The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 266 The combination of Qi and Tao (please subscribe)

Liang Ji dropped a spiritual seed, which stirred up the changes of the dependent clans in the natal star, and the rise and decline of the dependent clans of each bloodline.

However, he only paid a little attention to the struggle among the dependents, but now he focuses more on his own cultivation.

Now, the natal star is only short of the last two or three demon pills to reach the second level (100%) limit, and his own Qi refining practice must keep up.

The development of his natal stars and the improvement of his Dao Fruit are constantly accelerating the speed of his Gang practice, and also allow him to continuously extend the time for his daily Qi practice.

However, due to the delay of more than two months in the Yinghai Black Hole, especially at that time, the development and improvement of the stars were still carried out at the fastest second-order time flow rate.

Therefore, Liang Ji's own cultivation speed was still far behind the development of Xingchen itself.

Now we can only try our best to catch up.

Half a month later, when Liang Ji refined the last second-level Void Whale Demon Pill, the spiritual vein strength of the natal star was successfully increased to the second level (100%), and the development of the natal star at the second level also reached its limit.

At the same time, Liang Ji's practice of refining Gang reached its final moment.

When wisps of 'Tiangang Qi' flow from the natal stars, they are refined into the Dantian Qi sea, refining and integrating the last true Qi.


There seems to be a sound of bells and chimes coming from the sea of ​​​​Qi in Dantian and flowing throughout the body.

Liang Ji suddenly understood in his heart that he had completed the practice of the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Qi' refining level.

Although he could not see inside, Liang Ji could sense the fullness and fullness of the Qi sea in his Dantian, as if it contained a piece of heaven and earth moving within it.

For a moment, Liang Ji seemed to have the illusion that he could destroy the world with a wave of his hand.

However, he finally understood that this was just an illusion due to his success in refining Gang, and he quickly suppressed it and dissipated it.

And next, he still needs to carry out a very crucial step of practice, which is the last step of the eighth-level Qi refining practice, the unity of Gang and Sha!

This is different from the Taoist practice of Qi Refiners.

The Taoist practice of Qi Refiners, after completing the practice of refining evil spirits and refining Gang, is to form the golden elixir.

However, the Star Master's eighth-grade Qi refining practice is not about forming a golden elixir, but about integrating the evil spirit and the evil spirit into the true energy. The three are combined into one, forming the final and strongest true energy gas.

Therefore, this step of practice is not based on the records in the Qi refining inheritance "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Qi", but has a practice method that belongs to the Star Master himself.

Regarding how to carry out this step of practice, Liang Ji had already consulted Master Chiyu for advice, and the mentor also provided him with extremely detailed guidance.

It can be summed up in one sentence: Qi and Dao are in harmony!

This Tao is the Tao Fruit, the natal star.

The evil spirit and strong energy refined by the star master's qi refining practice are all extracted from his own natal stars. Their origins come from the natal stars, and they are consistent among the natal stars.

Therefore, as long as Qi and Dao are combined and returned to the natal stars, they will naturally be able to reunite the Gang and the evil forces through the natal stars!

For the specific process involved, the Star Alliance has already had extremely mature experience and inheritance over countless years of development, and Mentor Akama also provided guidance for him.

However, at such a critical moment of practice, Liang Ji still had to be careful and go all out. He sent messages of retreat to some friends and seniors with whom he had regular contact through spiritual messages. He would refuse communication for a while.

Later, he applied to Xinggong for seclusion and practice, and activated the formations and restrictions in his dormitory to provide the best protection.

After all preparations were made, Liang Ji adjusted his condition and began to practice the integration of Qi, Dao, and Gangsha.

Previously, the star power, earth evil energy, and Tiangang energy from his natal stars flowed to him, and were refined into his Dantian and turned into true energy.

But this time, it was the other way around. He began to circulate the true energy in his Dantian Qi Sea, moving towards his natal stars through the connection, to blend with the Tao and Fruit contained in the stars, and to The natal stars are aligned.

At this time, the Dao Fruit contained in the natal stars has reached 20%, which is the limit of second-level stars.

And as Liang Ji's true energy merged with the Dao Fruit, the Dao Fruit that reached the limit in the stars seemed to be injected with new and more real power, instantly breaking through the limit and reaching 20.01%.

Moreover, with the continuous input of his Qi, this Dao Fruit is still slowly growing. Although it is extremely slow, it is a real growth that breaks through the limits.

At the same time, under the influence of Zhenqi and Dao Fruit, various changes began to appear in Liang Ji's natal stars.

There are constant roars in the earth, and the mountains are shaking and the ground is shaking; the sky is full of wind and clouds, and all kinds of wind, rain, thunder, ice and fire, streams of light, etc. are rising and dying in the sky.

This is the true energy, evil spirit, and strong energy blending with the natal stars, and achieving complete integration through the natal stars.

At the same time, the natal magic weapon 'Thirty-three-story Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' standing on the holy land of Longshou Mountain was also affected by this.

Liang Ji's true energy, the origin of the stars, the power of spiritual veins, the power of heaven and earth, the power of Tao and fruit, etc., are now integrated into one, flowing into the natal magic weapon, and suddenly the sacred weapon pagoda, which has already reached its limit, is once again Ushering in a qualitative change and transformation.

The pagoda shook, the sound of bells rang out, and the black and yellow light on it began to grow again, becoming bigger, higher, and more majestic!

Just like when the pagoda was promoted from a mid-grade magic weapon to a high-grade magic weapon, this time it was promoted to a top-grade magic weapon, which was the limit of the magic weapon, but the movement was greater, and the growth and changes were greater.

Faced with such tremors and changes in the sacred artifact pagoda, it was natural that all the dependents in the natal stars were alarmed.

Families of all bloodlines gathered towards the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, worshiped at the Sacred Artifact Pagoda and the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, begging the Emperor of Heaven for forgiveness and to restore peace to the world.

They believed that this vision of shaking the sky and the earth was the anger of the Emperor of Heaven.

The sacrificial leader ‘Xi’, who was born in the Jingniu Familia clan, took the opportunity to pass down the oracle from the Emperor of Heaven, saying that it was because the half-dragon clan had offended the Emperor of Heaven, and that the half-dragon warrior leader ‘Chi’ should be deprived of his power.

At the beginning, the leader of the One-horned Prisoner Niu Sacrifice, 'Xi Seventy', took advantage of the news that the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda' was promoted from a middle-grade magical weapon to a high-grade magical weapon, and passed down an oracle from the Emperor of Heaven, which completely consolidated the position of the Prisoner Niu family members in the tribe. power, dominance.

This time, the new sacrificial leader of the Prisoner Niu Familia clan wants to repeat the same trick.

It is a pity that this time he failed to succeed. The new leader of the Prisoner Ox Sacrifice did not have the fame that the 'Xi Seventieth Life' had hoped for.

The half-dragon who regained the position of warrior leader directly launched a counterattack against him, saying that the wrath of the Emperor of Heaven, as the sacrificial leader serving the Emperor of Heaven, should bear all the responsibilities, and the current sacrificial leader should be removed from his position and a new sacrificial leader should be selected. Xi' to appease the anger of the Emperor of Heaven.

This time, most of the bloodline clans who had long been tired and reflective under the rule of the Qi Niu clan sided with the half-dragon warrior leader Chi.

As a result, a new power grab was set off again among the dependents through the practice of Liang Ji, Gang Sha, and Qi and Tao.

The Qi Niu Familia lost the position of worship leader ‘Xi’.

However, the Half-Dragon Familia did not get the position of 'Xi'. The other bloodline families seemed to have realized that the four leaders of the tribe could not belong to one lineage alone, and each bloodline family wanted to take the position of the sacrificial leader. .

After a struggle and compromise, the Pulao clan, which was the least threatening, got the position of worshiping the leader 'Xi'.

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