The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 282 Demonic Pill Demonic Soul

Under the desperate attacks of the descendants, the defenses of the two peaks on the third-order camel demon's body were blasted, and the flesh and blood were also broken by various magical powers and magic weapon attacks. The flesh and blood rolled down like gravel on the mountain peak.

The camel demon let out a fierce roar, the roar was like thunder, and exploded all the power of the demon soul. The shock wave almost turned into substance and swept around, instantly knocking down the large number of besieged family members to the ground.

This time, a large number of heads of the family members exploded directly in the shock wave, and even "rejuvenation" and "relief" could not save them.

But after clearing the surrounding battlefield, the third-order camel demon had no intention of taking the opportunity to launch an attack. Instead, he turned around and rushed out of the encirclement with the yellow light under his feet, trying to escape.

The third-level Void Demon Clan has condensed demon souls and possesses a certain amount of wisdom. Seeing that the situation is not right, they have no intention of staying and continuing to fight. Even if they are only slightly injured, they directly choose to break out and escape.

Nearly half of Liang Ji's family members were dead or injured at this time. Naturally, it was impossible to give up and let them escape, so they rushed to catch up.

The third-level Tuoshan Camel Demon has the power of Tuoshan and is famous for its strength, but speed is not its strong point.

The Chaofeng Familia clan's "Hufeng" was above, flying at a much faster speed, constantly raising storms from the sky and flying swords crashing down, blocking and delaying the camel demon's breakout and escape.

The third-level camel demon seems to have just broken through and its demon soul is still weak. After the continuous explosion just now, it has fallen into a weak state. Faced with the constant harassment from the Chaofeng Familia, he actually did not let out a roar of soul pressure.

Instead, yellow light erupted from the two peaks on his body again, and his four hooves kept slamming down on the ground. The power became stronger and stronger, the movement became louder and louder, and the ground shook.

The surrounding mountains towering above the stars began to collapse, and starlight drifted out from the collapsed mountains and the cracked earth, but the camel demon did not pursue those starlights.

Instead, the yellow light from the twin peaks on its back swept out, directly sweeping up and carrying those collapsing mountains, and then blasted them into the air towards the pursuing Chaofeng Familia.

Although some of the Chaofeng Familia continued to be knocked down by these mountains, they also successfully slowed down the escape speed of the third-order camel demon.

The rest of the warrior team from the half-dragon, Yasu, Chiki, Jiaotu, Baxia, Biyan, and Suanni clans also followed closely, constantly launching desperate ant-possessed attacks on the escaping camel demon.

The body of the third-order camel demon was bombarded with more and more flesh and blood. A large amount of flesh, flesh, and bones fell together with the corpses of the warriors, scattered on the road of escape and pursuit.

A long road of flesh and blood and corpses was laid out above the mountains and stars.

hiss! Roar!

boom! boom! Rumble...

At this moment, the roar of the camel demon suddenly came from behind the mountains in the distance. Although it was still far away, the coercive power of the demon souls filled in it still made Liang Ji's family members tremble.

The ground roared and shook, sounding like a drum. It was the sound of a huge giant impacting on the ground.

Liang Ji's expression suddenly changed, and his figure made of starlight suddenly flew high into the sky, looking beyond the mountains in the distance.

Sure enough, I saw a dozen camel mountain camel demons rushing towards the battlefield here. These camel demons were all third-level in strength. The small ones were more than 100 feet long, and the big ones were nearly 400 feet long. They were far stronger than the ones he was currently surrounding and killing. This third-level camel demon.

And even though the camel demon that is being surrounded and killed now has killed and injured nearly half of his family members, it has not yet been taken down. If dozens of more powerful camel monsters from a distance come to kill, all of his family members may be killed. Even if the army is wiped out, there is no way to capture a third-level camel demon, and there is not even a third-level demon pill to hunt.

When he was hunting for the first second-level demon pill, he had a red jade mentor to protect him and directly demarcate the battlefield. This not only made it difficult for the second-level void whale demon to escape, but also made it difficult for the unavoidable void demon clan to support and intervene to destroy the hunting of Liang Ji Familia. .

But now, no one is protecting him for this hunting. If he can't completely kill the encircling camel demon before a dozen third-order camel demons rush in from a distance and harvest the demon pill, then this Not only did the hunt fall short, but he also suffered heavy casualties. He didn't know how long it would take to recover.

Liang Ji's expression changed several times, but finally he turned his hand, summoned the magic weapon of his life, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower', and threw it towards the fleeing Void Camel Demon.

The Linglong Tower soared in the air, and in a blink of an eye, it turned into the size of a mountain and suppressed it. The black and yellow light on it shone, and among the ten floors in the middle, there were five elements, wind and thunder, poisonous ice, yin and yang and other lights flowing.

With the blessing of all kinds of family members' power, the pagoda continued to grow and become more powerful. It suppressed it and suppressed the fleeing camel demon on the spot.

"Holy weapon!"

"It's a sacred weapon!"

"It's the Emperor of Heaven who is helping us!"


"The Emperor is watching us!"

When the clan team chasing the camel demon saw the sacred artifact pagoda falling from the sky, they suddenly became more and more excited and erupted. At this time, the warrior leader Chi also directly used the desperate methods of 'blood burning technique' and 'exploding air technique', holding high The giant spirit hammer carried the black, yellow, and yin and yang light and launched a decisive blow on the camel demon.


With a loud roar, the giant hammer directly collapsed half of the camel demon's body. His waist and legs were broken, and the two peaks on his back collapsed.

hiss! Roar!

Suffering this heavy blow, your third-level camel demon let out a painful roar, and the recovered demon soul power exploded instantly, knocking down the attacking clan warriors all around and shattering their heads, including the warrior leader Chi who launched the decisive blow. '.

At the same time, the collapsed twin peaks on his back also erupted with intense yellow light in an instant, rising into the sky like a volcanic eruption, and instantly lifted Liang Ji's natal magic weapon 'Linglong Tower' away.

Click! Click...

There was a sound of shattering, and Liang Ji saw several cracks split instantly on the flying pagoda. The cracks extended and almost tore the pagoda into pieces.

Although this 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' is powerful, it is only a second-level magic weapon after all. Forcibly suppressing the third-level void demon clan is already consuming the original explosion. At this time, it was hit by the desperate explosion of the camel demon and suffered heavy losses.

When his natal magical weapon was damaged, Liang Ji himself also suffered a backlash. His face instantly turned pale in Manggu City, and he almost spit out blood. Fortunately, he was successful in refining his body and qi, and had his natal stars to rely on him. Suppress this backlash.

On this hunting ground, Liang Ji's figure formed by starlight also showed signs of chaos and dissipation in an instant, but was then forcibly stabilized by him.

Liang Ji reached out to recall his natal magic weapon. Looking at the cracks left on it, Liang Ji felt heartbroken. He quickly sent it back to the natal star to be nourished and restored by the power of the stars.

At this time, in the battlefield, although the camel demon's final explosion caused huge damage, it was only its last cry. After the flashback-like explosion, it completely declined, and even its defensive power was greatly reduced.

The rest of Liang Ji's family members pounced on them one after another. Even the Qiuniu family members and Pulao family members who had been serving as auxiliary teams also gave up their support at this time and also rushed forward to launch an attack, only for the ten who came to help from a distance to come. Several camel monsters were killed before them as quickly as possible.


Finally, under the attack of all the dependents, the camel demon neighed for the last time and fell down without any support. Then his huge body was almost turned into a pulp.

Liang Ji's family members quickly pulled out a third-level demon pill.

This third-level demon elixir is different from the first- and second-level demon elixirs. You can see that there is a dark shadow in this demon elixir, vaguely looking like a camel demon.

That is the condensed demon soul of the third-order camel demon!

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