The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 270 The unique fighting method of Vientiane Star Palace (please subscribe)

The second day, Vientiane City Arena.

After being introduced by Liu Xu yesterday, Liang Ji knew that competition was a special feature in the Vientiane Star Palace.

However, unlike the popular competitions outside, the competition in Wanxiang Xinggong is more like a pure 'fighting method'.

Because the Wanxiang Star Palace studies and inherits all kinds of elemental energy, the students and family members all practice and master various attribute energies, and the enemy that the Wanxiang Star Palace mainly deals with, the elemental spirits of the "spiritual world", are also the best at controlling them. Various elements and attribute energies.

Therefore, the trend of "fighting" gradually formed in the Vientiane Star Palace.

Students often ask Familia who possess the same type of attribute energy or conflicting attribute energy to engage in a 'fighting battle'. If they don't fight with others, they will use the attribute energy they control to fight to see who has the stronger attribute energy.

After all, when the star master monks of the Vientiane Star Palace fight and fight with the elemental spirits in the 'spiritual world', they must compete with these elemental spirits for control of various elements and attribute energies.

Only by allowing students to get used to controlling stronger and more powerful elements and attribute powers can they ensure that they have hope of winning when they enter the outer star sea and encounter the elemental spirits of the 'spiritual world'.

Naturally, Liu Xu grew up in the Vientiane Star Palace. After becoming the Star Lord, he experienced many such 'fights'.

However, unfortunately, he met a 'child from another family', and every time he 'battled', he always lost to Zhu Mei.

So in the last moment of anger, he chose to go to Kunlun Star Palace to learn the power of 'breaking magic' to deal with this Zhumei.

And today is obviously the time for him to avenge his shame.

Liang Ji was also very interested in this kind of 'fighting' competition, so he chose to come to this arena with Liu Xu to watch it live.

In the arena, Liang Ji saw the red eyebrows from yesterday again, and he was still accompanied by the sisters from yesterday.

The two parties remained polite when they met and introduced each other.

Liang Ji also knew that the surname of the pair of sisters was Su. The older and younger Su were not Star Master monks, but practitioners of the immortal Taoism.

It can be seen that this pair of 'big and small Su' should have chosen to rely on Zhu Mei to practice the immortal Taoism.

Immortals ask for incense, because the Star Alliance prohibits immortal monks from spreading faith and harvesting incense on each star. They can only spread faith and harvest incense among the dependent families of each star.

Therefore, there are usually three ways to practice the immortal Taoism in the Star Alliance.

One is the path of independent practice, using spiritual stones, meritorious deeds, etc. to exchange incense and faith power from the Star Alliance and Star Lord for practice.

The second is to choose to completely attach to a certain Star Lord and become a "god" enshrined in the Star Lord's natal star, so that he can spread the faith among the Star Lord's family members and harvest incense for practice.

This method is more convenient, but it is also subject to the star master, and the star master will be both prosperous and devastated.

Therefore, if monks with the Immortal Tradition choose to attach themselves to and invest in every Star Lord monk, they must be extremely optimistic about them, believing that the other person can reach the end and become a heavenly immortal and become a saint.

When the time comes, these immortal Taoist monks who are attached to the Star Master will naturally be able to "one person attain the Tao of chickens and dogs and ascend to heaven" and follow the Star Master to ascend together.

The 'Big and Little Su' sisters in front of them were obviously very optimistic about the Zhumei Star Master, and they had long chosen to rely on him to practice.

As for the third type of practice of the immortal Taoism, it is to find a star with spiritual veins of indigenous alien races, spread the faith in it, and harvest the power of incense for use in practice.

Of course, those who can take this path are usually the powerful, wealthy, and well-connected monks of the immortal Taoism. Most people have no access to these indigenous spiritual stars, let alone spreading their faith and harvesting incense.

"Liu Xu, let me see what incredible inheritance you have learned in Kunlun Star Palace in the past three years, and you dare to challenge me."

After introducing each other, Zhu Mei looked at Liu Xu and smiled.

"Hmph!" Liu Xu snorted coldly and said, "I won't let you down."

While talking, the two chose a playing field. When setting the field mode, Zhu Mei asked: "Liu Xu, what field mode do you want?"

Liu Xu raised his voice and said: "It's up to you, you even want to choose the sea of ​​​​fire mode, I have no problem with it."

Hearing this, Zhu Mei's smile became more and more obvious. She looked at Liu Xu and said, "It seems that you are really confident this time!"

Liu Xu raised his eyebrows, full of confidence.

Seeing this, Zhu Mei reached out and touched the light curtain set up in front of her, and the arena below suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Liu Xu's expression changed slightly.

Zhu Mei smiled and said: "After all, we are old friends who haven't seen each other for three years. I won't take advantage of you. Just choose the most ordinary plain."

As he spoke, he reset the formation restrictions in the light curtain, and the sea of ​​​​fire in the arena suddenly disappeared and turned into a plain terrain again.

Liu Xu didn't say anything when he saw this, and then the two of them each sent 10,000 second-level warriors into the arena.

Zhumei's Familia is quite similar to the flying car he drives. They are a kind of fire sparrow and half-demon Familia. As soon as they enter the arena, a large flame suddenly rises out of thin air. In the blink of an eye, most of the plain land in the arena is turned into a sea of ​​fire, and even It continued to burn and devour towards the other side.

Liu Xu's Familia is a kind of leopard and half-demon Familia, but the spots on these Familia's bodies look like gems, shining with the light of various elements.

After the piebald half-demon entered the arena, the various attribute energies in the arena immediately became disturbed, and the sea of ​​​​fire that was burning and eroding from the opposite side also immediately froze. Any approaching flames would be directly decomposed and destroyed, making it difficult to move forward.

Seeing this, Zhu Mei frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Liu Xu, it seems that you have really learned a lot in the three years you have been to Kunlun Star Palace."

"But, I have to tell you, all these fancy things are useless."

"As long as you cultivate one attribute energy to the extreme, you will naturally be able to suppress all methods!"

As he spoke, the fire sparrows and half-demon clansmen in the arena began to sing and dance together. The sea of ​​burning fire in the arena turned from red to orange, from orange to yellow, and from yellow to gold, turning into a large golden flame. It immediately broke the balance and quickly moved towards Liu Xu's leopard demon family burned and devoured them.

Liang Ji couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly as he looked at it. These golden seas of fire in the arena definitely exceeded the power of the second-level spiritual fire and reached the power of the third-level!

The flames controlled by his Suan Ni Familia are already at the second level limit, but these golden flames are stronger than the 'flame' spiritual fire of the Suan Ni Familia.

Liu Xu looked at the golden flames in the field and was also surprised and said: "Zhu Mei, you have already refined the 'Fire Spirit Crystal'!"

Zhu Mei heard this and said with a smile: "You have gone to Kunlun Star Palace for three years to study. Naturally, I have not been able to earn a living in the past three years at Wanxiang Star Palace."

"How is it? Do you want to continue this fight? Do you want to admit defeat?"

Zhu Mei looked at Liu Xu and asked with a confident smile.

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