The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 300 The Reformation and Hell

‘Jinxi’ reformed the sacrificial system of the entire tribe and established a unified religion, named: Tiandi Religion.

There is a clear organizational structure in the Tiandi Sect. Each level of the organization and the tribal sacrificial leader "Xi" are the pope in the "Tiandi Sect". The first pope is "Jin Xi" himself, who is stationed in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain. Tiandi Temple'.

Below it, the leader of the sacrifices among the ten bloodline dependent clans is the second-level priest in the 'Celestial Emperor Sect', and is the 'Priest', who is stationed in the 'Celestial Emperor Temple' in the main city of each bloodline dependent clan.

Next, there are the sacrificial leaders in each clan city and village, who are called "priests" and are stationed in the "Tiandi Temple" in each city and village.

Under the "priests" are the vast number of sacrifices. As staff in the "Tiandi Temple" at all levels, they spread the belief of the Emperor of Heaven in their daily work and preside over various small sacrificial ceremonies.

In the religious reform of 'Jin Xi', there are also regulations for various sacrificial rituals, which are divided into various levels. It is stipulated that different levels of sacrificial rituals are presided over by different levels of 'sacrifice'; different levels The sacrificial objects, methods, rituals, etc. used in the sacrificial rituals are also different, and each has detailed regulations.

In addition, 'Jin Xi' also sorted out various classics about the 'Emperor of Heaven' passed down through the ages and produced a standardized holy book of the 'Emperor of Heaven' religion, the main content of which is the epic poem praising the achievements and gifts of the 'Emperor of Heaven' through the ages; and produced The first 'religious code' was written, which recorded the levels, rights and obligations of various levels of priests, as well as the various precepts and regulations that must be observed.

In terms of cultivating sacrifices, 'Jin Xi' also standardized it and opened special sacrifice education courses in the tribe's 'Dragon Soul Academy' and 'Prison Niu Academy' to train full-time sacrifice personnel.

Not only that, 'Jin Xi' also took this opportunity to promote and build various clan academies in the main cities of other blood clans.

Baxia Academy, Yaju Academy, Taunt Academy, Chi Kiss Academy, Jiao Tu Academy, etc. were built one after another in the main cities of each bloodline clan to cultivate sacrificial talents and other talents.

Finally, he built a special "Tiandi Academy" in the Longshou Mountain Holy Land as the highest institution for cultivating the power and sacrifice of the "Tiandi Sect".

'Jin Xi' did this, on the one hand, to spread the influence of the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' to every bloodline dependent clan and to cultivate specialized sacrifices in each bloodline dependent clan.

On the other hand, the natal star has now reached the third level, and the number of dependents nurtured in it has reached more than 10 million, and the number of dependents of each bloodline has reached more than one million, whether in terms of numbers, economics, or politics , society, etc. have been greatly developed, and it is indeed necessary to build their own colleges in the main cities of each bloodline family.

'Jinxi''s promotion of the establishment at this time is just following the trend, and it can also get more and greater support from all bloodline families.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

Establish religion, establish institutions, standardize sacrificial rituals, formulate 'sacred scriptures' and 'religious codes', establish academies, standardize and promote the cultivation of sacrificial rituals, etc.

‘Jinxi’ promoted the religious reform step by step, coordinating the originally decentralized and free tribal sacrificial system, and established a standardized, institutional, and authoritarian religious system: the Tiandi Sect.

And with this religious system, it further increases and deepens its influence and control over the entire clan tribe, each blood clan, and even goes deep into each city and village.

Similarly, with this religious system, the entire family's belief and incense in the 'Emperor of Heaven' has also greatly increased, which is also of great benefit to the star owner, the origin of the stars, the great road, etc.

The Taoist fruits contained in the stars increased directly from 24% to 26% after Jin Xi completed the general religious reform.

The growth of Dao Fruit has also made Liang Ji's mastery of the entire stars more profound. Under its influence, the true energy in the Dantian Qi Sea, the power of the 'Star Guardian' star technique, etc., have all increased significantly.

All the growth of stars, dependents, and Dao Fruit directly affects Liang Ji, the star master.

Among the natal stars and in the dark night, Liang Ji's soul jumped down from the sacred artifact pagoda, and he clearly felt that the more intense, pure, and powerful power of faith and incense gathered around his soul.

In this dark night, help his soul resist the wind and all kinds of natural invasion.

Although it has not reached the level of 'night tour', with such strong and pure faith and incense protection, Liang Ji's soul has been able to stay outside the Sacred Artifact Pagoda for a longer time, observing the stars, dependents, and people under the night sky. city.

At the same time, under this more intense and pure faith and the warmth of incense, Liang Ji also clearly felt that his soul had grown far more than before.

If this continues, he believes that the second level of the seventh-level soul refining, 'Night Journey', is not far away.

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, 'Jin Xi' walked out of the Temple of Heavenly Emperor and looked in the direction of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda.

His golden soul is more powerful, and he has the most direct and powerful faith in the Emperor of Heaven. Although he cannot see Liang Ji's soul at this time, his soul and his faith are telling him that the Emperor of Heaven is paying attention here.

‘Jinxi’ summoned the priests in the Holy Land and the apprentices in the ‘Celestial Emperor Academy’, and held a medium-sized sacrificial ceremony in the direction of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda to welcome the gaze of the Heavenly Emperor.

Liang Ji's soul paid attention to this sacrifice and felt the pure and strong faith and the power of incense coming from the sacrifice, protecting and nourishing his soul.

When the sacrificial ceremony ended, Liang Ji's soul entered the "Fengquan Underworld" with strong incense and power of faith.

His soul came to the west of Fengquan City and reached out to the sky.

Several meteors fell in and landed on his hands, which were an array diagram and a gold nugget spiritual seed.

The formation diagram is the 'Golden Sword Array Formation', and the gold nugget spirit seed is an extremely hard and sharp spiritual gold ore mother spirit seed.

Liang Ji's soul seals were driven into the underground of the underworld one after another, and then the formation diagram and the gold nugget spirit were planted into them, and then new soul seals were entered and activated.

As the sun and moon move above the stars, the stars develop, and the underworld evolves, these soul seals, formation diagrams, and gold nugget spiritual seeds combine, grow, and evolve here, gradually turning into a rugged, steep, and extremely sharp golden mountain.

This mountain is covered with sharp golden knives, blowing with violent sword energy, which can inflict the sharpest and most painful wounds on the soul.

This is: Knife Mountain Hell!

When 'Jin Xi' formulated the first 'Religious Code', the tribes and family members accordingly began to distinguish between sins and criminals.

And when there are sins and criminals, there will naturally be punishment.

Sinful souls who enter the "Fengquan Underworld" will fall into the "Knife Mountain Hell". They can only climb to the top of the Knife Mountain under the cutting and pain of countless golden knives and sword energy. Only then was he able to enter Fengquan to gain liberation and even reincarnation.

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