The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 257 The first major development (please subscribe)

Liang Ji's natal star, after years of continuous refinement of demon pills and the planting of various resources and spiritual seeds, the area of ​​​​the star has become very large, and its diameter is even close to 10,000 kilometers.

However, the overall terrain and environment among the stars are relatively simple. There is only a huge continent in the center, surrounded by oceans, and there are also some islands of different sizes scattered in the oceans.

For tens of thousands of years, his family members have basically lived, moved, and developed in the eastern region of the continent and the nearby ocean.

Dragon Soul City was built at the junction of the eastern part of the continent and the ocean.

Later, the Nine Sons Bloodline Families, as well as the villages, cities, etc. of the Nine Sons Bloodline Families, also developed and expanded around the Dragon Soul City with the Dragon Soul City as the center.

Among them, except for the Chiki Familia who developed eastward and deep into the sea, Chiki City was built in the East China Sea, half on the island and half in the sea.

The remaining eight bloodline families basically centered on Dragon Soul City and expanded and developed toward the depths of the continent to the north, west, and south.

However, for tens of thousands of years, due to the limited number of Familia, as well as limited technology and capabilities, the life and development of various Familia, and even the development of stars, land, and resources, have been concentrated in the eastern part of the continent near the sea.

The vaster starry land in the west, north, and south, the depths of the continent, and even the depths of the eastern ocean are all places that have not been developed by these dependents.

It can be said that for tens of thousands of years, the land developed by the Familia is less than one percent of the total area of ​​​​the stars.

Of course, on the other hand, in order to develop the family members, Liang Ji has planted various resources, spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, etc. in the natal stars over the years, and more than 90% of them have been planted in the eastern part of the mainland, near the sea.

The resources here are the most abundant, which can support the family members to develop, live and develop here for tens of thousands of years.

However, after tens of thousands of years of development, in the vast areas in other directions on the mainland, even if Liang Ji did not intentionally plant various resources, spiritual seeds, spiritual roots, etc., after so many years of spiritual vein growth and spiritual energy nourishment, various resources growth, spread, etc.

In the depths of these continents, many spiritual fields, spiritual lands, resource veins, etc. suitable for development have already emerged.

At this time, in Qiuniu City, the tribe’s sacrificial leader ‘Xi Seventieth’ was leading various bloodline clans to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony.

This sacrificial ceremony was not held at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, but at Qiuniu City, because this sacrificial ceremony was to see off the pioneering team led by the tribal economic leader 'Nong 70th'.

Ever since the Qi Niu Familia took over the positions of sacrificial leader and economic leader from the Half-Dragon Familia.

Under the guidance of the one-horned sacrificial leader ‘Xi 70th Generation’, the family members turned from war to farming and began to develop the economy in an all-round way.

Therefore, the "Nong 70" of the Qiu Niu clan, who took over as the economic leader of the tribe, proposed a large-scale development plan. He would lead the clans of each bloodline to start from the eastern area where the clansmen have survived and developed for generations, and move toward the mainland. Exploration and development in depth.

Find suitable spiritual land, cultivate more spiritual fields, cultivate more spiritual grains, spiritual plants, elixirs, etc., and also look for more resource veins and mine various resources.

In this way, we will vigorously develop the family economy and increase the family population.

The direction chosen by the ‘Agricultural Seventy’ this time was towards the south, deep into the southern continent.

This is because the Qiuniu Familia and Qiuniu City are originally located to the south of Dragon Soul City and have always developed south of the tribe.

In the past thousands of years, the Qi Niu Clan has been expanding southward intentionally or unintentionally, looking for and developing new spiritual fields to cultivate more spiritual plants.

It can be said that the Qiuniu Family, including the economic leader 'Nong 70th', who was born in the Qiuniu Family, already have some general understanding of the situation deep in the southern continent.

As the first large-scale operation carried out by the Qi Niu Family after taking over the positions of 'Sacrificial Leader' and 'Economic Leader' from the Half-Dragon Family, whether it was the 'Xi Seventy Generations' or the 'Nong Seventy Years' Naturally, we attach great importance to the world and only allow success but not failure. Therefore, we naturally choose the southern direction for exploration and development, which is better understood and more certain of success.

At the same time, from another perspective, Qiuniu City is to the south, and the Qiuniu Family has always developed in the south.

They chose to explore and develop southward, looking for spiritual lands and cultivating spiritual fields. Naturally, the first to benefit, and even the biggest benefit, was Qiuniu City and the Qiuniu family.

At this time, under the auspices of the one-horned captive cow sacrificial leader ‘Xi Seventieth’, the farewell and blessing sacrificial ceremony was completed.

The economic leader 'Nong 70th', who was born in the prison cattle family, came on stage. This is a very strong and powerful prison cattle family. His figure is tall and straight, full of vitality, and his horns are thick and shining.

Before taking over the position of economic leader of the tribe, he was the strongest and best spiritual planter in the Prison Niu Familia and the entire Dragon Soul Tribe.

He has cultivated the most spiritual fields, cultivated spiritual plants that always yield the most, and is the best at practicing spiritual planting techniques.

With this, and the support of the one-horned prisoner cattle sacrificial leader ‘Xi 70th Generation’, this strong and vigorous prisoner cattle family member successfully took over the position of economic leader of the tribe and became the ‘Nongseventyth Generation’.

"Set off!"

The young and strong 'Nong 70th Generation' of the prisoner cattle family members has no unnecessary nonsense. At this time, he is full of vigor and energy.

Leading the teams of various bloodline clans, they set off from Qiuniu City and headed south.

Many of these teams from various bloodline clans were originally warriors, but now they have put their swords and guns in storage, put their horses in Nanshan, and have switched from fighting to farming.

They handed down war magic weapons for killing enemies on the battlefield, and then picked up various production magic weapons refined by weapon refiners to open mountains, open roads, and reclaim spiritual fields. They followed behind the 'Nong 70th Generation'. Developing towards the depths of the southern continent.

Of course, among these families, the Prisoner Niu family has the largest number.

This is not only because the economic leader ‘Nong 70th’ is from the Qin Niu family, but also because the Qi Niu family is the best at cultivating spiritual fields and cultivating spiritual plants.

Therefore, they naturally became the main team in this major development of the south.

The economic leader 'Nong 70th' led the team all the way south, crossing rivers and climbing over hills. After more than ten days, they arrived at a place surrounded by mountains and water, densely covered with vegetation, and even inhabited by spiritual beasts. It was a place where It is a very suitable place for development and reclamation.

In fact, this place has been explored by the Prison Niu Family for a long time, and they know a lot about it.

However, it is difficult to develop this place with only the strength of the Prison Niu Family.

Now that the Qi Niu Family has successfully mastered the religious and economic rights of the tribe, they can naturally mobilize the power of the entire tribe and family members of each bloodline to develop this place.

"Here!" The strong and vigorous economic leader of the Prison Niu clan, 'Nong 70th', stretched out his hand and drew a large circle toward the vast mountains, rivers, and plains in front of him, and said loudly: "That's it. The place where our Dragon Soul Tribe’s great development and new development begins!”

"All teams, take action as assigned!"

"We will start from here to create a new history and glory for the tribe!"

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