The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 312 Centralization of Power


The dragon soul entangled in the natal star raised its head and swallowed a demon pill with a dragon roar. After refining it, it was planted into the natal star.

The power of the demon pill was refined by the stars and integrated into the spiritual veins of the stars. The demon soul was refined into pure soul power and sank into the earth. Under the 'Fengquan Underworld', a new underworld has gradually emerged. , forming.

In the ancient city of Mang, Liang Ji rented a place.

Liang Ji raised the 'Star Mirror', and the starlight shot out and intertwined on the ground to form a teleportation array. After sending a newly hunted demon pill into the natal star, he took out one after another clear, pure and transparent 'crystals' , the crystals are of various colors, in which the powers of wind, thunder, water, and fire are contained and manifested.

It was the spiritual crystals of various 'elemental spirits' that he had previously hunted in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' in the Vientiane Star Palace.

At the beginning, Master Akadema had pointed out to him that the spiritual crystals of these 'elemental spirits' were refined into the natal stars to generate various 'elemental spiritual veins', forming mountains, rivers, and elemental spiritual vein arrays above the stars. It is most suitable to promote the development of the stars, protect the stars, and accelerate the refining of the demon elixir.

But now, as his natal star has stabilized in the third level, the number of third-level dependents is increasing day by day, and even the third generation of third-level dependents have grown up, and the cultivation of formation masters has also become more and more important. The research is also becoming increasingly sophisticated.

There are already some ideas and plans for how to arrange the formation among the stars.

Therefore, Liang Ji also began to plant the spiritual crystals of these 'Elemental Spirits' into his natal stars, allowing the stars to slowly refine and grow into the necessary 'Elemental Spiritual Veins' to become the materials and basis for arranging the star array. .

In reality, a few months passed. Jin Xi led the clan team to go on several expeditions, and the number of third-level demon pills obtained from hunting had exceeded fifty, which was enough for Liang Ji to refine for a period of time.

In the several hunts carried out by each clan team, although most of them ended in victory, they inevitably suffered casualties, with losses amounting to thousands.

Above the natal stars, the sun rises and the moon sets, and the four seasons rotate. Hundreds of years have passed.

The various 'elemental spiritual crystals' that Liang Ji refined into his natal stars have also been refined, forming various 'elemental spiritual veins' in the stars.

These 'elemental spiritual veins' are distributed throughout the stars, in the sky and on the earth. Their existence greatly increases the power of various elements on the natal stars, and the blood power of each family becomes more active, and the number of awakenings and advancements Big increase.

Among the stars, various spiritual mines, various spiritual grains, spiritual plants, spiritual medicines, various spiritual beasts raised, etc. are all obtained in this environment where the power of elements is greatly increased. There has been great growth, and both have achieved bumper harvests.

Under the propaganda of the ‘Celestial Emperor Sect’ led by Jin Xi, these changes are naturally gifts from the Heavenly Emperor and are also Jin Xi’s contribution.

In addition, Jin Xi led various clan teams to victory in several expeditions, which made his prestige continue to rise.

Jin Xi's reputation and power among the tribe and the ten bloodline clans were pushed to a new peak.

As a result, more and more calls were heard among the various bloodline clans and spread throughout the tribe, calling for Jin Xi to take over the power of the tribe's economic leader 'Nong' and the political leader 'Wang'.

This voice is getting louder and louder, and it is getting more and more support among the tribe's bloodline families.

Nowadays, the economic leader of the tribe, 'Nong', and the tribe's political leader, 'Wang', are under increasing pressure due to the enthusiasm of the group. They have also approached Jin Xi several times, wanting to abdicate and replace 'Nong' The talisman and power of the 'King' are handed over to him.

However, he was rejected by Jin Xi several times.

Finally, on this day, when Jin Xi led the tribe's clan teams and returned victoriously from another expedition, the 'Celestial Emperor Sect' held a victory celebration and sacrificial ceremony. The leaders, etc., led many family members to directly launch a petition at the celebration and sacrificial ceremony, requesting Jin Xi to take over the power of the tribe's 'farmer' and 'king'.

The current 'farmers' and 'kings' of the tribe also bowed down below and petitioned with everyone. They even took out the talismans representing power and offered them with both hands, asking Jin Xi to hand over and accept them.

Winds and clouds surged in the sky, the light and shadow of thunder and fire flashed, the earth shook, earth energy flourished, and vegetation grew.

On the peak of Longshou Mountain Holy Land, the Sacred Artifact Pagoda hummed and vibrated, shining with a dark yellow light.

The patriarchs, priests, and priests of the Heavenly Emperor Sect all bowed down and proclaimed in unison: "This is the oracle of the Heavenly Emperor!"

"The oracle of the Emperor of Heaven asks the Pope to take over the position of 'farmer' and 'king' of the tribe!"

"Please ask the Pope to take over the position of 'Farmer' and 'King'!"

"Please ask Pope Jin Xi to take over!"

"Jin Xi!"

Cheers and petitions resounded among the priests, family leaders, and many family members participating in the celebration and sacrifice, and the cheers shook the sky.

From all directions, clansmen who had received the news continued to come from various clan cities, and they prostrated themselves to Jin Xi, cheering and petitioning Jin Xi to take over the positions of 'Nong' and 'King'.

Faced with the strange phenomena of heaven and earth, the shock of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, and the petitions of the tribe's family members, Jin Xi first paid homage to the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda to express her gratitude to the Heavenly Emperor.

Then, he turned to the petitioning family members and raised his voice: "Not only is it the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven, but also invited by everyone, Jin is willing to assume the position of the tribe's economic leader 'Nong', and the political leader 'King'."

"Jin Yuan will devote his whole life to following the teachings of the Emperor of Heaven and leading all the bloodline dependents of the Dragon Soul Tribe to a new peak!"

"Long live the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Long live Jin Xi!"

Upon hearing Jin Xi's response, many family members participating in celebrations and sacrifices all around cheered, shouting the names of the Emperor of Heaven and Jin Xi.

The grand ceremony and sacrifices continued, but the victory celebration had been transformed into a sacrifice ceremony for the handover of tribal power.

During the sacrifice, the current economic leader ‘Nong’ and the political leader ‘Wang’ of the tribe took the stage one after another, handing over the talismans representing the power of ‘Nong’ and ‘King’ to Jin Xi.

On the side, the historians of the tribe and the Emperor of Heaven Sect record the rituals of religious epics. At this time, they are all writing furiously, describing this major event of the national petition and the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven, Jin Xi taking over the position of "farmer" and "king" of the tribe. record it.

There is no doubt that in the future history of the tribe and the religion, this moment will be a major event that will be sung and remembered forever. For the first time, the four leaders of the Dragon Soul Tribe who have been passed down from ancient times are concentrated in one place. on a person.

One person rules the entire tribe, including religious, political, economic, military and other aspects of rule.

It is a change from decentralization to centralization.

This will undoubtedly become a node in the history of the clan and the tribe. From this moment on, the history of the Dragon Soul Tribe and the clan will enter a new stage.

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