The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 294 Conditions for joining the security department

Listening to Senior Sister Bian and Senior Qi talking about the Star Alliance security department, Liang Ji's heart was slightly moved.

At the end, the banquet gradually got better. When he was satiated and drunk, Liang Ji went to find Senior Qi Changge. He first raised his glass and made a toast, then turned to the main topic and said: "Senior Qi, I have now advanced to the third level Star Lord Realm. I also want to join the Star Alliance security department as an intern, but I don’t know how to join?”

Liang Ji wants to join the Star Alliance security department for multiple purposes, the most important of which is to gain merit and collect resources through the security department.

Whether it is the resources he needs to cultivate the bloodline magical power of his family members, or the resources such as the 'divine crystal' fragments needed to open up the subsequent Jiuquan underworld, according to his understanding, in the Star Alliance, only by joining the security department and participating in the operation, can Make these resources more accessible.

Therefore, Liang Ji had long had the idea of ​​learning from Senior Qi Changge and joining the Star Alliance security department as an intern.

Senior Qi Changge drank the spirit brew, looked at Liang Ji, nodded and asked, "Senior Brother Liang, have you mastered the star technique of 'Guardian of the Stars'?"

"Has the underworld among the natal stars been opened?"

Liang Ji nodded, shook his head and said: "The underworld among the stars has been initially opened, but it still needs to be opened and improved."

"As for the star technique 'Star Guardian', although it has not been completed yet, it has already been touched, and it is not far away from completing the star technique."

Senior Qi Changge nodded thoughtfully when he heard this, looked at Liang Ji and said, "Senior Brother Liang, you know that our work in the Star Alliance security department is mainly to fight and kill the evil cult organizations and evil cultivators within the Star Alliance. "

"This is very different from the previous battles in which you led your family members to hunt down the Void Demon Clan in the black hole of the Star Territory."

"To hunt the void monsters in the black hole of the star field, your body can hide in the city in the center of the star field, protected by the city and away from the battlefield. You only need to use the starlight projection body to pay attention and direct your family members to fight in the battlefield. , just fight."

"In such a battle, even if all your family members are sacrificed in the battle, it will hardly threaten the safety of the Star Master himself."

As Senior Qi Changge spoke, he picked up another glass of spiritual wine, and Liang Ji also picked up a glass to accompany him. After both parties finished drinking, they listened to the other side continue to say:

"But fighting within Covenant security is different."

"What we are facing is no longer the void monsters in the black hole, but the evil cultivators and enemies hidden within the Star Alliance. We are fighting among the stars and cities within the Star Alliance, fighting face to face."

"Such battles often break out suddenly. We don't even have time to summon a team of dependents to fight before we are attacked and killed by evil cultivators and enemies."

"This requires us, the Star Lords, to have enough combat power and self-protection power to be able to protect ourselves from evil cultivators and enemies. At least we can protect ourselves to the point of summoning a team of dependents to fight and kill."

"Therefore, the Star Alliance security department's minimum requirements for Star Lord monks who want to join are third-level Star Lords who have opened up the underworld and practiced the 'Star Guardian' star technique."

"By opening up the underworld, you can protect the star master's soul; by cultivating the star technique of 'star protection', you can protect the star master's body."

"With these two guardians, the Star Lord monks don't have to worry about being directly hit hard or even killed instantly by the evil cultivator's surprise attack. Only in this way can the Star Lord monks fight in the battlefield be better protected, so that the Star Lord monks can have enough power to fight back and take advantage of Destroy the enemy."

Listening to senior Qi Changge's words, Liang Ji nodded with understanding and said, "It seems that I can apply to join the Star Alliance security department only if I have mastered the astrology of 'Guardian of the Stars'."

"Not bad." Senior Qi Changge nodded and said, "Contact me after you have mastered the astrology of 'Guardian of the Stars'. I will send you a document to apply for an internship in the security department. When the time comes, you can fill out the document and submit it." After being reviewed and signed by the Star Palace, it will be transferred to the Star Alliance security department for review."

"Generally speaking, it is no problem for our Star Palace students to enter these important Star Alliance departments for internships, and it is easy to pass."

"When the time comes, I will look for connections and see if I can get you into my group so that we can act together and take care of each other."

Hearing this, Liang Ji picked up the flask and poured another glass of spirit wine for Senior Qi. He picked up the wine glass and toasted again, thanking: "Thank you for taking care of me, Senior."

Senior Qi Changge said with a smile: "We are all from the same sect and we are meant to take care of each other. There is no need to be polite."

A banquet where guests and hosts enjoy themselves.

Liang Ji and Senior Bian Yujiao had officially met, and they also got the news they wanted from Senior Qi Changge. After the welcome banquet, they returned to the Star Palace residence and focused more on the astrological practice of 'Guardian of the Stars'.

If you want to master the starry arts of 'Guardian of the Stars' as soon as possible and have enough self-protection power, you can join the Star Alliance's security department for internship in order to gain merit and resources.

After a brief gathering, all the seniors and seniors are busy with their own cultivation. Senior Bian Yujiao has been out in the field for many years. This time she comes back to prepare for promotion to the fifth-level star master. She has many things to deal with and has been in Kunlun Star Palace for more than ten years. Later, he set off to return to his family in the Manggu Star Territory.

Senior Qi Changge is also continuing to be busy with the work of all departments of the Star Alliance. Since the war broke out in the Black Hole of Yinghai, the demon cultivators from the Temple of Demons and the slaves of the gods from the Pantheon have appeared and caused a lot of troubles. In the past few days, Senior Qi Changge and the others have obviously become busier in the past few months.

Seniors Chen Zhao, Senior Ge Yuanchao, Senior Xu Mao, Junior Liu Xu, etc. also have their own training and research tasks, etc., or stay in the Star Palace, or go to other star fields, or even go to outer areas.

The practice of Star Master monks is always full of busyness and loneliness. More of their minds and energy are put on the development of their natal stars, the cultivation of their dependents, and their own practice. The contacts and interactions with outsiders are always getting more and more important. few.

Liang Ji is now observing the development of the stars and the underworld every day, studying the practice of the 'Guardian of the Stars' astrology, and practicing soul refining. He only occasionally contacts his seniors, Peng Yue and other old friends on the Star Network. , exchange some experiences and information.

On this day, Liang Ji's soul jumped out of the pagoda of his natal spiritual weapon as usual and entered the "Fengquan Underworld" under the stars.

At this time, in the "Fengquan Underworld", a simple city has been built, which was built by the souls who entered the underworld. When the city was originally built, Liang Ji's soul also performed miracles and bestowed upon the city. Next name: Fengquan City.

Nowadays, most of the souls of the family members who have entered the underworld live in Fengquan City, which has gradually become a ghost city.

However, at this time, Liang Ji's soul did not pay attention to this 'Fengquan Ghost City', but looked into Fengquan. There were a group of souls swimming in Fengquan, swimming towards the island in the center of Fengquan. The soul at the front has swam more than half the distance and is not far from the island in the center of Fengquan.

Liang Ji had a feeling that perhaps the first family soul would land on the island today.

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