The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 306 Practical Test

Chiluan City, in a manor in the north city.

The 'Immortal King Kong', who had just participated in another performance competition, walked into the manor, activated the formations and restrictions arranged in the manor, checked and found no problems, then entered the secret room in the backyard, opened a mechanism, and opened a direct underground path. channel.

Under the passage was another secret room, which was also carefully arranged with formations and restrictions. After opening it for inspection and confirming that there were no problems, he felt relieved.

Then, he carefully took out a jade talisman and offered it as a sacrifice. Divine light shone out from it, covering all directions, isolating the inside and outside.

After making all preparations, the 'Immortal King Kong' sat cross-legged on the futon, lit a few spiritual incense sticks in front of him, and began to breathe and practice in front of the spiritual incense.

As he practiced, the auras of these spiritual incense smokes gathered toward his eyebrows, gathering more and more, gradually forming like clouds.

When his practice became more and more perfect, a little divine light bloomed in the center of his eyebrows, rising in the lingering clouds and mist, like a bright star, a crystal clear and mysterious fragment of "divine crystal".

At this time, in the shining fragments of the 'divine crystal' and in the surrounding spiritual fragrance clouds, various strange phenomena began to appear.

They are all underground black games and various arenas. The sounds and images of many spectators cheering and venting are all kinds of bursts of emotional and spiritual energy.

In the process of his practice, these visions gradually distorted, and finally seemed to turn into twisted, abstract and weird figures, sinking into the fragments of the 'divine crystal' with weird cheers and screams.

After the 'divine crystal' fragments swallowed up these twisted, abstract, strange figures and spiritual energy, the divine light on them shone brighter and brighter, and even the broken parts of the fragments began to slowly recover and grow.

When the 'divine crystal' fragments had swallowed up all the spiritual energy, the spiritual incense had burned out, the clouds and mist dispersed, and the 'divine crystal' fragments turned into a divine light and sank into his eyebrows.

The next moment, a ray of divine light started from the center of his eyebrows, flowing and permeating his whole body. Golden light bloomed on his body, becoming brighter and stronger, and at the same time, his body's blood became more majestic and active.

The blood energy, aura, and coercion all over the body have also been pushed to the peak, and they are constantly impacting the fifth-level human immortal martial saint to this day.

But in the end, the divine light retracted between his brows, and the golden light around him gradually converged, but he failed to complete the breakthrough.

"It's just a little bit close! Just a little bit..."

The 'Immortal King Kong' opened his eyes, and there was a flash of confusion and madness in his eyes, but the light between his eyebrows flashed and was suppressed. He murmured in his mouth, unaware of all this.

At that moment, he removed the jade talisman that isolated the inside and outside, activated the star network terminal, and ordered a spiritual meal through the spiritual message.

In fact, this spiritual message was to contact the underground black ring and ask them to arrange another black ring match for him tonight.

He had a feeling that as long as he won another black challenge, he would be able to collect enough emotional and spiritual energy for the refining of the 'divine crystal' to help him reach the realm of fifth-level martial saint.

"It's almost! It's almost..."

"As long as I advance to the fifth level of Martial Saint, I can initially refine this 'divine crystal', and then embark on the path of cultivating the gods!"

He murmured in his mouth, the crazy look in his eyes reappeared, and the 'divine crystal' fragments flashed between his eyebrows, suppressing the crazy look.

Seemingly coming back to his senses, Immortal King Kong quickly tidied up the secret room and then opened the passage back to the manor above ground.

However, as soon as he returned to the ground, he realized something was wrong. He turned around and wanted to re-enter the underground passage.

But the next moment, a 'sky thunder' fell from the sky and blasted directly into the house and the passage. It roared and exploded, smashing the house and passage to pieces.

A ray of golden light rushed out from the sky against the thunder. It was the figure of the 'Immortal King Kong'. At this time, the golden light all over the body exploded, as if it were made of fine gold.

He looked around, but it was already covered and blocked by formations and restrictions. There was no way to go to heaven and no way to enter the earth.

And within this formation and restriction, there were battle formations composed of some members of the family that looked like jackals, ligers, or big fish, surrounding him.

One of the Familia, with the heads and tails of an anticlimax, formed a thunder-type battle formation. A large number of thunders gathered in the air and turned into thunderous roars. The attack just now was really caused by these Familia's battle formations with anticlimax heads and snake tails.

Behind the battle formation of the family members surrounding him, there were three figures, none other than Liang Ji and the others.

"Familia! Star Lord!"

"It's you damn Familia again! Star Lord!"

The 'Immortal King Kong' looked at the situation on the field, the madness in his eyes became more and more obvious, and the madness gradually appeared on his face, and the golden light around him flashed, as if it might explode at any time.

"Who are you? You attacked my home and me for no reason! What on earth are you going to do?"

"I'm going to the city inspection department to sue you!"

The 'Immortal King Kong' suppressed the crazy look on his face, looked at Liang Ji and others and asked in a deep voice.

"Immortal King Kong, whose real name is Yuan Gang, is from the Celestial Star of the Manggu Star Region. He is now 206 years old. He practices the human-immortal Taoism and is currently at the sixth level of mind-refining cultivation."

"Eight years ago, when you were on the run from the Tianxiang Star, you had just broken through to the seventh-level Soul Refining Realm of Human Immortal. Now, in a short period of time, your cultivation level has almost reached the fifth-level realm."

"My practice has progressed really fast in the past few years!"

Captain Yang Yun was speaking at this time while opening a light screen web page, which displayed information about the 'Immortal King Kong'. In just one day, the Star Alliance security department had collected all his information and passed it over.

"so what!"

Listening to Yang Yun's words and looking at the information manifested in the light screen, the crazy color on the face of 'Immortal King Kong' became more and more intense and obvious, but he still suppressed it and said in a deep voice: "I have become enlightened in the past few years and participated in various activities. It’s a kind of competition and duel, and you can quickly break through in battle and fight, can’t you!”

"Who are you?"

"The Star Alliance adheres to the law. Even if you are the Star Lord and you are superior to others, you will not be allowed to mess around!"

"I'm going to contact the inspection department and I'm going to sue you!"

As he spoke, he opened the Star Network terminal and wanted to contact the Municipal Inspection Department, but found that the place had been completely blocked and even Star Network could not log in.

Seeing this, the crazy look in his eyes and face became more and more serious.

"We are from the Star Alliance security department, Yuan Gang. We now suspect that you are related to the cult Pantheon and need to investigate you. Please cooperate!"

Senior Sister Yang Yun showed her ID at this time and said to the other party.

"Security department? Pantheon? Hahaha..." Seeing this, the 'Immortal King Kong' gave a long laugh. The madness in his eyes and face was fully visible, and he looked like he could not suppress it. He stretched out his hands, looked at a few people and said: "Okay, I'll cooperate! How are you going to review it?"

Yang Yun looked around and said to Liang Ji: "Liang Ji, go up and check."

When Qi Changge heard this, he looked at Liang Ji and had no objection.

Seeing this, Liang Ji understood that this was his actual combat test. The last time it was just a test in indoor formations and restrictions, it was a death test, but this time it was a test in actual combat and living.

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