"We agreed!"

At this time, a person walked out from the group of students in the Wanxiang Star Palace. The figure condensed by the stars could be seen with silver hair and a cold breath. The family members below him were also a group of snow bears and half-demon, obviously practicing and inheriting. It is an ice attribute.

Liu Xu obviously knew this person, and he said happily: "Bai Xiaoqi, I knew you were a brother."

"I agree!"

At this time, Yun Lai led several people out, nodded slightly to Liang Ji, and agreed aloud.

Seeing this, the other leaders looked at each other and agreed without insisting.

"But it depends on your specific strength and how many more runes and forbidden fragments of the 'Elemental Nest' you can allow us to obtain."

Although they agreed, some people also put forward conditions, and everyone nodded slightly, obviously agreeing with the conditions.

Liu Xu and Liang Ji naturally had no objections when they saw this.

"I know how to break through this sea of ​​elements."

Liu Xu was obviously prepared and turned to Liang Ji and said:

"This sea of ​​elements is usually centered on the movement of Yin Qi and Yang Qi, and the other nine elemental powers are integrated outside."

"If you want to break through this sea of ​​elements as quickly as possible, you must break through these eleven elemental powers at the same time."

"Liang Ji, I have also seen the fighting power of your family members in the Yinghai Black Hole War. They have mastered the nine elemental powers very well."

"In this way, my family will directly attack the yin and yang energy in the center with the power of breaking the law, breaking the balance and harmony of it for an instant."

"Liang Ji, your Familia must seize the opportunity and use the power of the Familia with their own attributes to break through the nine peripheral elemental powers that have flaws!"

Liang Ji nodded slightly to show that he understood what the other party meant, and then sent out the Nine Sons Bloodline Families to disperse around the ocean of elements, each focusing on the restrained elemental power.

"Get ready, I'm going to take action!"

Liu Xu raised his voice, and then all the Leopard Familia under him took action. The light of various attribute gems shone and merged into a jade light, which directly blasted into the sea of ​​various elemental attacks set off by the elemental spirits. On the yin and yang energy of the central hub.

Amidst the loud roar, the perfect movement of yin and yang energy was instantly broken.

The entire ocean of elemental attacks was turbulent in an instant, and the perfect cooperation and mutual support between various elemental forces was broken in an instant.

However, under the operation of the natural runes and restrictions circulating in the 'Elemental Nest', the surrounding ocean of elemental attacks quickly returned to balance and perfection, and the dispersed Yin and Yang Qi reunited in an instant.

The various elemental spirits guarding the surroundings of the 'Elemental Nest' also launched various elemental attacks to attack Liu Xu's leopard half-demon.

Liu Xu's leopard demon tribe could only defend themselves in an instant, and it would be difficult for them to launch a second attack.

The opportunity is fleeting!

Liang Ji's Nine Sons Family members immediately rushed forward, taking advantage of the moment when the Sea of ​​Elements was shaking and splitting to rush into it, as if nine wedges were nailed into it, isolating the attacks of various elemental forces and preventing them from reconnecting. , fit together and become the power of mutual reinforcement.

Immediately, a large number of various elemental spirits protecting the surroundings of the 'Elemental Nest' began to attack the large family members.

The thunder spirit kills the Biuan family, the fire spirit kills the Suanni family, the water spirit kills the Chiki family, the wind spirit kills the Chaofeng family, the golden spirit kills the Yai family, and the earth spirit kills the Baxia family...

The magical power of the bloodline of Liang Ji's Nine Sons Familia was originally no match for the methods of these elemental spirits. Now around this 'Elemental Nest', various elemental spirits have gained stronger combat power with the blessing of the 'Elemental Nest'. , his family became even more unmatched.

In just a short moment of the battle, there were already hundreds of casualties among the Nine Sons Familia clan.


The warrior leader Chi immediately led the half-dragon family members into it, divided into nine teams, and went to support the Nine Sons family members respectively.

The 'Giant Spirit Hammer' struck down, and the black and yellow law-breaking light flowed on it, smashing the attacking wind, thunder, water and fire into pieces, and cooperated with the Nine Sons Familia to fight and kill with the corresponding elemental spirits.

Although they were still at a disadvantage, they finally reduced the casualties.

"You haven't done anything yet!"

Liu Xu looked at Zhu Mei and the others and raised his voice.

"Kill the elemental spirits! Destroy the nest of elements!"

Peng Yue, Yun Lai, Bai Xiaoqi and others immediately led their families to join in the battle and kill the elemental spirits.

Seeing this, the other students of the Star Lords of the Vientiane Star Palace did not waste any more time and led their families' teams to charge in.

Immediately, the ocean of elements was shattered into pieces by the impact, and the spirits of each element were divided, surrounded and killed by the team of dependents with corresponding attributes.

The pressure on the family members of Liang Ji and Liu Xu was also greatly reduced. They even began to counterattack the elemental spirits and harvest the elemental spirit crystals.

Facts have proved that Wanxiang Xinggong has been studying elemental spirits for countless years, and the elemental spirits cultivated in this 'Furnace of All Arts' are basically used for harvesting.

When the coordination and mutual support between the attacks of various elemental spirits were broken, the battle between the various elemental spirits against the elemental spirits of the Vientiane Star Palace was basically a one-sided suppression.

The various elemental powers guarding the surroundings of the Nest of Elements were quickly killed by the teams of the Star Lords' families, and elemental spirit crystals were harvested one after another.

Soon, everyone's family team arrived in front of the nest of elements.

Roar! boom……

The last ones guarding the Nest of Elements were a dozen mountain spirits, as well as rare Yin spirits and Yang spirits.

The mountain spirit is different from ordinary earth spirits. It can be regarded as a rare composite element spirit. It is not only condensed from earth elements, but also has the condensed power of metal elements, wood elements and other elements in its body. Not only is its defense stronger, Moreover, when they attack, they can activate several powers of earth, metal, and wood at the same time, and they are even more powerful.

With a roar, the earth shook and the mountains shook. They waved the mountains in their hands and smashed them down. The attacks of the families from all sides could be swept away by them with their brute strength.

As for Yin spirits and Yang spirits, they are even rarer. They are better at coordinating and operating various elemental forces, and amplifying and operating various elemental forces to the strongest level.

However, at this time, most of the elemental spirits had been divided, surrounded, and killed by Liang Ji and other Star Lord family members. As a result, the power of Yin spirits and Yang spirits was greatly reduced.

Facing the attacks from the Star Lord Familia, the Yin and Yang spirits guarding the Nest of Elements directly joined forces, and the power of Yin and Yang turned into a devouring whirlpool, swallowing up all kinds of attacks.

With the powerful means of these three elemental spirits, they were able to temporarily resist the attacks of the Star Lord Families of the Vientiane Star Palace.

At this time, Liang Ji and others could see that the light of the Nest of Elements was rapidly weakening, and the natural elemental runes and restrictions that were manifested and circulated in it were gradually disintegrating!

"No! Break them quickly!"

Liu Xu, Zhu Mei, Yun Lai and other star masters suddenly raised their voices and shouted.

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