The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 284 Assessment of the Jinding lineage

In the end, the battle for the throne of the warrior leader Chi was held outside Dragon Soul City, under the Holy Ground of Longshou Mountain.

The second-level training spiritual ground ‘arena’ is no longer able to support the combat power and aftermath of these third-level warriors.

After more than ten fierce battles and duels, the power of the warrior leader Chi fell into the hands of a third-level half-dragon warrior, and was no longer lost from the half-dragon family.

After all, although these warriors of the clan have condensed their souls and advanced to the third level, they have not yet practiced the third-level blood inheritance, nor have they mastered the third-level spiritual arts, spiritual weapons, etc. The methods used in battles and duels are basically the same. Or second-level spells, magic weapons and other means.

That is to say, the power of bloodline magical power is more powerful after the bloodline is advanced, and generally has the power of the third level.

Under such circumstances, the power of the half-dragon warrior's third-level "Big and Small Ruyi" bloodline magical power is already stronger than that of other bloodline warriors. The half-dragon warrior who has taken the position of the warrior leader "Chi", after running the third-level "Big and Small Ruyi" bloodline magical power, When Ruyi's bloodline magical power was activated, his figure directly expanded and grew to the size of one hundred and eighteen chapters, which was basically about ten feet larger than other third-level warriors of the bloodline clan.

With this advantage, these third-level half-dragon warriors can suppress the other third-level warriors of the bloodline clans and win the victory.

What's more, the other bloodline magical power 'Inversion of Yin and Yang' mastered by the half-dragon warriors has greatly increased in power after advancing to the third level. It has the power to disturb order and break the rules, and can defeat the attacks of other bloodline warriors. , spells, bloodline magical powers, etc. directly disrupt and distort them, greatly reducing the power of their attacks or even directly destroying them.

Therefore, with the power of these two bloodline magical powers, the third-level half-dragon warrior successfully suppressed all challengers and seized the power of the tribal warrior leader ‘Chi’.

At the same time, not only the position of 'Chi', the leader of the tribe's warriors, but also the positions of the other three leaders in the tribe, 'Xi', 'Wang', The position of 'farmer' also started to be fought over.

Nowadays, as long as the Familia who occupy the position of power have not gathered their souls and advanced to the third level, they will be challenged by the Familia who have advanced to the third level to seize the power of the tribe.

Now that the Familia have begun to advance to the third level, the second-level Familia no longer have the qualifications and strength to continue to occupy the position of tribal leader.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness had been withdrawn from the natal stars. After seeing more and more families unite their souls and advance to the third level, he no longer paid much attention to the subsequent struggle for power in the tribe.

At this time, he had teleported from Manggu City through the Star Gate and returned to Kunlun Star Palace.

After logging into the official website of Kunlun Star Palace, I first exchanged the third-generation inheritance of the 'Jade Character Lineage' inheritance and 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade', sent it to the natal star, and introduced it to the third-level dependents to practice.

When he was admitted to the Star Palace and became a student of the Red Jade instructor, the instructor only gave him the inheritance of the first two turns of the 'Nine Mysterious Jade Turns'. The third turn and the inheritance of subsequent levels required him to spend his own merits to learn from the Star. It was exchanged in the palace.

He was a disciple of Master Akadama and was originally a student of the 'Jade Lineage', so it was quite easy to redeem the third turn of 'Nine Mysterious Jade Transformations'. Master Akadama had already given him permission, and it only cost him 300 meritorious deeds. Exchanged it for the third inheritance.

However, compared to this, it is not that simple for him to redeem the inheritance of the 'Golden Cauldron Lineage'.

After all, he is not a student of the 'Jin Ding lineage'. Although the Kunlun Star Palace stipulates that as long as the students' credits meet the requirements, they can apply to concurrently study the inheritance of other Dao lineages, but naturally they also need the consent of the concurrent cultivators of the Dao lineage. .

Liang Ji had already applied to study the 'Jin Ding Lineage' inheritance more than a month ago. Both his mentor and Xing Gong had approved it. However, the 'Jin Ding Lineage' mentor asked to test his family members. See See if it is suitable to practice the 'Jin Ding Lineage' inheritance.

Now, some of his family members have successfully advanced to the third level, and they have also met the conditions required for the assessment by the instructor of the 'Jinding Lineage'.

Immediately, I contacted the instructor responsible for the assessment of the ‘Jinding Lineage’ and soon received a specific notification.

Kunlun Star Palace, Jinding Peak, is located on a square on the mountainside.

This is the place where Liang Ji's family members undergo the examination. There are golden tripods standing in the square. The small ones are like huge rocks, the big ones are like mountains, and the lowest weight is ten tons.

The person responsible for the assessment of Liang Ji's family members was a middle-aged tutor named Jin. He looked at Liang Ji and said: "This assessment is very simple. Our 'Jin Ding Lineage' inheritance values ​​strength, so we will not assess you either." The combat prowess, technology, spells, etc. of the Familia will only be assessed by strength."

"Have you seen these golden tripods..." He said, pointing to the large and small golden tripods in the square, and said: "Classmate Liang Ji, send ten warriors from the clan and ask them to lift the tripods respectively."

"Generally speaking, our 'Golden Cauldron Lineage' requirement for students is that first-order dependents be able to lift the smallest golden cauldron in the first row, which weighs ten tons!"

"The second-level dependents are required to be able to lift the second row of golden tripods, which weigh more than a hundred tons."

"Third-level Familia need to lift the third row of golden cauldrons, all of which are over a thousand tons, and the third row of golden cauldrons have special restrictions. These weights not only put pressure on the body of the Familia lifting the cauldron, but also To put pressure on the souls of the dependents.”

"However, you are not a student of our 'Jin Ding Lineage', you are only studying the inheritance of our 'Jin Ding Lineage', so the requirements for you are not that high."

"As long as the ten third-level dependents sent by you can lift the second row of golden cauldrons, you will pass the assessment!"

"Thank you, Master Jin." Liang Ji thanked him first, then opened the starlight portal and found ten third-level dependents from the natal stars.

The ten families come from ten bloodlines respectively, including Half-Dragon, Chaofeng, Baxia, etc. Although the strength of the Nine Sons Bloodline Family is definitely not as strong as that of the Half-Dragon Family, Liang Ji wants to show off the status of his Family as much as possible. So that the 'Jin Ding Lineage' can determine whether they are suitable for practicing the inheritance of the 'Jin Ding Lineage', so there is no intention to hide their clumsiness.

The instructor of the Jinding lineage was also experienced and had a sharp vision. He could see the situation of the ten family members sent by Liang Ji at a glance. He nodded with some approval, but didn't say much.

At this time, the ten family members sent by Liang Ji, led by the leading warrior leader Chi, had arrived at the second row of golden cauldrons and began to lift the cauldrons one after another.

They all chose the largest golden tripod in the second row, each weighing 900 tons.


The first one to try was the warrior leader Chi. He directly picked up the golden cauldron by one leg, shouted deeply, built up his muscles, and successfully lifted the 900-ton golden cauldron high.

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