The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 307: Hatred of injustice


Liang Ji did not refuse Captain Yang Yun's request and directly agreed.

Then, looking at the crazy look on the opposite side of the 'Immortal King Kong', Liang Ji directly summoned his natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower' to float on the top, hanging down a large piece of black and yellow light to protect his body; at the same time, he activated his natal stars. The middle Dao fruit activates the whole body's protective true aura to the extreme.

If this is not enough, he carries several talismans and protective spiritual weapons close to his body, which have been activated by him. Once he encounters a limit-breaking attack, he will explode directly to protect his safety.

After being fully prepared, Liang Ji activated the 'Spirit Searching Plate' in his hand and stepped forward. A spiritual light shot out from the compass directly towards the 'Immortal King Kong'.


Before the spiritual light enveloped the body, the 'Immortal King Kong' roared violently, and bright golden light erupted all over his body. At the same time, a divine light shone between his eyebrows, and a broken 'divine crystal' emerged.

Under the stimulation of the divine light of this 'divine crystal', his golden figure seemed to teleport, instantly crossing the distance between him and Liang Ji. A golden fist appeared in Liang Ji's sight almost instantly. arrived in front of him.

At this moment, Liang Ji's mind almost instinctively came to the scene where he had seen the opponent punch through and kill the Qi Refiner monk in the underground black arena.

It was breathtaking, as if the golden fist would penetrate his body and kill him in the next moment!


The next moment, a roar and explosion sounded, and the golden fist collided with the true aura surrounding Liang Ji, causing a roar and explosion.

Just like a meteorite hitting the planet, the aura of the star force field surrounding Liang Ji was blasted and torn apart layer by layer by the golden 'meteorite'.

In just a short moment, most of the zhenqi field had been destroyed by him, and only the last layer had been compressed and deformed to the extreme, and might collapse at any time.


It was also at this time that Liang Ji's mind was finally awakened by the roar and explosion. With a roar, he almost instinctively activated his bloodline magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi", and his body quickly expanded to reach dozens of feet. At the same time, other The zhenqi aura surrounding him also increased ten times in an instant.

Finally, he was able to resist the golden fist of the 'Immortal King Kong' at the last moment, preventing it from directly destroying the star technique of the 'Guardian of the Stars'.

"Ah...die! Die! Die!"

Seeing that one punch did not break the true energy aura. The Immortal King Kong started attacking more and more crazily, roaring crazily while attacking crazily.

The golden light all over his body and the divine light between his eyebrows have exploded to the extreme, as if they are on fire.

Under this crazy burning, his aura, power, and attack power skyrocketed, directly breaking through the limit of his cultivation and advancing to the fifth level.

Even after Liang Ji used the magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi', his true energy field, which was strengthened ten times, was constantly broken, torn, and endangered under his crazy attacks.

Breathe the wind! Call for rain! Drive thunder and lightning!

At this time, Liang Ji had also activated various bloodline magical powers, controlling the wind, rain and thunder with a wave of his hand, and blasted towards the Immortal King Kong.

However, although the opponent was in a state of madness, his fighting instinct was unexpectedly powerful. Even without any intelligence, he could avoid Liang Ji's various magical attacks just by relying on his fighting instinct.

Even if he is unable to evade magical attacks, he can always instinctively make the most accurate weakening and defense. Coupled with his powerful defense as if made of gold, and his so-called "immortal" recovery power, the "divine crystal" burns With the blessing of divine light, it was pushed to the extreme.

Even if a few of Liang Ji's magical attacks hit him, few of them could break through his defenses. The damage caused after breaking his defenses was limited, and he always recovered quickly.

Swallow the knife! Breathing flames! Take the mountain to hold the mountain!

The Gengjin sword energy turned into a storm and struck directly in front of him. The third-level spiritual fire swept up and turned into a sea of ​​fire that engulfed and burned him from all sides. A giant shadow of a hundred feet high mountain came across the sky to suppress it.

Liang Ji had regained his composure at this time, knowing that his combat experience was far inferior to this enemy who had fought countless life-and-death battles on the black ring. Since his single attack was easily avoided by the opponent, he chose an area attack.

Relying on his inexhaustible energy, he uses a steady stream of ranged magical powers to envelop and cover the surrounding battlefield. With a comprehensive strike, he can always cover and attack it.

Similarly, Liang Ji has the support of his natal stars behind him, his true energy is endless, and his magical powers are endless. No matter how strong the opponent's defense and recovery power are, he can be exhausted!

At the same time, his ten bloodline clans around him have formed a battle formation to surround the entire battlefield. The battle formations have been set up and the battle formations are in motion. They are all ready to go and can provide support to Liang Ji at any time.

This is the advantage that Star Master monks have over other Taoist monks. As long as the opponent cannot quickly kill Star Master, once they fall into a protracted war, it will be almost impossible for other Taoist monks to win over Star Master monks, and they will be exhausted even if they are exhausted. .

"Die! Die! Die!"

The Immortal King Kong was completely crazy at this time, charging and slicing crazily in the sea of ​​fire and the storm of sword energy. While avoiding the suppression of the shadow of Juyue Mountain in the sky, it burned more fierce golden light and divine light, and launched a more decisive attack on Liang Ji. death attack.

At the same time, he was still roaring and cursing crazily.

"Damn Star Lord!"

"Damn the Covenant!"

"Damn Zhoutian Star Chart!"

"They all deserve to die!"

"Why is it that only you, the star master, can obtain the Great Way to Heaven! You can live as long as heaven and earth!"

"I have been practicing hard for hundreds of years, why is it all in vain!"

"No fair! This isn't fair!"

"The Star Alliance is unfair! The Star Map is unfair! The world is unfair! I will crush the Star Alliance! Crush the Star Map! Crush the world!"

"Crush them all for me! Crush them all! Crush them all..."

While roaring, the golden light and divine light around him burned to the extreme. Fragments of 'divine crystal' even flew out from the center of his eyebrows and floated in the mountain above. Among them, twisted figures could be seen faintly burning, disappearing, and turning into The power of divine light was injected into the body of the Immortal King Kong, burning and burning it completely.

It makes its entire body seem to turn into a bright golden light, like exploding flames and fireworks, making a final explosion, burning everything and erupting everything, pushing its attack power to the peak of the fifth level, and even continues to move towards the fourth level. The situation rushed away.

Once again, it struck the stars like a golden meteorite.

The giant shadow of the mountain in the sky suppressed it and was directly blasted to pieces. The sea of ​​​​fire that swept around it was pierced by it, the impact of the sword energy storm was shattered by it, the sweeping violent storm was destroyed by it, the frozen soul was blasted by it, and the yin and yang rotated Devoured and shattered by it.

The true energy field protecting the whole body was also blasted and shredded layer by layer, just like the golden meteorite completely blasted through the magnetic field and force field of the stars and blasted into the stars.

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