The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 295 Golden Soul

The natal star is in the underworld of Fengquan.

Liang Ji's soul landed on the island in the center of Fengquan and looked into Fengquan.

The water of Fengquan can wash away the marks of the past life on the soul. A group of heroic spirits swim in it, and scenes of the past life are peeled off from their bodies and dissipated in the underworld.

These heroic spirits cannot see these scenes. Fengquan washes away the marks of their previous lives. When their souls are completely washed into a blank, they will sink to the bottom of Fengquan and reincarnate.

However, as the Lord of the Stars and the Lord of the Underworld, Liang Ji's soul could see these images being stripped away and dissipated.

From these pictures, he can see the deeds, achievements, merits and demerits of these heroic spirits during their lifetime.

These heroic spirits swimming in Fengquan are all members of the clan who participated in the first battle to hunt down the third-order camel mountain camel demon. They survived that tragic battle and continued to do so after the stars advanced to the third level. Condensed soul, advanced to the third level.

It can be said that these heroic spirits swimming in Fengquan now are the first batch of third-level dependents in his natal star. Among them are warriors, priests, spiritual planters, alchemists, formation masters, historians, and others. The outstanding leaders of the seventy-two lines, etc., are the pioneers and builders of the third-level tribes.

The third-level camel demon demon elixir that Liang Ji's natal star is currently refining was obtained by leading the family team to form a war and hunting the camel demon.

However, as time went by, the first batch of third-level dependents on the stars did not die on the battlefield, but they gradually reached the age and end of their lifespan. They began to wither and die one after another, and their souls entered the underworld. Build cities in the underworld, record underworld epics, and reincarnate in Fengquan.

Liang Ji's soul watched their heroic spirits being washed away by Fengquan one by one, just like a piece of cloth dyed with various colors in the water, with pieces of color being stripped away, and finally leaving a piece of the purest white cloth, blank. The soul sank to the bottom of Fengquan and passed away in reincarnation.

In the end, only one heroic spirit was left and continued to swim forward in Fengquan. The various colors on this heroic spirit seemed to be very solid. It was always very slow and difficult for Fengquan water to clean and peel off these colors and reveal the past. .

Liang Ji looked at the scenes that were difficult to peel off, and saw that this heroic spirit was a powerful half-dragon warrior, and his combat power was even more powerful than the tribal warrior leader Chi.

However, this half-dragon heroic spirit has no intention of competing for the position of the warrior leader 'Chi'. What he wants to compete for is the position of the tribal sacrificial leader 'Xi'. This heroic spirit has the strongest and fanatical belief in the Emperor of Heaven. It can be said that A fanatical believer.

However, in order to balance the power among the ten bloodline families in the tribe and avoid the previous phenomenon of one family being dominant and bullying other bloodline families, and in addition, the Pulao family members were in the process of hunting the third-order camel demon. Due to the meritorious service achieved by Zhong Zhong, the position of the tribe's sacrificial leader 'Xi' in the end still fell on a third-level Pulao family member's sacrificial body.

This half-dragon heroic spirit failed to win the position of ‘Xi’.

However, he did not sink here, but continued to believe in the Emperor of Heaven fervently, and then studied various inheritances, including the inheritance of array masters, alchemy masters, weapon refiners, talisman masters, spiritual planters, spiritual priests, and even tribes. Historian's inheritance, etc. can be said to be a powerful and genius being who has mastered a lot of knowledge, skills, and inheritance.

In the subsequent construction of tribal city-states, the development of third-order stars, refining various formations, training various battle formations, leading the clan team to hunt the third-order camel demon, and other actions, this heroic spirit has made considerable contributions.

When he died at the end of his life, the tribe even held a grand sacrificial ceremony for him to commemorate and praise his contribution and bless him to enter the underworld opened by the Emperor of Heaven.

And after entering the underworld, this heroic spirit did not stop. The city now built in the Fengquan underworld was built under the leadership of this heroic spirit.

When the city was successfully built, Liang Ji's soul manifested a miracle and gave the city the name "Fengquan City".

Because of this miracle manifestation, this heroic spirit with fanatical belief in the Emperor of Heaven believed that he had received the oracle and revelation from the Emperor of Heaven, so he chose to enter the underworld according to the "Epic of the Underworld" records left by his predecessors on the shore of Fengquan. In Fengquan, swim to the island in the center of Fengquan.

Most of the other heroic spirits who entered Fengquan followed him and entered Fengquan.

Liang Ji's soul looked at the scenes of being peeled off from this heroic spirit. There was no doubt that this was a heroic being worth cultivating.

However, although this heroic spirit is powerful, and the 'color' on its body is also very solid and difficult to peel off, the mark is still peeled off and whitened bit by bit by the water of Fengquan when it swims in Fengquan. When Liang Ji saw why it entered Fengquan, In fact, the 'color' on his body has been peeled off and washed away, and he is not far away from becoming a blank soul, sinking to the bottom of Fengquan, and entering reincarnation.

Likewise, his heroic spirit was not far from the island in the center of Fengquan.

At this time, Liang Ji's soul flew into the "Fengquan Palace" on the island, possessed the statue of the god in the palace, and activated the power of the soul.

The next moment, a bright light burst out from the statue, filling the inside and outside of the temple. The light and shadow of the underworld body of the Heavenly Emperor appeared on the island, and under the sky of the underworld, looking at the heroic spirit in Fengquan.

The heroic spirit has only the last piece of 'color' left on its body, which is the most fanatical belief in the Emperor of Heaven. It is struggling to resist the baptism and stripping of Fengquan water.

At this time, seeing the miracle manifested on the island, the last 'color' on the heroic spirit suddenly became stronger and even shimmered. It broke out again in the Jedi, and its swimming speed increased again, directly rushing towards After passing the final distance, we landed on the island.

The soul of the heroic spirit, which had had most of the marks of its previous life washed away, was completely blank and could no longer remember most of the things. However, when he landed on the island, he still knelt down devoutly facing the temple and the direction of the God's statue. , praising the Emperor of Heaven and expressing the firmest faith to the Emperor of Heaven.

Divine light shot out from the temple in the center of the island, fell on him, and led him to the temple.

Outside the temple, he knelt down to express his gratitude to the Emperor of Heaven for his guidance; inside the temple, he saw the underworld statue of the Emperor of Heaven for the first time, and knelt down again to express his fervent belief.

Liang Ji's soul guided him with divine light into the back of the temple and to the 'Jin De Pond'.

"This is a gift from the Emperor of Heaven!"

The voice that pointed directly at the soul sounded in his soul. It was the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven. After the half-dragon hero once again devoutly thanked the Emperor of Heaven for his guidance, he jumped into the 'Jin De Pond'.

The golden water in the 'Jin De Pond' poured into his soul, dyeing most of his blank soul into gold, and sent him into reincarnation.

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