The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 313: Gathering together a nation and coronating as emperor

Liang Ji’s natal star, the holy land of Longshou Mountain, the melting pot of heaven and earth.

Jinxi sacrificed the talismans representing the power positions of 'Xi', 'King', 'Nong', and 'Chi', smelting them with the fire of the furnace of heaven and earth, and re-sacrificially refining them with the method of refining weapons.

The four talismans gradually merged into one, and under Jin Xi's sacrifice, they turned into a golden seal, with a dragon-shaped entanglement on top and four-square seals on the bottom. The runes were engraved on it, which is: After being appointed to the Heavenly Emperor, he will live long. Yongchang.

On the four sides of the golden seal, one side is engraved with the Emperor of Heaven and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, one side is carved with the images of the ten bloodline clans, one side is carved with the topography of the city-states of each clan, and the other side is carved with the images of the clans farming and fighting.

When the great seal was cast, winds and clouds surged in the sky, thunder struck down from the sky, fire emerged from the earth, golden energy flourished, the pagoda shook, and the heaven and earth responded.

Jin Xi summoned the leaders of the ten bloodline clans and the leaders of each city-state to gather at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

At the gathering, he led the patriarchs, priests, priests, etc. to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony. At the ceremony, Jin Xi announced the emperor's oracle and his new reforms to the leaders of the clans and the leaders of the city-states.

All-round reforms from politics to economy, to territory, to society and culture.

"The religion and military of each city-state among the ten dependent tribes have been unified. Next, politics, economy, and city-states must be unified."

"According to the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven: Gather the country into a country!"

"The country is famous for its gold!"

On the high platform of the sacrificial ceremony, Jin Xi announced the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven and his reform plan.

Prior to this, the ten bloodline clans and each city-state had very free and powerful autonomy. The tribal leaders' power to rule each clan and city-state was gradually weakened.

But now, as Jin Xi promotes the reform of "gathering the country into a country" in the name of the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven, it is cutting off the autonomy rights within each blood family and each city-state, and dividing the power within each family and each city-state. The power of rule and governance was returned to the central government.

Change tribes into countries and establish centralized power. Leaders and commanders at all levels within each bloodline clan and within each city-state will be appointed by the central government.

Because Jin Xi had completed the religious reform and military reform in advance, he had mastered the centralization of religious beliefs and military power in the entire tribe, suppressing all aspects from soul to body, and commanding the entire tribe.

In addition, Jin Xi's reputation and power among the dependent clans have now reached their peak. In the name of the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven, she has promoted the reform of "gathering the country into a country". Even if the leader is unwilling to delegate power, he has no power to resist at this time.

Anyone who shows opposition will not even need Jin Xi to take action. The priests, warriors, and even ordinary family members within the blood family members, city-states, and even ordinary family members will directly overthrow them, conduct trials, and finally follow the religious rules formulated by Jin Xi. Code', and put him into the hell of 'Fengquan Underworld'.

Liang Ji's soul left his body and entered the 'Fengquan Underworld'. Looking into the 'Knife Mountain Hell', he could see that many souls of the family members had been thrown into this 'Knife Mountain Hell' for various reasons. middle.

Some of these souls who entered the hell have already given up and allowed the sharp sword energy in the 'Knife Mountain Hell' to cut and mince them into soul residues and merge them into the underworld; but there are also those who are unwilling to give up and are climbing. Knife Mountain, withstanding the cutting and twisting of the golden knives and knife energy on Knife Mountain, is still climbing hard and slowly towards the top of Knife Mountain.

In the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, Jin Xi once again held a grand sacrificial ceremony to report to the Emperor of Heaven after completing the reform of 'gathering the country into a country'.

At this grand sacrificial ceremony, Jin Xi announced the abolition of the four-headed leadership system of 'Xi', 'Wang', 'Nong', and 'Chi' that had been passed down for hundreds of thousands of years among the family members, and replaced it with his own. One person centralized power and held the power of the entire country at the same time.

In order to be different from the previous decentralization model, Jin Xi announced in the name of the oracle of the Emperor of Heaven that the name of the new country's leader is: Emperor!

During the sacrificial ceremony, in front of the Temple of the Heavenly Emperor and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, Jin Xi crowned herself, put on a crown and held a golden seal, becoming the first 'Golden Emperor' of this new country, the 'Golden Kingdom'!

Afterwards, Jin Xi divided the territory of the new country in the name of the emperor, mainly dividing it into ten states and one district.

The places where the ten bloodline families are located are each divided into a state, and the Longshou Mountain Holy Land is divided into a separate area, which serves as the place where Emperor Jinxi is located, the capital is located, and the centralized power is located.

Within the ten states, counties are divided according to cities, terrain, etc.

Jin Xi abolished the various original chieftainship systems and instead appointed officials among states, counties, and counties to divide powers, and the central government under his command directly administered all counties and counties.

After completing the division of prefectures and counties and the appointment of personnel, Emperor Jin Xi began to order the construction of roads, excavation of rivers and other water conservancy projects, and the construction of Tiandi temples everywhere. Use the "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda" to build a pagoda.

The purpose of building roads, digging rivers, etc. is not only to connect various states and counties to facilitate centralized jurisdiction, but also to sort out the land and water veins in various places.

The various elemental spiritual crystals that Liang Ji had previously refined into his natal stars have produced various 'elemental spiritual veins' in the stars. At this time, they can be gradually sorted out to prepare for the next arrangement of the star array.

The construction of Tiandi temples and pagodas modeled on the sacred pagodas in various places is not only to gather the hearts and luck of the local family members, but also to suppress the earth veins, water veins, elemental spiritual veins, etc., and also to prepare for the subsequent arrangement of the star array. Prepare.

In the hands of Emperor Jin Xi, there is already a preliminary 'Xingchen Kanyu Formation Map', which is the formation inheritance that Liang Ji exchanged from the intranet of the Star Alliance Formation Master Association, and was handed over to the formation masters of the Familia clan for practice and research. Then it was transformed and studied based on the geography and spiritual veins of the stars.

It uses the spiritual veins of various elements contained in the stars as the main veins of the formation, the mountains, roads, water veins, etc. of the prefectures and counties divided into various places as auxiliary veins, and the Tiandi temples and pagodas built everywhere as nodes to suppress The array eyes, array veins, etc. everywhere turn into a large array that covers the entire star, guarding it.

Of course, setting up such a large formation is a long-term and difficult project, which will take several generations and thousands of years of the family members' time. Moreover, with the subsequent development of the stars and the advancement of the family members, it will also need to be constantly adjusted and optimized.

What Jin Xihuang is doing now is just making basic arrangements.

As time passes, the transformation above the stars with the refining of the demon pill and the founding of the Familia is changing with each passing day, while the power of the demon soul refined under the stars slowly precipitates, and there are more and more remnants of the souls of the Familia. Integrating into the underworld, the second layer of underworld gradually took shape.

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