The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 280 The choice of the third level

A few days later, in the Kunlun Star Palace, there was the Red Jade Instructor's dojo.

Liang Ji and Liu Xu had returned from the Vientiane Star Palace. After paying homage to their mentor, Liu Xu left first, leaving Liang Ji to bow again and say, "Thank you, mentor."

This time, the trip to the Wanxiang Star Palace and the Wanfa Furnace arranged by Master Akadema for him was said to be an upgrade assessment, but in fact it was an opportunity for him to harvest elemental spiritual crystals, elemental runes, restrictions, and The fire of the furnace is a treasure that is difficult to find in the outside world.

However, Instructor Chiyu waved his hand slightly and said: "No need to thank me, I just give you a chance. How much benefit you can get depends on your own ability."

"Now, take out the elemental crystals you harvested and let me have a look."

"Yes." Liang Ji agreed and took out the elemental crystals harvested in the Ten Thousand Methods Furnace.

In the final battle at the Nest of Elements, Liang Ji's family also gained a lot. Basically, they collected all the elemental crystals of various attributes, ranging from one or two to seven or eight, with a total of more than fifty. pieces.

Instructor Akadema looked at these elemental crystals with various attributes, nodded slightly and said: "There are complete types and a lot of them."

"I am very satisfied with your assessment this time. I can give you full marks, twenty-five credits."

"Thank you, mentor." Liang Ji thanked him again.

"These are all your own achievements. There is no need to thank me." Instructor Akadema said, changing the topic and said: "Do you know how to use these elemental crystals?"

Liang Ji pondered and said: "Refining into the blood of the Familia, increasing the power of energy of various attributes controlled by the Familia?"

Instructor Chiyu nodded, shook his head and said: "This is also a usage, and it is quite popular in the Vientiane Star Palace."

"However, the inheritance of the Vientiane Star Palace is very compatible with these elemental spiritual crystals. It can play the greatest role when refined into the Familia, and it will greatly improve the combat power of the Familia."

"But your family members practice the inheritance of our Kunlun Star Palace." The red jade instructor shook his head and said: "After refining these elemental spiritual crystals, the effect will be limited, but most of the energy will be wasted."

When Liang Ji heard this, he immediately understood. He bowed to his mentor and said, "Please give me some advice."

The red jade instructor nodded slightly, looked at him and did not answer directly. Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Liang Ji, do you know what skills the family members should learn after they advance to the third level?"

Liang Ji nodded and said: "Formation!"

First-order talisman, second-order weapon, third-order formation, these words are all popular on the star network.

"Yes! Formation!" Master Chiyu nodded and said, "But do you know that this formation can not only be used on the dependents, but also on the natal stars."

"Deploy the formation on the stars!" When Liang Ji heard this, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed through his mind, and he realized: "These elemental crystals can be used to set up the formation!"

"That's right!" Instructor Akama nodded in approval: "The third-level star master stage is when the star master transforms his natal stars for the first time. It not only opens up the underworld among the stars, but also includes setting up formations among the stars."

"These formations will be the first defensive means arranged by the Star Master for the natal stars, so they need to be as complete and powerful as possible."

"Moreover, after the star master's natal star advances to the third level, the time flow rate on it will drop tenfold again. The limit is only the time flow rate of one day and ten years. At that time, the natal star will be refined to the third level with its own power. The Void Demon Pill and cultivating spiritual veins will be very slow and consume a lot of time."

"Therefore, these formations arranged on the stars also need to help refine the demon elixir and increase the speed of spiritual vein cultivation."

"This type of formation inheritance arranged on the stars has a special introduction and inheritance on the official website of the Star Alliance Formation Association. You can choose the appropriate purchase based on the situation of your own stars and dependents. "

"Seeding these elemental spirit crystals into the stars can generate corresponding element nodes and veins. Using these nodes and veins as the formation eyes and formation patterns in the stars can bring the power of the formation to a greater extent. good."

"The stronger the defense, the more efficient it will be in refining the demon elixir."

"Moreover, the formation that uses these elemental spiritual crystals as the formation eye can grow with the natal stars and become stronger and stronger."

Liang Ji nodded slightly to express his understanding.

It seems that these elemental spiritual crystals can only be used after his natal star has advanced to the third level and the family members have trained formation masters.

After talking about the use of elemental spirit crystals, the red jade instructor changed the topic and said: "Now that your second-level practice has been completed, you can choose to advance to the third level."

"Have you selected the third-level star-refined Void Demon Clan Demon Pill?"

"It has been chosen." Liang Ji nodded and said, "It is to refine the third-level void camel demon."

"Camel Demon!" Master Chiyu nodded slightly and said, "It seems that you have a definite plan for cultivating your own clan."

"And judging from the current situation, your dependents have been trained well."

"In this case, I won't give any random opinions."

"However, as for the Void Camel Demon, I remember that there are more of them in the Golden Hook Star Region, the Quicksand Star Region, and the Manggu Star Region."

He looked at Liang Ji and said, "This time, you don't need me to take you to find and hunt the third-level Void Camel Demon, right?"

"Thank you, instructor, for your guidance." Liang Ji immediately bowed and said, "Students can go there on their own."

The instructor nodded slightly and said: "The third-level void demon clan has mastered the power of the soul and has greatly increased its wisdom. It will be more difficult to hunt. You must be prepared before going."

"Yes, mentor." Liang Ji responded.

"As for the third-level practice, your credits and merits are enough. You can directly exchange it for the third-level inheritance of the 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade'. There is also the 'Golden Cauldron Lineage' inheritance that you want to practice at the same time. You can also directly exchange it for the third-level inheritance. Exchange, I don’t need to say more about these.”

"What I want to tell you is the third-level star master stage, another very important practice: opening up the underworld among the natal stars."

"The underworld is the destination of the souls of the Familia and the place of reincarnation. It plays a very important role in the Star Lord's control of the Familia and the development of the Familia."

"At the same time, the underworld is also an important place to protect the soul of the Star Lord, and it is also crucial to the Star Lord."

"So, how to open up the underworld and what kind of underworld to open are very important and careful choices."

As the instructor spoke, he opened the official website of Kunlun Star Palace and pulled out dozens of special courses, all related to the underworld.

'The composition of the underworld', 'One hundred and eight ways to open up the underworld', 'Thirty-six popular modes of the underworld', 'Nine special underworlds', 'The choice of reincarnation', 'Seventy-two types of ghost soldiers' The method of sacrificial refining', 'How to use reincarnation to cultivate powerful individuals of the dependent family', 'The role of the Hades crystal in opening up the underworld', etc.

Each special course requires spending spiritual stones and merit to learn.

"Before you open up the underworld, you must study these dozens of courses carefully."

The instructor looked at Liang Ji and said.

Liang Ji looked at the dozens of special courses and couldn't help but twitching his lips, but he still responded respectfully and said: "Yes, instructor."

Instructor Akama nodded and asked: "Is the divine crystal you grabbed during the college entrance examination still there?"

"Yes, mentor." Liang Ji responded quickly: "Senior Ge has told me to keep that divine crystal and not sell it."

"That's right." The red jade instructor nodded and said: "That is a Hades crystal. When you open up the underworld, it will have miraculous effects if you refine it into it."

“After you take these lessons, you’ll understand.”

The second-level star master stage was not planned well, and it became more and more difficult to write later, and the writing was serious. Coupled with the author's weakness, updates are problematic. o(╥﹏╥)o

Next is the third-level star master stage, which requires more writing and careful planning. I found that it really wouldn’t work without the detailed outline!

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