The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 269 Racing in Vientiane City (please subscribe)

The Kunlun Star Palace is a mountain, Kunlun Mountain; the Vientiane Star Palace is a sea: the Vientiane Sea, with many islands in the sea.

When Liang Ji followed Liu Xu to the Vientiane Star Palace, he saw a strange scene.

A vast sea floats in the void star sea, and there are islands of various attributes scattered in the sea, either fire islands, cold ice islands, surrounded by thunder, or gathering strong winds, making this sea a myriad of phenomena.

There is the largest island in the center surrounded by these islands. It looks more normal, without any obvious attribute forces gathering or surrounding it.

There is a huge city on the island called Vientiane City, and Liang Ji and Liu Xu landed in this Vientiane City.

When he arrived here, Liu Xu was obviously more relaxed and active, and said with a smile: "Liang Ji, let's go. First, go to my house as a guest."

Liang Ji naturally followed the guests as he pleased. When the two of them left the airport, there was already a flying car waiting outside. It was painted with colorful colors and had various modifications. In short, it was full of personality.

When Liang Ji saw it for the first time, he couldn't help but think of Liu Xu's attire when he first met him. It matched the speeding car perfectly.

However, after more than three years under Instructor Akadama, Liu Xu's flashy clothes have disappeared and he looks much fresher and neater.

When Liu Xu saw this 'fancy' speed car, he seemed to remember the nonsense he had made. He smiled awkwardly and said, "I forgot to tell my family and ask them to get another speed car."

Liang Ji smiled when he heard this and said, "It doesn't matter. This car looks quite fashionable. It just allows me to see your style back then."

"Oh?" Liu Xu's eyes seemed to light up when he heard this, and he said eagerly: "Do you think so too? Speaking of which, I haven't touched a car in several years."

As he spoke, he invited Liang Ji to get on the flying car, but changed the automatic driving mode to manual driving, and then sat in the cockpit.

"Liang Ji, activate the protective restrictions, we are about to set off."

"Let me see the speed of the Speedster King of Vientiane City back then!"

Liu Xu said, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Liang Ji's face changed slightly when he saw the other party's appearance. He regretted a little bit for talking so much and couldn't help but said: "Um, Liu Xu..."

However, without giving him a chance to speak, the speeding car started up with a roar and flew out in an instant, flying through the sky of Vientiane City at an increasingly faster speed.

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately shut up and activated the protective restraint on his seat instantly.

However, watching Liu Xu drive the speeding car faster and faster, he was still a little worried, wondering whether to use his natal magical weapon to protect himself.

At this time, Liang Ji couldn't help but regret that he had not mastered the star technique 'Guardian of the Stars'.

But soon, Liang Ji discovered that his worries seemed a bit unnecessary. Although Liu Xu was driving faster and faster, his skills were indeed very good. He could easily avoid various vehicles and obstacles in the airway without any accidents. Danger signs.

It seems that Junior Brother Liu Xu is also a veteran of drag racing in Vientiane City. This skill cannot be mastered even after ten years of practice.

Just when Liang Ji was a little relieved, a flying car suddenly rushed out from a crossing channel. It was as red as fire and shaped like a fire bird. It was very gorgeous, but its speed was faster than the flying car driven by Liu Xu. Be faster.

Seeing that the two speeding cars were about to collide, Liang Ji looked shocked and was about to summon the natal star magic weapon in his hand.

At this moment, a starlight network disappeared in the sky of Vientiane City, and formation restrictions appeared and circulated on the ground.

Then they saw that an ice channel appeared out of thin air in front of Liu Xu's speed car. The speed car penetrated directly into the ice channel, lifted up several meters and flew past; and below them, a flame channel appeared, which came from The Fire Bird Speeder jumped out from the side and went directly into the flame channel, moving down several meters and flying past below.

Directly avoiding the collision of two speeding cars.

Liu Xu seemed to see Liang Ji's nervousness and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Vientiane City has the most complete formations and restricted protections. I have been racing in the city since I was a child, and I have never been hit by one."

Just as he said this, a curtain of light suddenly appeared on the front window of the flying car. The light curtain flashed and everything in the flying car was photographed. The images of Liang Ji and Liu Xu appeared on the light screen.

Liang Ji looked stunned, but Liu Xu seemed to be used to it, and even went on the defensive to take pictures.

Immediately, a voice came from the light curtain and said: "Dear car owner, you have violated Article 56, Rule 43 of the Vientiane City Traffic Rules, illegally raced in the city and triggered the activation of the city's protective formation. You are now punished with a fine. A fine of 100 medium-grade spiritual stones..."

Liu Xu didn't wait for the other party to speak, and answered in a familiar voice: "Account number: Liu——73, it will be deducted directly from my account."

Some scenes of deductions appeared in the light screen. After it was over, he said: "The fine has been deducted. Please abide by the traffic rules in Vientiane City..."

But before he could finish speaking, Liu Xu closed it directly.

Ding dong!

At this time, another prompt sounded.

Liu Xu took a look, and then opened a light curtain. Inside, a young man with a handsome face and a pair of red eyebrows appeared, sitting in a red speed car, surrounded by two young and beautiful people on both sides. Quite similar beauties.

"Haha...Liu Xu!" When he saw Liu Xu, the red-browed man suddenly smiled and said, "I knew you were back when I saw your messy speed car."

"What? You went to Kunlun Star Palace to hide for three years and finally dared to come back?"

"Yes, the Forge of Ten Thousand Methods is about to open. You are coming back for the Forge of Ten Thousand Methods this time."

The red-browed man was obviously quite familiar with Liu Xu, and he was laughed at.

Liu Xu also raised his eyebrows and said, "Zhu Mei, I haven't seen you for three years, but your mouth still smells so bad."

"Yes, I came back this time for the melting pot of ten thousand ways. When I get inside the melting pot of ten thousand ways, I must show you how powerful I am."

"Ha... I am defeated!" The red-browed man said with a smile when he heard this: "There is no need to wait in the furnace of ten thousand arts. Let's go to the arena now. Let's compete again and see what you have done in Kunlun Star Palace in the past three years. What have you learned that you dare to yell at me like this?"

Hearing this, Liu Xu opened his mouth to agree, but seemed to remember something and looked back at Liang Ji, and then said: "I have guests here. I don't have time to play with you today. I'll see you at the same place tomorrow!"

Seeing this, the red-browed man did not bother, and said with a smile: "Okay, see you at the same place tomorrow afternoon, see you there or not!"

After the words fell, the light curtain closed, and Liu Xu casually explained to Liang Ji: "This Zhumei is the owner of the Firebird Speedster just now. He has not dealt with me since he was a child."

"It's just that when I play against him, eight out of ten times I will lose."

"To be honest, three years ago I decided to go to the Kunlun Star Palace and become a disciple of the Red Jade Master. Most of the reasons were to learn the law-breaking power of the 'Jade Lineage' and use it to deal with this Zhumei."

Liang Ji didn't know how to respond when he heard this, and then asked: "Are you going to have a family competition tomorrow?"

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