The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 276 Nest of Elements (please subscribe)

At the same time, the lair was attacked, and the elemental spirits surrounding Liang Ji's family members were also alerted. They gave up attacking them and returned to the lair to help.

Without any obstruction, Liang Ji's family team immediately accelerated and quickly arrived at the place where the battle broke out, the home of the elemental spirits and the place of civilization.

Here, Liang Ji finally saw what the elemental spirits' lair and civilized place looked like.

Just like what Fu Qingque said about the 'nest of elements', the nest of elemental spirits looks like a huge beehive.

This 'hive' is not built on the ground or hung on a tree, but is hung in the air and appears to be hidden in the air.

However, at this time, many students from the Vientiane Star Palace had gathered around, leading their families to attack the 'Elemental Nest'. Under the continuous attacks of various attribute spells, the 'Elemental Nest' hidden in the air had also been destroyed. Most of it was blown out.

The entire 'hive' looks like it is made up of various attribute energies.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, yin and yang, poison, ice, etc., all kinds of mutually reinforcing elemental energy come together and fit together in an extremely mysterious pattern that is full of the charm of the great avenue, and it looks like it has the ultimate beauty.

Among the intersecting and fused elemental energies, you can also see the flow of some runes full of regular power and Taoist rhyme, connecting them to form prohibitions.

Liang Ji saw many familiar runes and restrictions. They were all elemental runes and restrictions inherited from the Star Alliance. They looked very similar. Even the runes and restrictions inherited from the Star Alliance did not have these elements. The runes and restrictions floating around in the Nest look so perfect and full of Taoist power.

Seeing this, Liang Ji instantly realized that in addition to the runes and restrictions inherited by the Star Alliance, apart from the research and insights of the monks of each lineage, a large part was probably plundered.

The rune seeds of the totem civilization, the element runes and restrictions of the elemental spirit civilization, etc.

At the same time, I also somewhat understood the origin of the name of the Wanxiang Star Palace, the "melting pot of all dharma". The so-called "ten thousand dharma" probably does not refer to the various elemental spirits contained in it, but to the civilization developed by the elemental spirits. These natural Taoist runes and restrictions, and even deeper in the furnace, there may be elemental formations developed by higher-level elemental spirits, the inheritance of laws and avenues, etc.

The Vientiane Star Palace, the melting pot of all things, not only harvests the spiritual crystals of the elemental spirits, but also harvests the civilization inheritance developed by the elemental spirits.

At this time, a large number of various elemental spirits gathered around the Nest of Elements, surrounding the Nest of Elements and fighting with the Star Lords' families.

The elemental means mastered by these elemental spirits themselves are extremely powerful. Near the nest of elements, blessed by the energy of the nest of elements, various runes and forbidden powers are blessed on them, and these elemental spirits are immediately controlled. The power of various elements becomes more terrifying.

Even though the dependents of the students of the Star Lord of the Vientiane Star Palace practice the blood inheritance of specifically restraining the elemental spirits, they cannot exert much restraint at this time.

Roaring thunder, howling wind, stirring water and fire, golden energy flying across the sky, hundreds of miles of ice...

Numerous elemental spirits set off large seas of thunder, fire, floods, storms and other elemental attacks around the Nest of Elements, as if turning into an elemental ocean filled with energy of various attributes.

Moreover, these elemental attacks are still under the blessing and operation of the 'Elemental Nest' runes and prohibitions, and operate in the most consistent and consistent laws of the avenue. They do not seem to have the slightest meaning of chaos, and are full of orderly power, making various elements The forces complement each other, pushing their attack power to one peak after another.

As more and more elemental spirits gather, the surrounding elemental attacks and elemental oceans are pushed to one peak after another.

The attacks of the Familia team of the students of the Vientiane Star Palace Star Master were even difficult to break through these elemental oceans and attack the 'Elemental Nest' itself. Instead, Familia teams began to be breached and engulfed by these increasingly powerful elemental attacks, resulting in casualties and injuries. Increasing.

"Team up! Team up!"

"Split them up!"

At this time, among the students of the Vientiane Star Palace gathered here, some people have begun to organize teams to find ways to cut these elemental attacks and elemental oceans.

"Classmate Liang, come with me."

Fu Qingque turned to Liang Ji at this time and said, ready to take him to join a team.

"Liang Ji!"

"You finally came."

At this time, Peng Yue and Liu Xu also came up to greet them.

Liang Ji immediately introduced the three of them.

After the three of them greeted each other, Liu Xu came to Liang Ji and said, "Liang Ji, our opportunity has come."

"There are only a few good things in this furnace of ten thousand arts, the elemental spirit crystal, the nest of elements, and the fire of the furnace."

"Now, they can't take the Nest of Elements for a while. This is our opportunity."

"Wait a moment, you follow my arrangements."

As he spoke, he led Liang Ji forward and approached the Star Master students who had organized the team. One of them was Yunlai.

It can be seen that Yunlai also has considerable prestige and status among the star master students of the Vientiane Star Palace.

"Dear classmates." Liu Xu approached a few people and said bluntly: "We are two students of Kunlun Star Palace. Our family has the power to break the law, which is suitable for breaking and dividing the attack of this ocean of elements!"

"It's just that such an attack will definitely cause heavy casualties to our family members. We must have a share in the breach of the nest of elements."

Among the star masters present, some obviously knew Liu Xu, and even Zhu Mei was among them. Hearing this, he also stepped out and said: "Liu Xu, you also know that most of this nest of elements must be integrated into the flames of the furnace for refining. Yes, what we can capture is only a very small part.”

"You are not students of our Vientiane Star Palace. It is already generous of us to allow you to harvest elemental spiritual crystals here. You still want the Nest of Elements?"

"Besides, even without you two taking action, we still have a way to break through this ocean of elements and break through the nest of elements!"


"That's true!"

"Why should we share it with you? We don't even have enough for ourselves!"

Many of the other Star Lord students also raised their voices and shouted.

Faced with everyone's rejection and doubts, Liu Xu was not anxious at all, and said with a smile: "Dear classmates, I grew up in the Vientiane Star Palace, and I know as much about the Nest of Elements as you do."

"You can build the Nest of Elements on your own, but it will definitely consume a lot of family members, and more importantly, a lot of time!"

"As far as I know, the sooner we build the Nest of Elements, the more rune restrictions, energy, etc. can be preserved in the Nest of Elements, and the more we will gain."

"With our joining, we can build the Nest of Elements faster, and you will gain more."

"And the rewards from the Furnace Fire will definitely be more in the future!"

"Our cooperation is a win-win situation!"

o(╥﹏╥)oI can only say that the plan could not keep up with the changes. There was a fire in the community next door last night. It was so noisy that I couldn't sleep for most of the night and couldn't get up in the morning.

However, four updates will definitely resume today, and there will be two more updates later. Continue to adjust tomorrow!

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