Liang Ji's natal star, the sacred land of Longshou Mountain, in front of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda and the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor, was holding a grand sacrifice ceremony.

The purpose of this sacrificial ceremony is to hand over the position of "Xi" as the sacrificial leader in the tribe.

The sacrificial leader 'Xi', who was born in the Pulao clan, was already extremely old at this time, and his life span was even close to 2,000 years old. Even among the clan, he was extremely long-lived.

But now it is close to the limit, and I have only persisted until now just to wait for the growth of 'Jin'.

'Gold' is a being who was born with a vision, attracted the attention of the Emperor of Heaven, and was given a name by the Emperor of Heaven. In the dependent tribe, he is the natural spokesperson of the Emperor of Heaven and the son of the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, after he was born, he was destined to be the next generation of sacrificial leader 'Xi', and no one could compete with him for the position of 'Xi'.

'Jin' has received the best education and training from tribal sacrifices since he was a child. He has studied and practiced the best inheritance in the tribe and received education from leaders. As of now, he is only over a hundred years old. According to the longevity of the family members, he is still a teenager and is still ten or twenty years away from adulthood.

However, 'Xi', the leader of the Pulao sacrifices, can't wait any longer. His lifespan is approaching the limit, and he has already felt the call and guidance of the underworld.

Therefore, even though 'Jin' is not yet an adult, the Pulao sacrificial leader must also perform this sacrificial ceremony and pass on the position of 'Xi' to 'Jin', even if he is not yet a minor.

At this time, the sacrificial ceremony has reached its climax. The extremely aging Pulao sacrificial leader climbed onto the high platform of the handover ceremony with the support of the young sacrificial priest.

The dressed-up 'Jin' also climbed onto the high platform at this time. Although he was not yet an adult, 'Jin' at this time was already a peak second-level dependent, and his body was as strong and tall as an ordinary third-level dependent. .

The baptism of 'Jin Dechi' has the greatest effect on the physical body, giving 'Jin' the strongest body.

The old sacrificial leader led the "gold" to the sacred pagoda and kowtowed three times and nine times to the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, praising the achievements and gifts of the Emperor of Heaven.

At the end of the ceremony, under the witness of the leaders of the clans of each bloodline of the tribe, and under the attention of many clansmen participating in the sacrifice, the Pulao sacrificial leader handed over the talisman representing the power and position of the sacrificial leader 'Xi' to the hand of 'Jin'.

When 'Jin' took over the talisman, the sky suddenly surged with wind and clouds, thunder and fire burst out and roared, the sacred vessel pagoda buzzed and vibrated, and a black and yellow light bloomed and shone, shining down and falling on 'Jin''s body.

Undoubtedly, this is the Emperor’s recognition of ‘gold’ and the family members.

Immediately, many of the family members participating in the sacrifice knelt down and burst into cheers.

They cheered for the Emperor of Heaven, the name of Xi, and Jin.

In the end, all the cheers merged into two names:

"Emperor of Heaven!"

"Jin Xi!"

The cheers soared into the sky.

On the high platform, the tribe's new sacrificial leader 'Jin Xi' accepted everyone's worship and cheers. The blood in his body began to speed up, as if boiling, and a new force burst out from his body and blood. A golden light filled the air from his body and sank into his head.

On this high platform where the position of the sacrificial leader was handed over, 'Jin', while becoming the tribal sacrificial leader 'Xi', successfully condensed his soul as a minor, advanced to the third level, and became the youngest among the tribe's dependents. The third-level dependent family.

At the same time, his body began to grow again, becoming taller and stronger, surpassing that of ordinary third-level dependents, and catching up with the size of Chi, the strongest and tallest warrior leader of the tribe.

This is still the state of 'Jin' being a minor, and he will definitely continue to grow when he reaches adulthood, becoming stronger and taller, surpassing the warrior leader 'Chi', and will definitely be the most powerful existence among the entire tribe and family members.

After the handover of the position of the sacrificial leader was completed, the old priest leader from the Pulao family died at the end of his life the next day.

The new sacrificial leader ‘Jin Xi’ hosted a grand burial ceremony for him and sent his soul into the underworld.

In the 'Fengquan Underworld', Liang Ji's soul came out of his body and watched the old priest leader's soul enter 'Fengquan City'. He was soon recommended by many family members' souls in the city and became a member of 'Fengquan City'. The chief priest.

Today's 'Fengquan City' is also getting bigger and bigger. The first generation of third-level dependents have basically expired. The old priest leader is the last first-generation third-level dependents. Their souls have entered the 'Fengquan Underworld'. Some choose to enter 'Fengquan' for reincarnation, and some choose to live in 'Fengquan City'.

There is no second soul that has entered the "Fengquan" that has swam to the middle island.

The souls who chose to live in 'Fengquan City' have continued to expand 'Fengquan City', and now it has the appearance of a city for the dependents above the stars. They even built the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven in the city and selected various people. The position of leader.

Some Talisman masters, alchemy masters, Qi refiners, formation masters, life inheritance, etc. were also brought into the "Fengquan Underworld" by some souls and developed in "Fengquan City".

To this end, Liang Ji also purchased some spiritual roots and spiritual seeds that can be cultivated and cultivated in the underworld and planted them in the star underworld to help the evolution of the 'Fengquan underworld' and also provide these souls who survive in the underworld. resource.

In the underworld, as more and more souls enter, development gradually gets on the right track.

And above the stars, among the tribes and families.

After "Jin" took over the position of "Xi", the leader of the sacrifices, he also began to brew a sacrifice reform.

In the more than twenty years before adulthood, 'Jin Xi' did not do much. She continued to continue the tribe's sacrificial system passed down for hundreds of thousands of years. At the same time, she led the tribal sacrificial teams to various bloodline clans, to various cities, and In the villages, various sacrificial ceremonies were held to promote the gifts of the Emperor of Heaven and to solve various problems for various tribes.

These actions have made 'Jin Xi's' already very high reputation rise even higher among the tribe's dependents, and she is worshiped and respected by almost all the dependents.

Therefore, after he came of age, he promoted sacrificial reforms in the tribe and encountered little resistance.

During the hundreds of thousands of years of development of the Dragon Soul Tribe's sacrificial rituals, apart from the sacrificial rituals becoming more and more complex and grand, the sacrificial system itself has not changed much.

It has always been the most primitive way of inheritance, dissemination, and cultivation. Except for a few hierarchies such as tribal sacrificial leaders and various bloodline clan sacrificial leaders, there are not many distinctions, organizations, etc. in sacrificial rituals.

The sacrificial reform promoted by 'Jinxi' is to standardize the cultivating of sacrificial cultivators, the spread of beliefs, the classification of sacrificial rituals, the standardization of sacrificial rituals, the organizational form, etc. among the tribes.

In a nutshell: Reform the original sacrificial system into a religious system!

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