the second level (100%), I will arrange an assessment for you."

"Although you now have twenty credits and are only ten credits away from the requirements for further studies, I will not arrange an easy assessment for you because of this."

"You have to be mentally prepared."

"Yes, mentor." Liang Ji nodded and replied, "The student will do his best."

Afterwards, Liang Ji did not stay with his mentor for long and said goodbye.

After returning to his residence, Liang Ji did not immediately practice Qi refining, but once again offered the 'Star Mirror' to connect with his natal stars.

His mind and consciousness were thrown into the stars, looking towards the family members.

At this time, at the Longshou Mountain Holy Land outside Dragon Soul City, the family members were holding a grand sacrificial ceremony.

After tens of thousands of years of development and construction, at the top of Longshou Mountain, the surroundings of the sacred artifact 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' have already changed drastically.

It was originally surrounded by mountains. At this time, many buildings and palaces were built, most of which were religious buildings such as various Tiandi temples.

In front of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, the Familia clan even eradicated the mountains and built a huge square, which became a place where people of all bloodline clans come to worship the Sacred Artifacts and the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor. It also became a place where the Familia clan held various grand sacrificial ceremonies. Main place.

End-of-year celebrations and sacrifices, celebrations and sacrifices on the day when the sacred pagoda was built, celebrations and sacrifices on the day when the legendary Emperor of Heaven opened this world, celebrations and sacrifices when the leaders of the family members abdicated their positions, celebrations and sacrifices when warriors went on an expedition, celebrations and sacrifices when warriors returned victoriously, etc. wait.

Various sacrificial ceremonies, large or small, are held in this holy square.

It can be said that with the completion of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, Longshou Mountain has become a holy land for the clan. The core of the original clan religion has gradually begun to move from the center of Dragon Soul City, the first and earliest Temple of the Heavenly Emperor, to Longshou Mountain. Transferred here.

That is to say, the sacrificial leader of the Familia clan, ‘Xi’, has always been stationed in the ‘Tiandi Temple’ in the center of Dragon Soul City, so that he can barely maintain it as the center of the Familia clan’s religion and sacrifice.

However, the place where the sacrifice leader ‘Xi’ is held and various sacrificial ceremonies are held have been placed in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

On the one hand, this is because the number of dependents is increasing, and the number of dependents participating in each sacrificial ceremony is also increasing. The sacrificial ceremony requires a larger and more spacious place.

The Holy Land Square here in Longshou Mountain is naturally much larger than the place in the center of Dragon Soul City, and is more suitable for holding various large-scale sacrificial ceremonies.

On the other hand, Dragon Soul City can be said to be the city of the Half-Dragon Families, and the residents in the city are basically half-Dragon Families.

In addition, those who have always served as sacrificial leaders, political leaders, economic leaders, and warrior leaders have all been half-dragon family members.

There are already many dissatisfied people among the other Nine Sons bloodline dependents.

In the past, many warriors from the Nine Sons Bloodline Familia clan challenged the half-dragon warriors and wanted to seize the position of leader of the clan warriors. This is undoubtedly the best proof.

The leader of the half-dragon warriors can also rely on his strength to forcibly suppress the challenges of the other Nine Sons bloodline warriors.

However, it is obviously impossible for the leader of the sacrifices, ‘Xi’, to suppress the other Nine Sons bloodline dependents with strong means.

Religion, as the leader of the spirit and soul of the family, needs a high level of impartiality and fairness.

It is impossible to favor the half-dragon family in terms of religion and sacrifice just because the leader of the sacrifice is a half-dragon family member, while suppressing the other nine-blood family members.

Therefore, it is the general trend that all kinds of grand sacrificial ceremonies are moved from Dragon Soul City to Longshou Mountain Holy Land to show that all bloodline families are equal before the Emperor of Heaven.

At this time, the grand sacrificial ceremony held on the Holy Land Square was the handover ceremony of the Zen position of the clan's sacrificial leader 'Xi'.

At this time, on the Holy Land Square, the leader of the sacrifices, 'Xi Sixty-ninth', a very old half-dragon family member, was leading the sacrifices of various bloodline family members, as well as the various bloodline family members, towards the statue of the Emperor of Heaven and towards the sacred artifact pagoda. A grand ceremony was held to pay homage.

As soon as he bowed down, a strong wind blew in the sky, and the Chaofeng Familia who participated in the sacrifice in the Holy Land Square suddenly burst into cheers.

In the eyes of the Chaofeng Familia, Guangfeng has become their representative, which represents the Emperor's recognition of them.

When Yun Yu arrived again, among the family members participating in the sacrifice, the Chi Kiss family members also began to cheer. There is no doubt that Yun Yu is their representative and the recognition of the Chi Kiss family members from heaven and earth.

When the hail fell three times, the Jiaotu family members jumped for joy, and the ice was their representative.

The four bows of thunder came and went, and the Biyuan family members cheered.

The Five Bows flowed into the sky, and the Suan Ni family members burst into cheers.

The Liubai Mountain shook and the Baxia family members cheered.

The golden energy of the Seven Worships is booming, and the Yaizhu family members are cheering for joy.

The grass and trees sprouted in Babai, and bursts of cheers broke out among the prisoner cow family members.

The nine worshiping insects chirped in unison, the miasma fog dissipated, and bursts of cheers rang out from the Pulao family members who participated in the sacrifice.

At the end of the nine prayers, the wind stopped, the clouds dispersed and the rain stopped, the sun reappeared in the sky, the sun shone down, and the half-dragon family members cheered.

It can be clearly seen that with the growth of the stars, the development of the dependent clan, and Liang Ji's more and more in-depth control of Dao Fruit and stars, the religious sacrificial rituals of the dependent clan have become more and more complicated and detailed.

During the process of paying homage, the old sacrificial leader ‘Xi Sixty-Nine’ simultaneously sang and praised the merits of the Emperor of Heaven with a vicissitudes of life and a mysterious voice.

From opening up this world, to nurturing the Dragon Soul Familia, to guiding the development and inheritance of the Familia all the way.

Enlighten wisdom, teach planting, hunting, house-building and other skills, the inheritance of runes and languages, the skills of alchemy and weapon refining, the teachings of various life inheritances, the development of the nine sons' bloodline, etc.

In the religious sacrificial inheritance of the dependents, there is also an epic poem that records the cultivation and teaching of the dependents by the Emperor of Heaven and praises the Emperor of Heaven.

Together with the epics recorded by the historians of the Familia, they record the development of the stars and the Familia.

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