The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 314 The Realm of Night Tour Yaquan Underworld

Liang Ji's soul jumped down from the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower'. The sun and stars were sparse in the sky. The power of incense and faith gathered from all directions in the west and gathered around his soul. As the star power gradually penetrated , strengthen his soul.

Now, his soul can finally ride the wind and travel under the starry night.

The soul travels with the wind, flying above the stars, and can see the roads, rivers and cities in the land below.

In various cities, there are temples and pagodas of the Emperor of Heaven standing, guiding his soul in the direction.

After Jin Xi gathered a country and was crowned emperor, the entire Star Kingdom has completed preliminary reforms. The history of stars and family members has entered the national era from the city-state era, and the Taoist fruits contained in the stars have also grown significantly. to 27.06%.

The Dao Fruit greatly increased, allowing Liang Ji to operate and control more and deeper star power, which was also of great benefit to his soul.

His soul flew between cities, traveling thousands of miles in a night, watching the lives of the dependents in various cities, and watching them perform worship, sacrifices, and sacrifices in the temples of the Emperor of Heaven in various cities. Prayers etc.

Through the perspective of the soul, Liang Ji could see the incense, faith, and luck of the clans everywhere, gathering at these Heavenly Emperor temples and pagodas as nodes, and then converging towards the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain through the connection of the great formation.

Liang Ji's soul gradually rose up, rising under the night starry sky, overlooking the land of the family below.

We can see that the incense, belief, and power of luck are intertwined, connected, and transmitted, forming a huge network on the land of the family country "Golden Kingdom". The Tiandi temples and pagodas everywhere are part of this huge network. A node everywhere.

Finally, at the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and his natal spiritual weapon, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda', these incense, beliefs, and power of luck were gathered together and partially integrated into the stars and dependents to promote the growth of the stars and dependents. ; Part of it is integrated into the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda to promote the growth and promotion of the natal spiritual weapon; part of it is integrated into Liang Ji's body, sea of ​​energy, and sea of ​​consciousness with the movement of the stars, becoming part of his cultivation power.

Feeling the surging incense, faith, and power of luck, Liang Ji's soul swept these powers and sank under the stars and earth, entering the "Fengquan Underworld".

A lot of changes have taken place in the 'Fengquan Underworld'. There are still souls swimming in Fengquan. However, there is currently no second family soul that can swim through the entire Fengquan and land on the central island. .

In the 'Sword Mountain Hell' on the side, more and more Familia souls have entered it. The establishment of the Familia nation has certainly unified the entire Familia clan and brought together the greatest strength, but it has also made the struggle difficult. It became more numerous and more intense, and the number of souls of the family members who had been sent to hell for hundreds of years increased dozens of times.

Therefore, the number of souls climbing Knife Mountain is also increasing day by day. Up to now, there are dozens of souls climbing halfway up Knife Mountain, and there may not be any souls who can reach the top of Knife Mountain.

In Fengquan City, the power structure in the city composed of the souls of the clan has also changed. The various leader systems have also been abolished and replaced by the current system of state and county officials among the clan.

After hundreds of years, the people who now occupy the dominant position in this 'Fengquan City' are basically officials from the later 'Jin Kingdom'. Naturally, the situation in the city has been reformed according to the system of the 'Jin Kingdom'.

After Liang Ji's soul swam through the 'Fengquan Underworld', it continued downward and entered the second layer of the new underworld.

There is chaos here, with no space, time, and no distinction between heaven and earth. It is the same as the underworld before he opened the 'Fengquan Underworld'.

At this time, his soul skillfully summoned the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower', and the Xuanhuang light shone and bloomed from it, becoming the first light in this underworld, breaking through the chaos in this underworld, and separating another world. Layers of underworld and heaven and earth.

The second level of the underworld, the heaven and earth, continued to grow under the opening of the Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower of Heaven and Earth. Liang Ji's soul reached out again and made a move. The second 'divine crystal' fragment he had obtained from killing the 'Immortal King Kong' flew into the natal stars. , was swallowed and refined by the dragon soul entangled in the stars, and then sent to the second level of the underworld, falling into the hands of its soul.

Liang Ji's soul skillfully formed soul seals, drove the marks into the fragments of the 'divine crystal', and then planted the sacrificed 'divine crystal' fragments into the center of the newly opened second level of the underworld.

In the following month, Liang Ji's soul often entered the natal stars for night practice, and entered the second level of the underworld to drive soul marks into various parts of the newly opened underworld.

In the center of this second layer of underworld, a spring also gradually formed, expanded, and turned into a lake.

This is the second spring of the "Nine Springs Underworld": Yaquan.

This second level of the underworld is the Yaquan underworld.

Liang Ji's soul came to the center of the Yaquan, formed a soul mark on his hand and penetrated it. The entire "Yaquan Underworld" began to shake, and an island gradually emerged from the bottom of the Yaquan and stood in the center of the Yaquan.

Just like in the "Fengquan Underworld", Liang Ji's soul built a "Yaquan Island" in the center of the Yaquan, and built a "Yaquan Palace" on the "Yaquan Island". A 'Mude Pond' was built behind the palace.

Beside the Yaquan, Liang Ji's soul sacrificed the array diagram, Yin spiritual material, and opened up a "withering hell".

With the opening of the 'Yaquan Underworld', some souls of the family members gradually entered the 'Yaquan Underworld' from the 'Fengquan Underworld'.

These clan souls swim in Fengquan. When they are strong enough, they will have a passage into the 'Yaquan Underworld' after swimming a certain distance.

After entering the 'Yaquan Underworld', some clan souls began to build 'Yaquan City' in the 'Yaquan Underworld', while others entered the Yaquan Underworld and continued to swim and continue to be baptized and infiltrated by the Yaquan. ,powerful.

These souls have been baptized and infiltrated by Fengquan and Yaquan. Although their past lives have been washed away, their souls have become stronger. They reincarnate among the stars and are reincarnated among the dependents, and they will have stronger and more powerful souls. Their tenacious souls make it easier for them to awaken their intelligence and soul, advance their bloodline, and become more powerful than previous generations of dependents.

Similarly, the growth of stars and the growth of third-level spiritual veins also make the bodies, blood, and souls of these dependents become stronger. Not only does their strength continue to improve, but also their souls last longer in the underworld. , swimming further among Fengquan and Yaquan, becoming more powerful.

The entire stars and dependent families are growing in a virtuous cycle and reincarnation.

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