The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 278 The Fire of the Furnace

As the words of several people fell, all the Star Lord Familia around them launched attacks together. All kinds of wind, thunder, water and fire attribute attacks continued and more and more bombarded into the yin and yang vortex swept by the Yin and Yang spirits.

The vortex exploded immediately, and the Yin and Yang spirits suffered direct backlash and severe damage.


Liang Ji's family members all used the "big and small Ruyi" bloodline magical powers, growing to eight or ninety feet in size. Each sacrificial weapon used various bloodline magical powers and blasted towards the dozen or so people. Mountain spirit.

Although the mountain spirit is strong, Liang Ji's family has more power to shake the mountain. Not to mention the huge strength, magic breaking, and yin and yang friction of the half-dragon family, even though the Nine Sons blood family is inferior to the half-dragon family. Some, but with the foundation of dragon blood, they also have majestic power.

Coupled with various attribute attacks of water, fire, wind and thunder, ice and fire destroy each other, thunder and wind sweep, even the mountain spirit that shakes the mountain and the earth is difficult to support.

More than a dozen mountain spirits finally collapsed under the siege of Liang Ji's family members, turning into a large number of rocks, gold and wood and rolling down. The mountain spirit crystals also fell into Liang Ji's hands.

Of course, Liang Ji's family members suffered thousands of casualties for this.

"Everyone, attack the Nest of Elements together!"

When the final force blocking the Nest of Elements was cleared, Liu Xu, Zhu Mei and other star masters suddenly raised their voices and shouted.

All kinds of attacks from the families from all sides hit the nest of elements in the sky.

Liang Ji's family members also used various bloodline magical powers to blast towards the nest of elements.

Various attacks immediately submerged the huge nest of elements. Amidst the loud roar, the nest of elements collapsed and shattered. Various elemental powers collapsed, and the various natural elemental runes and restrictions circulating in it quickly condensed and dispersed. The elemental power turned into various runes and forbidden fragments.

Amidst the roaring and shattering sounds, the broken nest of elements fell from the sky, and the broken crystal blocks were scattered in all directions.

Dozens of elemental spirits of various attributes were blasted out from the nest of elements.

These dozens of elemental spirits are obviously in the stage of transformation and upgrading. The elemental power gathered around them fluctuates greatly.

The elemental spirits built this nest of elements as a legacy of their civilization. One of its important functions is to assist these elemental spirits in their transformation and advancement.

Most of these dozens of elemental spirits have not actually transformed or advanced. They just saw that the Star Lord's family members were attacking and the elemental nest was not safe, so they directly entered the elemental nest and forcibly swallowed the elemental nest. The power of the nest.

Not only to force promotion and have more and stronger power to fight and kill the Star Lord's family, but also to destroy and destroy the Nest of Elements to prevent the Star Lords from getting this Nest of Elements.

Roar! hold head high! Ouch...

At this time, these dozens of elemental spirits in the process of promotion roared, sweeping up various elemental powers. Some directly blasted towards the broken nest of elements that fell to the ground, while others rushed towards the dependent families of the Star Lords.

"Stop them!"

"We can't let them destroy the Nest of Elements..."

There were screams of surprise, and the dependents of the star masters from all sides rushed forward.

boom! boom! Rumble...

There were roars and explosions, and these elemental spirits that were in the process of advancement became unstable for a longer period of time. The energy supply swept up was sometimes strong and sometimes weak, so they had no intention of fighting or fighting.

Whether it is the elemental spirit that pounces on the broken nest of elements, or the elemental spirit that pounces on the star lord's family members, they will directly detonate it when the elemental energy they control reaches the extreme, and self-destruct!

The terrifying force of self-destruction, the force of wanton impact, and the explosion of various elemental powers immediately caused a large number of casualties among the clansmen from all sides who rushed towards them.

Even the nest of elements that fell to the ground was severely damaged by the self-explosion, with nearly half of it destroyed.

When the impact of the explosion dissipated and the burst of elemental power settled, the star masters gathered their families' teams.

Liang Ji checked his own clan team. The one million warriors sent out this time had been killed and injured all the way, but now there were less than 800,000, with more than a quarter killed and injured.

This kind of casualty rate is far higher than that of hunting void monsters in normal times. It can only be compared in the flesh and blood battlefield when the Yinghai Black Hole explodes.

This shows the combat power and lethality of these elemental spirits.

Moreover, these elemental spirits are only cultivated and synthesized by the Wanxiang Star Palace through the acquired spiritual treasure "The Melting Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods". Their real combat power is definitely not as good as those born in the spiritual world, with complete inheritance and complete civilization. The true elemental spirit!

It can only be regarded as a weakened version of the elemental spirit, but it has such combat power!

It is conceivable that in the star sea outside the Star Alliance, the real elemental spirits faced by those mid-level and high-level star masters are powerful!

"Divide the spoils! Divide the spoils!"

"Among these fragments of the Nest of Elements, there are two of us!"

At this time, Liu Xu directly pulled Liang Ji forward and raised his voice to the star masters of the Vientiane Star Palace.

The star owners of the Vientiane Star Palace also had no objections. On the one hand, they had agreed in advance, and the families of Liang Ji and Liu Xu indeed played a significant role in the battle to break through the Nest of Elements.

On the other hand, it might as well be to give Liu Xu face.

After all, the leaders among these people basically know Liu Xu's background. Although he is now a student of Kunlun Star Palace, his background in the Vientiane Star Palace is not weak.

It's just some fragments of the 'Elemental Nest'. Although they are precious, they won't cause too much trouble with Liu Xu.

At present, the families of all parties are cleaning up the battlefield. The remaining main bodies of the Nest of Elements are being packed up and will be sent to the fire of the furnace later. The fragments of the Nest of Elements scattered in all directions are counted and distributed according to the contributions of each party in the previous battle. .

Liang Ji also successfully received more than a dozen fragments, and they were carefully matched when allocating them. Basically, all the broken runes and restrictions of each attribute were allocated.

"These broken runes and restrictions have the purest power of attribute laws. They are of great benefit when used to refine natal magic weapons or refine them into natal stars."

Liu Xu explained to Liang Ji from the side.

"Thank you very much."

Liang Ji thanked the other party. He knew that the reason why he was able to get these fragments of the Nest of Elements this time was largely due to the favor he received from Liu Xu.

Otherwise, just relying on the quota obtained by his mentor, he might only be able to harvest a few elemental spiritual crystals here, so the Akadama mentor's assessment of him only depends on how many elemental spiritual crystals he harvests.

As for the fragments of the Nest of Elements, it is obvious that they will not be easily given to star owners outside the Vientiane Star Palace.

This time, it was because of Liu Xu's help that he was able to intervene and get some.

Liu Xu smiled when he heard this and said: "If you really want to thank me, just call me Senior Brother from now on!"

When Liang Ji heard this, he smiled and said, "Then you have to convince the instructor first."

While the two were talking, everyone distributed the spoils and began to move deeper into the world with the remaining main body of the Nest of Elements.

Liang Ji also followed him out of curiosity.

Soon everyone arrived at the center of this world, where there was a huge abyss with blazing flames burning in it.

"This is the furnace fire!"

"The melting pot of all laws, all laws are the nest of elements, and the melting pot is the fire of the melting pot!"

"Through the fire of this furnace, you can also enter the deeper and higher-level furnace world, which contains higher-level elemental spirits."

Liu Xu introduced the flame abyss in front of Liang Ji.

At this time, the star masters of the Vientiane Star Palace threw the remaining main body of the Nest of Elements directly into the flame abyss and the fire of the furnace.

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