The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 273 Elemental Spirit Crystal (please subscribe)

The image of the 'Wind Spirit' was vaguely human-shaped, but it was completely composed of wind. When it fell to the ground, its figure instantly spread out and dissipated into a gust of wind.

This is a completely different enemy than the void monsters, indigenous aliens, etc. that the Liang Ji clan has faced in the past.

They do not have flesh and blood, and are completely elemental, so they do not have many of the weaknesses and fatalities of flesh and blood.

Although the attack of the half-dragon clan was powerful, it did not cause a fatal blow to these 'Wind Spirits'. Even though they were blasted out, they still allowed them to escape.

The warriors who were chasing after him couldn't help but be slightly stunned when they saw this.

Huh...boom! Rumble...

The fleeing 'Wind Spirit' did not leave. Instead, it seemed to be angered. The storm sweeping through the air became more violent and violent, turning into several huge tornadoes that swept towards Liang Ji's family members.

"Baxia's family members, follow my guard!"

The warrior leader of the Baxia Familia clan gave a deep shout and led the Baxia Familia clan to charge forward again. Huge shields shrouded the mountain shadows and suppressed them, forming the strongest defense to withstand the impact of the tornado.

The leader of the tribal warriors, Chi, led the team of half-dragons and turned into a giant of more than ninety feet. He held the Giant Spirit Hammer high and continuously blasted into the tornadoes.

Under Xuanhuang's breaking of the law and the friction between yin and yang, tornadoes were blasted away one after another, and 'wind spirits' were constantly blasted out by the giant hammer.

But it is always difficult to kill them with one blow. We can only watch them re-enter the wind, reunite and recover in the storm, and then set off a bigger and more violent storm in anger.

"Jiao Tu family members, follow me!"

At this time, the warrior leaders of the Jiaotu clan led the Jiaotu team and rushed forward. They sacrificed the magic weapon 'Ice Bead' and activated the bloodline magical power 'Ice Soul'. The terrifying power of ice instantly burst out towards those people. The tornado froze away.

Under the extreme ice cold, the formless and formless wind was frozen. There was even a figure of 'Wind Spirit' floating in the wind, which was also frozen by the ice.

Moreover, in such a frozen and stagnant state, Liang Ji and his family members immediately saw a cyan crystal moving at an extremely fast speed inside the bodies of these 'wind spirits'.

"Elemental Spirit Crystal!"

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately recognized that the cyan crystal was the core spirit crystal of Feng Ling, the wind element spirit crystal!

The warrior leader Chi also instantly judged that the fast-moving cyan crystal must be the Achilles heel of the Wind Spirit!


The warrior leader Chi shouted loudly, and the Giant Spirit Hammer blasted out again.

Click! Click! Bang...

The sound of ice breaking sounded. It was the wind spirit in the ice that incited the wind to break through the ice sealed by the power of the Jiaotu clan's "Ice Soul" and wanted to escape.

But at this time, Chi's attack had arrived, and the Giant Spirit Hammer directly shattered the wind spirit's body and blasted out the cyan crystal.


Under the huge force, a cracking sound even sounded on the blue crystal, and several cracks were opened.

A violent wind broke out in the air, and the figures of more than a dozen wind spirits loomed in it, making howling sounds like the roar of the wind. The strong wind swept towards the cyan crystal, trying to recapture it and sweep it into the wind.

But at this time, Liang Ji's family team had already arrived in coordination with the tacit attack.

The Baxia family members offered sacrifices to the 'Thousand Mountain Shield', and brought the 'Mountain Shadow' to suppress the shield, blocking the rescue of those wind spirits swept by the strong wind.

The magic weapon of the Jiao Tu Familia, the 'Ice Condensing Pearl', was also shot instantly, and the power of ice exploded, reaching its peak with the blessing of the bloodline magical power of 'Ice Soul', immediately completely freezing the Kuai Feng Ling Spirit Crystal. , flying back with the 'Ice Bead'.

Roar! howl……

Seeing that the spiritual crystals of their companions were snatched away, the remaining wind spirits were afraid of the ice and the power of breaking magic. They were swept by strong winds and howled in the air, as if they were calling for something.

The Jiao Tu family members activated the magical weapon 'Ice Bead' and used the magical power of 'Ice Soul'. The strong ice power continued to stretch upwards, trying to freeze the roaring wind that swept high in the sky and freeze more. Many wind spirits are frozen.

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this moment, a loud roar came from under the earth, and the next moment the ground shook and the mountains shook. The earth cracked into abyss, and teams of family members continued to fall into the abyss.

Then the collapsed abyss quickly closed, trying to engulf and crush the families who fell into it to death.

Various attacks such as flames, thunder, sword storms, etc. continuously erupted from the closing abyss, blasting through the closing abyss and shaking the earth. The Familia team that fell into it, such as Suanni, Biyan, Yasu, etc., struggled to break out.


The warrior leader "Chi" immediately led the half-dragon team to move the target, and the "Giant Spirit Hammer" held high hit the ground directly.

Amidst the loud roar, the earth was shattered, and earth-yellow humanoid objects composed entirely of soil were blasted out of the earth.

Elemental spirit, earth spirit!

After these earth spirits were blasted out, when they saw the team of dependents gathered around them, their bodies made of soil disintegrated and turned into large piles of soil scattered on the ground. However, the earth spirits had already disappeared into the earth and disappeared.

The roars and vibrations continued to come from the depths of the earth, getting louder and louder. The shaking of the mountains and the ground became louder and louder. The cracks in the surrounding earth became more and more numerous, and they continued to swallow up the dependents. Among them, the family members broke through the soil and rushed out.

Flames, thunder, Gengjin sword energy, and water waves continued to blast into the earth, but it was difficult to attack the 'earth spirits' hiding underground, and it was even more difficult to severely damage and force them out.

The Chaofeng Familia even wanted to use the strong wind and the wind knife to cut down, but the 'wind spirit' in the air took away the control of the strong wind, and turned into various wind knives, wind swords, and strong wind tornadoes to bombard Liang Ji's Familia team. .


The Baxia family team was divided into two teams at this time. One team was still raising the 'Thousand Mountain Shield' to resist the storm and wind knife attacks from the air; the other team was lifting the mountain, like lifting the mountain high and smashing it to the earth.

Combat Skill: Zhenyue!

Shields carried the mountain shadows down, suppressing the swaying and turbulent earth, shattering the torn abyss, and the earth-yellow light spread towards the surroundings, solidifying the earth and looking for the earth spirit.

But the next moment, more violent roars and vibrations erupted from the depths of the earth, and the diffuse yellow light lost control and collapsed, shaking the earth instead.

Under the more violent earthquakes and mountain tremors, the giant shields of the 'mountains' suppressed by the Baxia Familia also seemed to be shaking and collapsing like hills that had been shaken to their foundations.

Not only the mountain shields that suppressed the earth, but also the mountain shields raised by the Baxia family members to resist the attacks of the wind spirits in the air were shaken, swayed, and collapsed one after another, making it difficult to withstand the impact of the strong wind swept by the wind spirits in the air.

‘Hu Feng’ from the Chaofeng Familia cannot overtake the Wind Spirit’s control over Feng Xing, and ‘Dan Shan’ from the Overlord Familia cannot overtake the Earth Spirit’s control over the earth.


At this time, the Jiao Tu family members had to allocate half of their strength and use the power of 'Ice Soul' to freeze deep into the earth, freezing the earth and freezing the earth spirits.

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