The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 265 The half-dragon rises again (please subscribe)


The dragon soul entangled in the natal star raised its head and let out a dragon roar, swallowed the broken spiritual seed that 'reversed the yin and yang', refined it, and planted it into the half-dragon family.

Above the stars, the Qi Niu Familia clan still controls the situation from a high position. The powerful clan clans such as Yasu, Suanni, and Biuan are still taking turns to appear in the 'arena', vying for the position of the warrior leader 'Chi'.

Everything seems to be the same as it has been for thousands of years, and nothing seems to have changed.

But in fact, as time goes by, changes have come unconsciously.

Among the half-dragon family members who had lost their power and had been lurking for thousands of years, their bloodline gradually began to undergo some changes. New supernatural powers were gradually born and awakened, and the limits of their combat power were gradually exceeded.

On the other hand, after thousands of years of hostility and struggle among the powerful clans such as Yaju, Suanni, and Biuan, although the rifts and hatred are getting bigger and bigger, they are also becoming more and more tired. More people in the family began to reflect.

But the most important change is that the number of dependents born in the natal stars begins to approach the limit.

Among Liang Ji's current natal stars, the strength of his spiritual veins has reached the second level (97%). It can be said that he is not far from the second level limit.

The limit of the strength of the spiritual veins determines the limit of the number of dependents that can be born in the stars.

The limit of the number of dependents that a second-order star can produce is 10 million. Now among Liang Ji's natal stars, the number of dependents has reached over 9.5 million, which is not far from the population limit.

The population has reached its limit, and the biggest impact is that the large-scale development led by the Qiu Niu Clan will soon be unable to proceed.

After all, in the past thousands of years, the southern development led by the Qi Niu clan has opened up a large area of ​​spiritual land, built dozens of new cities, and developed a large area of ​​resource land. Whether it is territory, resources, etc., it is difficult for a limited population. has become saturated.

Even if the Prisoner Niu Familia wants to continue to carry out large-scale development, open up more spiritual fields, resource points, and build more cities, the various bloodline family members do not have more people to occupy and utilize these spiritual fields, resource points, and cities.

After being forcibly developed, they can only be left there abandoned and eventually turned into wasteland again.

So now, the enthusiasm of various bloodline families for large-scale development has hit rock bottom. It has become increasingly difficult for the Prison Niu family members to continue to rely on the benefits of large-scale development to lead the entire tribe.

In the end, in order to maintain the control and leadership power of the Qiuniu Familia clan over the tribe, the Qiuniu Familia clan could only instigate and support the various blood clans to fight around the position of the warrior leader Chi.

This has also caused the rifts and conflicts between the various bloodline clans within the tribe to become bigger and bigger, but it has also become more and more exhausted.

It can be said that the entire tribe has reached a deadlock, and it is only a matter of strength to break it.

At this time, the warrior leader of the Half-Dragon Familia took the lead in awakening the magical power of the bloodline that 'reverses yin and yang', and immediately became the greatest force to break this deadlock.

Prison Cow City, Arena.

As the Qiuniu Clan has ruled the tribe for thousands of years, the center of the entire tribe has gradually moved from Dragon Soul City to Qiuniu City.

In the past thousands of years, the development of the south has certainly brought a large amount of resources and benefits to all bloodline families, allowing all bloodline family members to achieve tremendous development.

However, the Prison Niu Family, as the leader, undoubtedly benefited the most and gained the most.

Prison Niu City has expanded again and again in the past thousands of years, and its scale and size have even caught up with the tens of thousands of years of expansion and growth of Dragon Soul City.

With the support of ‘Xi’, ‘Wang’, and ‘Nong’ who were from the Qiuniu clan, the tribe’s second school, the ‘Qiuniu Academy’, was built in Qiuniu City.

With the support of sufficient rights, resources, and talents, the prosperity of Qiuniu City has long surpassed that of Dragon Soul City, and the seventy-two lines of inheritance are flourishing and developing in Qiuniu City.

Under such circumstances, the place where every challenge and duel for the position of leader of the tribal warriors was carried out was moved from the 'Arena' of Dragon Soul City to the 'Arena' of Qiu Niu City.

At this time, in the 'Arena' of Prisoner City, the challenges and duels of the tribal warrior leaders that had been taking place over the years were once again staged.

It's just that the situation this time is different from the past thousands of years. The half-dragon family, which has been silent for thousands of years, once again entered the 'arena' and challenged the position of leader of the tribal warriors.

The current warrior leader Chi who accepted the challenge was a powerful warrior from the Yajuan Tribe.

All this is like a replica of the challenge thousands of years ago when the half-dragon family fell from power.

At that time, it was a warrior from the Yajuan clan who unseated the leader of the Half-Dragon clan warriors, Chi 70th, thus completely starting the path for the decline of the Half-dragon clan.

But this time, it was reversed, and it was the half-dragon warrior who challenged the leader of the warriors of the Yajuan clan.

In the arena, the storm of sword energy swept by the warrior leader of the Yajuan clan was more violent, vast, and sharp than in the battle thousands of years ago, and the combat power and lethality were increased several times.

But the combat power of the half-dragon warrior leader he fought against was ten times higher than that of Chi 70 in that battle thousands of years ago.

By using the magical power of the bloodline of "Big and Small Ruyi", his body has been able to expand to a size of ninety-three feet, which can be said to be extremely close to the limit.

But what really made his combat power break through the limit and increase ten times was the power flowing in it when the magical weapon in his palm, the 'Giant Spirit Hammer', was struck.

In addition to the increasingly dense and powerful black-yellow light of the spell-breaking power, there is also the light of yin and yang flowing on the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' that it blasted down.

This yin and yang light and the black and yellow light blend together perfectly, just like the flow of yin and yang in the sky and earth.

Xuanhuang breaks the law, Yin and Yang grind against each other!

Under the crushing and destruction of these dual forces, the more violent, sharper, and more powerful sword energy storms erupted by the warrior leader of the Yaju clan, Chi, were all destroyed.

The half-dragon warrior, who was more than ninety feet tall, stood in the 'arena'. Dark yellow, yin and yang light filled most of the arena, like a giant god playing with the yin and yang of the world, crushing and destroying everything, and quickly took control of the entire duel. Absolute advantage achieved the final victory.

When this victory came, the viewing platforms around the arena suddenly burst into overwhelming cheers from the half-dragon family members.

Half-dragons, as the main body of the Familia in the Stars, have lost their power for thousands of years and have been silent and declining for thousands of years. They need this victory so much.

Compared to the overwhelming cheers from the Half-Dragon Family, on the highest viewing platform, the three leaders, 'Xi', 'Wang', and 'Nong', who were from the Qi Niu Family, looked at each other in disbelief and frowned.

The political leader 'Wang' turned his attention to the surrounding powerful clans such as Suanni, Bifan, Chaofeng, Baxia, etc., and signaled them to send powerful warriors to challenge. The half-dragons could not be allowed to snatch away the warrior leader 'Chi'. 's position.

However, facing the 'King's' signal, these powerful bloodline warriors all lowered their heads, and no one was willing to come down and challenge.

On the one hand, they have seen very clearly that in this challenge, the half-dragon warriors have an absolute advantage. Their combat power has exceeded them by so much that they will not be able to succeed even if they challenge next time.

On the other side, surrounding the position of the warrior leader Chi for thousands of years, these bloodline warriors have fought too many duels and fights. They are already tired and have reflections in their hearts.

At this time, it seems that it is a good solution to let the half-dragon clan regain the position of warrior leader Chi.

In the arena, the victorious half-dragon warrior stood with his head held high, and in a blink of an eye he looked at the warriors from various blood clans on the surrounding platforms. No one came down to challenge him. Finally, he surrendered his eyes to the highest point of the viewing platform, 'Xi', who was born in the Niu clan. , 'King' and 'Nong' three people.

At the same time, the cheers on the audience stage gradually died down, and all the bloodline clans also looked at the three tribal leaders on the highest stage, waiting for their actions.

Faced with such a situation, the sacrificial leader ‘Xi’ had no choice but to stand up and step forward, announcing that the half-dragon warrior had won and took over as the new warrior leader of the tribe, earning the name ‘Chi’.

Suddenly, more and louder cheers sounded from the audience stage. This time, it was not only the half-dragon family members who were cheering, but other bloodline family members seemed to be affected by this, and they gradually started cheering.

In the arena, the half-dragon warrior raised the 'Giant Hammer' high and shouted in a deep voice: "I am Chi!"

The half-dragon family has been waiting for this sound for too long; this sound also represents the re-emergence of the half-dragon family.

On the high platform, 'Xi', 'Wang', and 'Nong' frowned more and more, and their faces became more solemn and ugly.

They realized that the Niu Clan, which they had maintained for thousands of years, faced their greatest challenge at this time.

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