The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 267 Infinite Qi, Guarded by Stars (Please subscribe)

When the heaven and earth in the natal stars stopped shaking, the natal magical weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' successfully reached the limit of the magical weapon. Liang Ji's true energy also successfully completed the unity of Gang and evil in the natal stars, and the qualitatively changed true energy flowed from the stars. Come, re-enter the Dantian Qi sea.

The star master is practicing in the ninth stage body refining period, and the last tenth time is to cleanse the marrow and exchange blood to 'unify the body and the Tao', so that he can master the blood energy and supernatural powers of the dependents in the stars, and grow together with the dependents.

Now, in the eighth stage of Qi refining period, the final combination of Gangsha and Qi and Dao has further deepened the connection between the Star Master and the natal stars, and can make the Dantian true energy of the Star Lord monks connected and consistent with the natal stars. The star power, origin, spiritual vein power, and Tao fruit power of the entire star can be converted into true energy at any time for him to use.

It can be said that after the "Qi and Dao merge", unless the natal stars are exhausted and destroyed, Liang Ji will have inexhaustible Qi, which is truly infinite.

This is undoubtedly far beyond the practice of a Qi Refiner. After all, even if a Qi Refiner forms a golden elixir, his Qi is limited.

In the Kunlun Star Palace, Liang Ji's residence, in the room specially used for testing, the formations and restrictions were opened, and the small room was suddenly opened up and transformed into a world with vast sky, high mountains and numerous rocks.

Liang Ji's true energy was circulating in the sea of ​​energy in his Dantian. He raised his hand and waved, and suddenly a violent wind suddenly rose and a heavy rain poured down. He coughed lightly, and thunderbolts came and went, bombarding down. With a few flicks of his fingers, countless Gengjin sword energy was slashed out like a storm. , easily cut through the rocks standing on the ground; clenching his fist, the cold air between the sky and the earth dropped suddenly, and the terrifying icy air even froze the heavy rain, thunder, and strong wind.

Then, he waved his hand to set off a boundless sea of ​​fire, and turned his hand to cast down numerous mountain shadows. His left hand brushed through the vegetation, and the place where his right hand passed was filled with poisonous gas.

In the end, his hands turned down, grinding the yin and yang together, wiping out the world formed by the formations and restrictions, and returned to the normal state in the test room, but it can be seen that a large number of formations and restrictions in the room have been damaged and shattered.

Turn your hands to become clouds, turn your hands to become rain, hush to become air, hush to become thunder, yin and yang and the five elements are all in the palm of your hand!

And in the Qi sea in the Dantian, the true Qi is flowing abundantly, without any signs of deficiency.

A steady stream of power flowed from his natal stars and turned into true energy in his Dantian, allowing him to exert the magical power of the bloodline of these dependents without any worries.

It can be said that at this point, the Star Lord monk himself is considered capable of fighting.

But these are not enough.

Liang Ji took out the Star Dictionary and retrieved a document sent by Master Chiyu before he went into seclusion. When he opened it, he found another star technique: Star Guardian!

When his first-level star master's training was complete, his mentor gave him a star technique called "Broken Star Strike", which allowed the star master to strengthen his control over the stars and perish together with the enemy at critical moments.

But now, when he has completed his second-level star master training, he can also master another star technique, but it is a star technique to defend and protect himself.

Liang Ji checked the astrology information of 'Star Guardian' and understood that, in fact, this is a technique that uses the infinite true energy characteristics of star master monks after 'Qi and Dao combine' to spread a layer of aura around the star master's body and connect it with his own destiny. The force fields of the stars are connected to provide a layer of protection for the Star Lord monks at all times.

This star technique is not simpler than the practice of 'Broken Star Strike'. The difficulty of 'Broken Star Strike' lies in the star master's meticulous control over the power of the Dao Fruit, and in comprehending and understanding the determination of the shattering and destruction of stars. strength.

The difficulty of this 'Star Guardian' practice lies in the fact that the star master needs to comprehend and understand the operation method of his own natal star force field, and then use his true energy to simulate the operation method of this star force field, and arrange a complete amount of energy around his body. Come on.

Only if the simulation is successful, can the aura around the star owner interact and connect with the force field of the natal star, and then with the support and operation of the natal star force field, the protective power of this aura can be pushed to the limit, and Keep it up.

After that, the aura moves together with the star force field. It does not require the star owner to move and pay attention to it at all times, but it can always protect itself. This is all-round defense and protection at all times.

However, the force field operation of each star lord's natal star is extremely cumbersome, complicated and different.

Therefore, there is no unified template for the astrological practice of "Guardian of the Stars". It can only be accomplished after the star owner realizes and understands the force field operation mode of his or her own star.

Liang Ji carefully studied the astrology training materials of 'Guardian of the Stars', and then tried to operate the 'Power of Dao Fruit' to feel and understand the force field operation mode of the natal stars.

But the income is very little.

After a while, Liang Ji gave up the idea of ​​quickly mastering this star technique.

"Feeling the operation of the natal star force field from outside is like watching a fire from a distance or seeing flowers in a fog. After all, it's still a little bit worse."

"It is still necessary to visit the stars in person, experience and study them personally, in order to better and faster grasp the force field operation mode of the natal stars."

Liang Ji suddenly understood:

"It seems that this star technique cannot be mastered in a short time. It can only be mastered after at least advancing to the third-level star master and the seventh-level soul refining."

After the Star Master has advanced to the third-level Star Master, his own practice has entered the seventh-level soul refining level. He practices the ghost and immortal Taoism, out-of-body experience, night travel, day travel, etc.

However, unlike the ghosts and immortals, the star master's soul refining practice allows the soul to enter the natal stars after the soul leaves the body, travel among the natal stars at night, during the day, and even open up the underworld.

It can be said that only when the Star Master has reached the level of third-level Star Master and seventh-level soul refining, he can truly enter his own star. Even if it is only his soul, it is enough to do many things.

Such as feeling and understanding the force field operation mode of the natal stars.

After understanding this, Liang Ji was no longer in a hurry to practice the astral technique 'Guardian of the Stars'. After cleaning up, he ended the retreat, closed the formations and restrictions in his residence, and resumed communication with the outside world, relatives and friends.

This time, the retreat practice of 'Unity of Gangsha' was quite smooth. It didn't last long, only a few days, and there were no changes in the outside world.

Opening the spiritual message, he sent a message to the group that he had successfully practiced the 'Unity of Gang Sha' and successfully escaped from seclusion.

Subsequently, I received congratulatory messages from friends, seniors and others.

Ding dong!

Liang Ji was responding to the congratulations from Peng Yue and other friends when he heard a prompt from the spiritual message. He opened it and checked, but it was Master Chiyu who asked him to go to the mountaintop dojo.

"It seems that the assessment task for upgrading is here!"

The smile on Liang Ji's face couldn't help but freeze. This was too fast, and he didn't even have time to rest.

However, due to the instructor's invitation, Liang Ji could only clean up and go directly to the instructor's dojo on the top of the mountain.

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