The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 271 Reunion (please subscribe)

"Hmph!" Liu Xu snorted coldly and said, "Admit defeat? How is that possible!"

"Although I did not refine the 'Elemental Spirit Crystal', unfortunately, I also participated in the Yinghai Black Hole Battle a few months ago, but I got some good things from it."

Liu Xu smiled and said: "It was originally prepared for the elemental spirits in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', but now I let you try the method first."

As he spoke, the ten thousand leopard monsters in the arena below also raised their heads and let out leopard roars. The next moment, starlight gems appeared above the eyebrows of these spotted half-monsters, shining like star cores.

Under the leadership of this starlight gem, the gemstone spots all over the leopard half-demon's body shone with various attributes of light, and even storms of various attributes such as wind, thunder, water, and fire swept around.

Then these attribute storms converged into one, merged into the starlight, and turned into a piece of jade light directly blasted into the sea of ​​fire.

Wherever the jade light passed, the golden flame was also suppressed and continued to disintegrate.

However, the golden flame set off by the Zhumei Familia has reached the third level after all. Although it continues to disintegrate, it also continues to burn and break the jade light that hits, turning it into various attribute energies and then being engulfed by the subsequent sea of ​​golden fire.

The two families were fighting, and the golden sea of ​​fire and jade light collided and stalemate. Soon, each occupied half of the arena, and there was no winner.

As the flames and jade light triggered by the families on both sides became stronger and stronger, they continued to collide and disintegrate, and finally directly triggered a violent explosion. All kinds of chaotic and violent attribute energy turned into shock waves and swept across the entire arena.

The two families were immediately overwhelmed by the chaotic and violent attribute energy, and each of them tried their best to resist and destroy the explosive amount of energy.

However, after being hit by this attack, the family members sent by the two men were also damaged.

Seeing this, Zhu Mei stopped and said: "Liu Xu, it seems that the three years you went to Kunlun Star Palace were not in vain, and you really learned something."

"How about if we are tied with you in this fight?"

"Hmph!" Liu Xu snorted coldly and said, "We'll consider it a tie for the time being."

"When the Ten Thousand Arts Forge is opened this time and I refine the 'Elemental Spiritual Crystal', you and I will compete again."

"Haha..." Zhu Mei heard this and said with a smile: "I will also go into the 'Metal Furnace' this time, but I am going in to advance to the third level. If you want to challenge me again, wait until you also advance to the third level. Bar."

Hearing this, Liu Xu said in a deep voice: "Then just wait. Not long after this 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', I will also advance to the third level, and I will definitely find you to compete again."

While they were talking, their families had already returned to their natal stars.

The formations in the arena were restricted and returned to their original appearance.

Zhu Mei looked at Liu Xu at this time and said, "Liu Xu, how are you? When you come back this time, you haven't gathered with everyone yet, have you?"

"I booked a private room at the 'Jin Yu Tang' and made an appointment with Bai Xiaoqi and the others. Do you want to go together?"

He seemed to say specifically: "Bai Xiaoqi's sister Bai Xiaojiu will also come."

Liu Xu's eyes clearly lit up when he heard this, but he turned to look at Liang Ji again.

Zhu Mei also smiled and said, "If you don't mind, classmate Liang Ji, you can come and play together."

Naturally, Liang Ji didn't disturb them uninterestedly at this time. Liu Xu and the others were obviously friends who grew up together in the Vientiane Star Palace. His intervention as an outsider would only embarrass both parties.

At that moment, he also smiled and said: "No need, you can go on your own. It just so happens that I also have a few classmates studying at the Vientiane Star Palace, and I just want to get together with them this time."

After hearing what he said, Zhu Mei didn't insist anymore. He was just being polite.

Liu Xu also smiled and said, "Thank you very much."

"I originally said that I would be a host today and take you around Vientiane City."

Liang Ji smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, my old classmates and I haven't seen each other for a while, so we just want to get together this time."

"Okay, I'll contact you after I'm done here."

Liu Xu said, and then added: "You also know my account number. You and your classmates' consumption in Vientiane City can be linked to my account. It is treated as a treat by me as the host."

Liang Ji smiled and waved his hands and said, "I won't be polite if you need me. You go ahead."

Afterwards, Liu Xu and others left. Liang Ji thought about it and opened the spiritual message and sent a location among his old classmates.

Soon, as expected, both Peng Yue and Yunlai sent messages asking if he had come to Wanxiang Star Palace.

Liang Ji also responded one by one and made an appointment for them to meet at the ‘Sande Building’ in Wanxiang City.

Peng Yue and Yunlai did not refuse, and they both stayed in the Vientiane Star Palace.

It should be said that the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' in the Wanxiang Star Palace has been opened, and all the students in the Wanxiang Star Palace who had the opportunity to enter it have returned to the Wanxiang Star Palace at this time.

No student would want to miss an opportunity like this.

Liang Ji left the arena, summoned a flying car and went all the way to the "Xander Tower" in the city.

The business of the "Xiandelou" group is almost spread throughout the Star Alliance, with restaurants stationed in the nine star palaces. It can be said that it has a profound background and a very large business.

Liang Ji has always cooperated well with the 'Shan De Building', so naturally he would choose the more familiar 'Shan De Building' for such gatherings.

When they arrived at the place, they first reserved a private room. Peng Yue and Liang Ji were not in the Vientiane City, but on the islands in the Vientiane Sea where they usually studied and practiced. It would take some time to arrive. Liang Ji waited for nearly half an hour. The two of them arrived separately just now.

After meeting and greeting, Peng Yue asked: "Liang Ji, are you also here to participate in the opening of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas'?"

Liang Ji nodded and said, "Yes, my instructor has a spot and he just gave it to me."

He looked at the two of them and asked, "Where are you two?"

The two of them nodded their heads, and Yunlai said: "As long as students from the Wanxiang Star Palace are strong enough, they will be arranged to enter the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' for training."

At this time, the wine and food were served, and Liang Ji and the other three were drinking and eating food, and talked about their trip to the 'melting pot of all things'.

Liang Ji couldn't help but ask: "Although I have read some information about the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods', the specific details are not clear. Do you know anything about it?"

Peng Yue looked at Yun Lai when he heard this, and Liang Ji couldn't help but look at him.

Among the three, only someone from the Yunlai family has always been in the Wanxiang Star Palace, and can even arrange special moves for the Yun family. In terms of understanding of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', I am afraid that only Yunlai knows better. .

Yunlai did not refuse and said directly: "Although the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' is called a 'melting pot', in fact, when we enter it, it is almost like entering a strange spiritual star. It is just like us entering in the third model and the college entrance examination. The spiritual stars in the world face all kinds of star natives, but in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', they face all kinds of elemental spirits..."

The party lasted for nearly an hour. After it ended, Yun Lai left in advance, leaving Peng Yue and Liang Ji to tour around Vientiane City.

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