The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 308 The second ‘divine crystal’ fragment

Liang Ji stared at the incoming golden light. Its power and attack power had burned to the extreme, reaching the peak, but it was still within the fifth level and had not reached the fourth level!

"Can handle it!"

He can handle it even if he doesn't reach the fourth level!

The natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Exquisite Tower' rotated and exploded above. The hanging black and yellow light was like a curtain of heaven and earth, colliding with the golden light that broke through the true energy field.

At the same time, the robe Liang Ji wore, the jade pendant on his waist, the rings on his hands, and the talismans he carried were all activated, forming heavy defenses and blending into the 'black and yellow light' to collide with the bombarding golden light.

The golden light that had survived the bombardment of numerous supernatural powers and broken through the true energy field was already at the end of its strength. Just as Liang Ji had judged, it could no longer break through the defense of the 'black and yellow light'.

Starlight flickered in Liang Ji's eyes, and he could clearly see the situation in the blocked golden light.

Most of the body of 'Immortal King Kong' has been burned, leaving only the smaller half of the body, a golden fist, and a head with glaring eyes that have lost all brilliance and consciousness. Even its soul and consciousness have been burned away. All.

At this time, what controls the remnant body is the fragment of the 'divine crystal' suspended above his head. It is still burning the remaining remnant body, bursting out the final attack power, trying to break through Liang Ji's defense and attack to him.


Liang Ji Shen shouted, and activated the bloodline magical power of 'Big and Small Ruyi' to the extreme. He raised his fist and struck it down like the 'Giant Spirit Hammer' of the Half-Dragon Familia. Influenced by the Familia, he had a domineering body, a black-yellow body, and The power of the three cauldrons, the power of the soul, and other powers were all overturned on this punch, directly shattering the flames of golden light and divine light, and bombarding the burning remains.

Amidst the roar and explosion. The remaining half of the 'Immortal King Kong' was completely shattered by Liang Ji's punch, turning into powder and disintegrating.

A bit of divine light, relying on the broken body's resistance, broke out from the powder, soared into the sky, and was about to fly away.

It's the 'divine crystal' fragment.

At this time, Qi Changge, who had been watching the battle and protecting the law, and had already mobilized all his strength to prepare for rescue, took action instantly. A red jade light swept through the air, and instantly captured the escaping fragments of the 'divine crystal'.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped……

At this time, applause sounded from all around.

Liang Ji circulated the 'Tao Fruit', urged the true energy of the Dantian Qi Sea, restored the star technique of 'Guardian of the Stars', and looked around in a blink of an eye.

But they saw Qi Hao and Qin Hongyan arriving at some unknown time, and they were applauding under the leadership of Captain Yang Yun.

"Okay! Liang Ji, you performed well in this battle!"

"Although there is some lack of experience, I believe I can make up for it as long as I experience a few battles in the future."

Captain Yang Yun applauded, looked at Liang Ji and said with a smile:

"You have passed the test of our team, and you are now officially welcome to join our team."

"Haha... Junior Brother Liang, you are so awesome!" Qi Hao also said with a smile: "Not inferior to me back then!"



Bai Xiuyan, Zhang Xiu, Xie Yuchao and others also welcomed him with smiles.

Senior Qi Changge also came forward at this time, handed over the received piece of 'divine crystal', and said: "Congratulations, this is your trophy."

"Be careful when dealing with these evil god monks in the future. Don't let these precious trophies fly away."

Liang Ji didn't answer when he saw this, but looked at Captain Yang Yun.

After all, this was an operation that everyone carried out together, and the anomaly of the 'Immortal King Kong' was discovered by Captain Yang Yun. Even this battlefield was arranged by Captain Yang Yun and Senior Qi Changge.

What Liang Ji did was just the final battle and killing, and it was carried out under the protection of everyone.

It can be said that although Liang Ji has merit, how to distribute the 'divine crystal' still depends on the captain's wishes and the opinions of other team members.

Yang Yun nodded to him and said with a smile: "Take it, this is the tradition of our team. You have accepted the test, no matter whether you succeed or fail in the end, this 'divine crystal' fragment is yours."

"If you successfully pass the test, this 'divine crystal' fragment will welcome you into the team; if you fail the test, then this 'divine crystal' will be your compensation and dismissal."

"Yes! Brother Liang, just accept it."

"We were all like that back then."

The other team members also nodded.

Seeing this, Liang Ji took the fragment of the 'divine crystal' and thanked Senior Qi. He also thanked Captain Yang Yun and other team members.

"Okay." At this time, Yang Yun clapped her hands, called everyone's attention, and then said: "Everyone clean up the battlefield and search the manor to see if we can find more."

"This time, it has never been seen before that the competitive monks refined the 'divine crystal' fragments by absorbing the emotions and spiritual energy of the audience."

"It seems that the Pantheon has made new progress in its research on the application and refining of 'divine crystals' in our Star Alliance."

"Let's see if we can find more information. We will report it to the security department and we should get a lot of merit."



"Everyone, take action."

When several team members heard this, they all agreed and took action individually.

"Liang Ji." Senior Qi Changge also greeted Liang Ji and asked, "Have you recovered?"

"I didn't suffer any injuries. I have recovered a long time ago." Liang Ji immediately responded: "What are your instructions, senior?"

"Then search with me, and I will teach you some search experience." Senior Qi Changge said.

"Okay, thank you, senior." Liang Ji thanked him immediately.

Afterwards, everyone conducted a thorough search of the 'Immortal King Kong' manor. They were all Star Lords, and each had a large number of dependents to help. It didn't take much effort to dig up three feet of the manor.

Unfortunately, except for some formations used for practice, as well as some strange statues, spiritual incense and other materials found in the underground secret room where he practiced, there was no other gain.

Liang Ji looked at the formations used for practice. They were different from the dozens of formation inheritances of Meteor in the Star Alliance. They were filled with many styles from outside the Star Alliance.

"There are many styles of the divine world in these formations." Qi Changge pointed to those formations and introduced: "The formations in our Star Alliance are usually based on one element, two rituals, four images, five elements, etc., and These formations are based on hexagons, which is a formation and power basis commonly used by evil gods in the God Realm."

Liang Ji listened to senior Qi Changge's guidance, nodded slightly and wrote down all these experiences and teachings.

"Those slaves of the evil gods in the Pantheon are studying the power of the divine world more and more deeply!"

Senior Qi Changge said, frowning slightly and saying with a bit of worry:

"If this continues, a war between the Star Alliance and the God Realm may be inevitable."

There will be a chapter later.

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