The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 272 The means of elemental spirits (please subscribe)

Two days later, the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas’ in the Vientiane Star Palace was opened.

On Liang Ji's natal star at this time, the total number of dependents has reached more than 9.9 million, which is extremely close to the limit of 10 million.

Among them, there are nearly three million second-order dependents. Liang Ji divided them into two teams according to the experience introduced by Yun Lai two days ago. Each team has one million second-order dependents, and each of the ten bloodline dependents has a number of one hundred thousand.

The star gate is opened above the natal star, but the star gate opened this time is slightly different from what has been seen before. There are also light flows of various attribute energies on the star gate, which are acquired spiritual treasures. The power of the 'Forge of All Laws'.

The current sacrificial leader of the Dragon Soul Tribe is ‘Xi’, who was born in the Pulao clan. He led the sacrificial team to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony for the clan team on the expedition at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, blessing them on their return with victory.

The current leader of the warriors, Chi, is a half-dragon family member who won the duel in the arena. In his prime, he is tall and holds the "Giant Spirit Hammer" high. Dark yellow light flows around his body, and there seems to be yin and yang in his eyes. The light suddenly appeared.

"Wan Sheng!"

He raised the 'Djinn Hammer' high and let out a war cry.

"Wan Sheng!" "Wan Sheng!"

In the team of warriors going out for the expedition, the blood warriors of each family clan raised their magic weapons high and followed them with bursts of roars.

Later, under the leadership of 'Chi', the first million-member warrior team crossed the star gate and entered the world of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'.

Entering it, the family members found a plateau in the depths. There were strong winds roaring in the plateau, and there were mountains in the distance.

"Chasing the wind!"

The warrior leader Chi shouted loudly at this time.


A man flew out from the team of the Chaofeng Familia and answered loudly.

He is the warrior leader of the Chaofeng Clan, named Zhui Feng.

"Lead the team of the Chaofeng Familia and quickly explore the surrounding enemy situation."

The warrior leader Chi quickly issued the mission.


‘Zhuifeng’ raised his voice in response, and then quickly led the Chaofeng Familia to fly into the air, spread out around, and explore the surroundings.

"Ah!" "Ah..."

At this moment, several screams rang out in succession from the taunting team that had just spread and flown around.

I saw several Chaofeng Familia warriors being attacked and falling from the sky screaming.

Below, the Prison Niu Familia who were being protected by the teams from all sides immediately took action, using the magical power of the 'Rejuvenation' bloodline to sprinkle it on the fallen Chaofeng Familia to heal their injuries.

However, most of the fallen Wind Familiar clan members have been killed directly, and very few have a chance.


"There is an enemy in the wind!"

Among the ranks of the Chaofeng Familia that spread out in the air, the leader of the Chaofeng Familia warriors, ‘Zhuifeng’, raised his voice and commanded: “Haufeng!”

All the warriors of the Chaofeng Familia clan immediately activated their bloodline magical power of 'breathing the wind', and the howling wind in the sky suddenly became more and more violent.

However, it was still difficult for them to detect the enemies in the wind. Instead, the enemies in the wind became more and more at home in these increasingly powerful and violent hurricanes, and continued to attack the Wind-Mocking Familia.

Although the Wind-Mocking Familia have been prepared, these enemies turn into the wind and move with the wind, making it difficult to find them. Moreover, as the storm gets bigger and bigger, these enemies in the wind become stronger and stronger, and the power of their attacks becomes stronger and stronger. getting bigger.

There are still some Chaofeng Familia who suffered heavy losses, were killed directly, and fell from the sky!

"Wind spirit!"

Liang Ji looked at the attacks suffered by the Chaofeng Familia and realized who the enemy was. It must be the wind spirit among the various elemental spirits. They were directly transformed into spirits from the wind element. The wind is them and they are the wind.

No matter how good the Wind Familiar is at controlling the wind, and no matter how strong their bloodline magical power of 'breathing the wind' is, it will be difficult for them to compete with these wind spirits for control of the wind.

As soon as they entered the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' and encountered this 'Elemental Spirit' for the first time, Liang Ji's family team suffered a heavy blow and was dismayed.

It also made Liang Ji understand more and more that these super-level civilizations that could compete with the Star Alliance in the vast sea of ​​​​stars were indeed not easy to mess with.

These 'Elemental Spirits' in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' are only artificially cultivated and synthesized by the Vientiane Star Palace. They are probably not as good as the real 'Elemental Spirits' in the 'Spirit World', but there are already such means, which can Imagine how powerful the real 'Elemental Spirit' must be.

Similarly, the gods in the 'God Realm' that compete with the Star Alliance will probably not be that weak.

"Stop!" "Stop 'breathing the wind'!"

The leader of the warriors of the Chaofeng Clan, ‘Zhui Feng’, obviously realized that the enemy was made stronger by them in the wind, and immediately ordered his fellow tribesmen to stop using the magical power of ‘Hu Feng’’s bloodline.

In the past battles, these dependents relied on the power of their own bloodline and magical powers to dominate the battlefield. Not to say that they were completely invincible, at least it gave them huge combat power and advantages.

But this time, they met their nemesis and gave them a blow, making them realize that the magical power of blood is not invincible or omnipotent.

At this time, although the warriors of the Chaofeng Familia stopped using the bloodline magical power of 'Whispering Wind', the strong wind howling in the air showed no sign of stopping or weakening. Instead, it continued to strengthen and become more violent, moving towards the Feng Familia. The team charged.

Speaking of the ability to 'call the wind', the 'Wind Spirit' is obviously stronger than the Wind-Mocking Familia.

Facing the roaring storm from all around, the 'Wind Feather Armor' on the Wind Familia's bodies shone with green light one after another, blessing their 'Wind Control Technique' spells. They wanted to fight for and control the strong wind that was coming from all around, but they found that they had not been able to control the wind in the past. The strong wind directed by Ruyi was completely out of their control at this time, and instead became a weapon to kill them.

"Everyone! Land!" "Land!"

Seeing this, 'Zhuifeng' had no choice but to order the Chaofeng Familia to fall to the ground one after another.

On the ground, the other Familia teams were also ready to respond. After the Chaofeng Familia landed, the Baxia Familia immediately rushed forward, holding up the magical weapon 'Thousand Mountain Shield', and activated the bloodline magical power of 'Danshan' .

It was as if mountains were rising across the sky, blocking the strong wind rushing down from the sky and the attacks of the wind spirits hiding in the wind.

Countless gusts of wind struck the mountain-like shields and defenses like crazy knives, making loud noises.

In the strong wind that shattered the mountain shield, Liang Ji and his family finally saw dozens of cyan figures disappear in a flash, then disappear again into the surrounding strong wind.


At this time, the warrior leader Chi shouted and led the half-dragon family team to kill them instantly.

They activated the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", and their bodies directly expanded to the size of ninety-five feet. The magic weapon "Giant Spirit Hammer" they held high was running with black and yellow and yin and yang light, and they blasted into those sweeping and impacting winds. middle.

Under the destruction of the black and yellow light and the consumption of the light of yin and yang, the impact and sweeping winds were shattered and destroyed. Several green figures were instantly blasted out of the wind and fell to the ground.

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