The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 281 Camel Mountain Camel Demon

Manggu Star Territory, Manggu Black Hole, a star full of mountains.

Liang Ji sent two million second-order family members to surround a camel demon that was more than a hundred feet tall.

The figure of this camel demon is quite strange. Its body is more than fifty feet tall, and the two peaks on its back are also more than fifty feet tall, as if it is carrying two mountains on its back.

They are both third-level void camel demons. The camel demon in the Golden Hook Star Region is of the metal element and is good at swallowing and breathing metal energy; the camel demon in the Quicksand Star Region is of the earth element and is good at creating quicksand confusion; the camel demon in the Manggu Star Region uses the physical body. Known for its strength and strength, it has the ability to climb a camel mountain.

After some research, Liang Ji chose the third-order camel demon from the Manggu Star Region to continue to strengthen the physical power of the main body of the family members, and this was also more consistent with the inheritance of the "Golden Cauldron Lineage" that respects strength.

As for this camel mountain camel demon, it was also the target that Liang Ji issued a mission after arriving in Manggu City and asked people to find it. The height of over 100 feet indicates that it has just broken through the third level, and its strength should be the lowest among the third levels. In addition, it is also Ask someone to look at it and confirm that the demon elixir is already contained in this camel demon's body.

When he was hunting the first second-order whale demon, his mentor directly selected the target and arranged the battlefield for him, but now when he was hunting the first third-order camel demon, he needed to arrange everything himself.

Groan! Groan! Groan!

The sound of the wind howled like a dragon's roar, and Liang Ji's family still used the method of hunting the void whale monster. The Wind Familia's "Hufeng" was on top, sweeping up the strong wind and sword, and took the lead in attacking the third-order camel mountain camel monster. attack.


Facing the fierce wind and the Wind Familiar rushing in from the air, the third-order camel demon raised its head and let out a roar.

An invisible shock wave filled with soul pressure instantly rushed towards the incoming Chaofeng Familia.

For a moment, nearly half of the 200,000 Chao Feng Familia members froze in the air, and then fell like rain one after another.

Although the other half of the Chaofeng Familia could barely maintain their shape, the strong wind caused by the 'breathing wind' also dissipated for the most part in an instant, and the power of the attack was greatly reduced.

Those flying swords in the wind were slashing at the camel demon's body, and it was even difficult to break through its fur.

The third-level void monster clan has condensed the demon soul, mastered the power of the soul, and can launch pressure and attacks at the soul level. This is undoubtedly a big killer for the Star Lord Familia below the third level.

Liang Ji frowned when he saw this. Obviously, the tactics used by the family members to hunt down the second-order whale monsters were no longer possible on this third-order camel monster. If he wanted to cross-level hunt the void monsters, it seemed that he still had to choose the most primitive method. , is also the simplest and most brutal ant possession tactic!

Use a large number of second-level family members' lives in exchange for the first third-level demon pill, just like when hunting the first second-order void whale demon pill.


Without hesitation, the warrior leader Chi gave an order, and each team of the eight bloodline clans responsible for the main battle launched an attack from eight directions at the same time towards the third-order camel demon in the encirclement.

Great size! Breathe the wind! Call for rain! Swallow the knife! Breathing flames! Ice soul! Move mountains! Drive thunder and lightning!

Wind, thunder, water and fire, mountain shadows suppress, everything is frozen, sword energy storms, black and yellow break the law, Yin and Yang grind against each other!

The eight main battle bloodline clans use the power of their bloodline magical powers, and their bodies can basically expand to eight or ninety feet in size. In terms of size, they are almost the same as the besieging third-order camel demon, but the battle There is a huge difference in strength.

hiss! Roar!

Facing the huge number of Familia who were besieging them from all directions, the third-order Camel Mountain Demon raised its head and roared loudly. Shock waves full of soul pressure swept out continuously, cutting away the rushing Familia teams one by one like mowing grass. , continuously blasting away and weakening the various elemental attacks surging from all around.

But at this time, the huge numerical advantage of the Liangji family members played an important role.

The Familia team in front was hit by the shock wave of soul pressure, and immediately more Familia warriors surged up from behind, rushing towards the third-order camel demon like an overwhelming force.

In this way, the latter stepped on the former's body and used the former as a shield. Finally, a team of hundreds of thousands of dependents could rush to the third-order camel demon, bombarding it with attacks from various bloodline magical powers and attacks from top-quality magic weapons. On the body of the third-order camel demon.

After the impact of more than one million warriors from the clan, only a few hundred thousand, one-tenth, were able to reach the third-order camel demon.

In other words, the other nine out of ten warriors from the clan were knocked down on the way to the charge by the camel demon's soul-filled attack.

This is the crushing power of the third-order Void Demon Clan against the second-order Familia.

Moreover, even the hundreds of thousands of warriors who attacked the third-order Void Camel Demon's side were only trapped in a more difficult battle.

After all, the power of the third-order Void Demon Clan is not just in the demon soul, but its own combat power is also far superior to that of the second-order Void Demon Clan.

Facing the attacks of hundreds of thousands of Familians with their bloodline magical powers and magical weapons, the twin peaks on the back of the third-order camel demon seemed to turn into two substantial mountain peaks in an instant. Earthy yellow light burst out from it and swept across the four directions, blasting hundreds of thousands of Familians towards them. Various attacks smashed and scattered more than half of them.

There was even more yellow light that swept into the hundreds of thousands of clan members that rushed towards them, and a terrifying gravity suddenly erupted, like the top of a mountain, crushing tens of thousands of clan members on the spot and crushing them to death.

The camel demon itself was even more powerful. With a figure of more than 100 feet, it ran rampantly among the besieging team. Wherever it passed, it was like a landslide, smashing into pieces the members of the clan warriors.

Even so, Liang Ji's family members were not afraid of death. His successors stepped on the bodies of those who came before them and continued to charge forward, continuing to launch the most decisive attacks with magical powers and magical weapons.

They used desperate means of burning blood and exploding energy, just to bombard the third-order camel demon with their attacks before death, even if they only broke a little bit of fur.

If a small amount adds up to a large amount, it will be worn to death.

At the same time, behind the main battle dependents, the Qi Niu Familia and the Pulao Familia also used their bloodline magical powers to 'rejuvenate' and 'relieve misfortune' to the extreme, and large swaths of blue and green light shone on the main battle Familia's team.

This time, the effect of 'Rejuvenation' is not as good as that of 'Relieve Disaster'. Under the attack of the third-order camel demon, the second-order warriors of the Familia were basically killed upon contact, and there were not many injured at all. 'Rejuvenation' can heal injuries and save lives. But it has no effect of bringing the dead back to life, so naturally the effect is greatly reduced.

On the contrary, the Pulao Familia's 'Relief from Disaster' was actually able to relieve the Familia's state of stiffness and suspended animation after being attacked by soul pressure.

Groups of warriors who were knocked down by the roar of the camel demon woke up under the rescue of the Pulao clan's magical power of "relieving disaster", and then continued to catch up with those who came forward, stepping on the corpses of those who came towards the camel demon. Charge.

Wave after wave, like surging waves, crashed on the two tall peaks in the center.

A large number of warriors from the clan were smashed into pieces, and the two peaks standing in the center were gradually shaken and shaken. The yellow light erupting on them gradually began to weaken, fade, and finally disappeared.

Then, the mountain peak began to be broken, and flesh and blood rolled down like rocks.


Surrounded in the center, as if possessed by ants, the third-order camel demon let out the most intense roar of pain.

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