The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 285 Jiuding Builds Strength

For Liang Ji's third-level family members, the second row of golden tripods with a value of less than a thousand was not a big challenge.

After the warrior leader Chi easily lifted the largest golden cauldron in the second row, the other warriors from the Nine Sons Bloodline Families also took action separately and successfully lifted the golden cauldron.

Although they may not be as easy as the warrior leader Chi, they are not at the point where they need to exert all their strength, at least they do not need to use the magical power of the bloodline of "Big and Small Ruyi".

The instructor of the Jinding lineage who was in charge of the assessment looked at the performance of the Liang Ji family members and his eyes brightened slightly. He turned to Liang Ji and said: "According to the regulations, you have passed the assessment and can be exchanged for the inheritance of our 'Jinding lineage'."

"However, I see that your family members are all still capable. Are you interested in challenging the third row of Jinding?"

The third row of golden cauldrons is a requirement for the third-level dependents of the students of the ‘Jinding lineage’. The smallest golden cauldrons are over a thousand tons, and there are special restrictions in them that can allow the souls of the dependents to withstand the same weight.

This is undoubtedly more than ten times stronger than the Jinding in the second row.

"If your dependents can lift the 'Golden Cauldron' in the third row, I can make the decision and give you the same exchange treatment as a student of the 'Golden Cauldron'."

Liang Ji is not a student of the 'Jin Ding Lineage'. Even if he passes the concurrent examination, if he wants to exchange for the inheritance of the 'Jin Ding Lineage', he will definitely have to pay far more merit than a normal 'Jin Ding Lineage' student.

Just like he only needs three hundred meritorious deeds to redeem the third-level inheritance of the 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade'. This is his benefit as a student of the 'Jade Lineage', but if he exchanges for the inheritance of the 'Golden Cauldron Lineage', he may need The merits of one thousand, or even three thousand, increased several times or ten times.

If the other party really gives him the same exchange treatment as a student of the 'Jinding Lineage', it will undoubtedly save Liang Ji a lot of merit.

After all, the merits required to redeem inheritance will inevitably become greater as one reaches higher levels later, and the merits that can be saved will naturally become greater.

Liang Ji was a little moved when he heard it. He looked at his family members, nodded and said, "You can give it a try."

At the moment, it was still the warrior leader ‘Chi’ who stepped forward first and chose the smallest golden tripod in the third row, which weighed a thousand tons.


The warrior leader "Chi" hugged Jin Ding's legs, shouted deeply, and picked up "Jin Ding".

Compared with the previous golden tripod, this golden tripod only increased the weight of one hundred tons. For the warrior leader Chi, who had not yet reached his limit, it was not a big challenge in terms of physical strength alone.

But at this time, golden light bloomed on the 'Golden Cauldron', and it seemed that another illusory 'Golden Cauldron' appeared, pressing on Chi's soul.

For Chi, who had just condensed his soul not long ago, this weight pressing on his soul was undoubtedly the biggest challenge.


With a crisp sound, the 'Golden Cauldron' that had just exploded instantly lost control and fell to the ground.

Instructor Jin who was in charge of the assessment was not surprised when he saw this, but was a little disappointed. He smiled and said: "It's okay. After all, your family members have never practiced the inheritance of our lineage. To be able to do this is already very impressive..."


However, before he finished speaking, Chi, the leader of the half-dragon warriors, shouted again and activated the bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", and his body expanded to more than 110 feet.

This time, instead of hugging Jin Ding's legs, he directly hugged Ding's body.


With a deep shout, the warrior leader Chi raised the golden cauldron again. The golden light shining on it and the illusory cauldron shadow condensed on it were suppressed by it, but they were also lifted high by it.

Seeing this, Instructor Jin’s eyes became brighter and brighter.

After that, the other nine bloodline clan members also used the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to successfully lift the thousand-ton giant cauldron. Although they all had their own difficulties, they were not as easy as 'Chi'. But the mission was successfully completed.

"Good! Good! Good!" Instructor Jin, who was in charge of the assessment, praised him three times. He looked at Liang Ji and sighed: "Classmate Liang, to be honest, your family is very suitable for the inheritance of our 'Jin Ding Lineage'. Back then, Xing Xing When the palaces are allocated, we should fight more."

"Thank you, Master Jin." Liang Ji thanked the other party and said with a smile: "It is not too late to learn the inheritance of the 'Jin Ding Lineage', and it is an honor for me."

"Okay! You passed the assessment." Instructor Jin nodded with a smile, stretched out his hand to open a light curtain in front of him, logged in to the Xing Palace official website and filled in the assessment record, and then opened the channel for Liang Ji to redeem his inheritance.

Liang Ji took out the 'Xingjian' and logged into the official website of Xinggong. As expected, he successfully entered the redemption page of the 'Jinding Lineage' inheritance.

The blood inheritance of the 'Jin Ding Lineage' is called 'Jiuding Strength Building'. With Liang Ji's current level and credits, he can directly exchange for the inheritance of the previous 'Three Tripods', which are one hundred meritorious deeds, two hundred meritorious deeds, and three hundred meritorious deeds. The total amount is only six hundred meritorious deeds.

This is obviously because Instructor Jin has given him the same exchange authority as a student of the 'Jin Ding Lineage'. Otherwise, the exchange for the first three levels of bloodline inheritance may increase by more than double, triple, or even five times.

Although Kunlun Star Palace encourages students to study the inheritance of various channels to make the strong stronger, it also needs strong people to prove that they are strong enough, and sufficient merit is undoubtedly the best proof, and it is also the most important thing for Star Palace and the Star Alliance. Useful proof.

Liang Ji thanked the other party again, exchanged the first three levels of inheritance, and sent them to the family members for practice and inheritance.

With the inheritance of "Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade" and "Nine Cauldrons Building Strength", Liang Ji's third-level family began to change rapidly. The power of the third-level bloodline and condensed souls were fully developed under these bloodline inheritances. development, and the combat power continues to grow.

The third turn of 'Nine Turns of Mysterious Jade' gave them the power to 'break souls' on the basis of 'Breaking Laws'; and the inheritance of 'Nine Cauldrons to Build Strength' not only increased the physical strength and power of the dependents, To the limit of each level, the condensed souls of the third-level family members have substantial power, and have the ability to interfere with reality and matter with the power of the soul.

In order to adapt to these increased combat capabilities, and in order to bring these increased combat capabilities into full play, Liang Ji started a third-level large-scale purchase.

Various third-level spiritual roots and spiritual seeds, as well as the inheritance of third-level spiritual arts and spiritual weapons, the promotion of third-level cultivation treasures, and most importantly: the inheritance of formations.

First-order talisman, second-order weapon, third-order formation!

The third-level dependents have condensed their souls and mastered the power of their souls. They already have the foundation and ability to learn, master, research, and arrange various formations.

Liang Ji needs to train formation masters among the dependents. This is not only related to the subsequent battles and combat power of the dependents, but also to the construction and development of the natal stars.

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