The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 315 Senior sister’s promotion and tasks

Manggu Star Territory, Tianxiang Star, and Baixiang City.

This is where Senior Bian Yujiao’s family is located and where the headquarters of Yujing Tower is located.

Seniors Liang Ji and Qi Changge each held invitations and went up to the top floor, where the Bian family was holding a banquet for Senior Sister Bian Yujiao to celebrate the fifth-level star master and the fifth-level Nascent Soul realm.

The two sent invitations and congratulatory gifts, and someone from the Bian family led them to their seats by roll call.

Here, most of the people attending this celebration are local families and monks in White Elephant City, as well as some top monks, politicians, soldiers, etc. in Tianxiang Star.

The Bian family has been operating in Tianxiang Star for thousands of years and has already controlled Baixiang City. They also have a lot of power and status in Tianxiang Star. Many people came to congratulate them at this celebration.

However, because Liang Ji was from the Kunlun Star Palace, and they share the same mentor as Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, they were also very high in the arrangements for the celebration.

The celebration banquet was naturally very grand and lively, but Senior Sister Bian Yujiao was also very busy, so she and Liang Ji could not talk much at the banquet.

It wasn't until the banquet was over that senior Bian Yujiao hosted a small banquet for the two of them, and they were able to talk more.

"Senior sister, congratulations on your success in advancing to the fifth level of Star Master, the realm of Nascent Soul, and the path to immortality has taken another step forward!"

As Senior Qi Changge spoke, he took out a few jade bottles and handed them over, saying, "These are some fine wines I collected while performing missions in various star fields. I know you like them, so I specially prepared them for you. They are considered as gifts."

Hearing this, senior Bian Yujiao said with a smile on her face: "Chang Ge, you still understand me. Look at the congratulatory gifts given by those people at today's banquet. They are all precious and rare. Unfortunately, not many of them suit my liking. , basically taking the opportunity to give gifts to our Bian family."

"Your spiritual wine suits my taste, senior sister, I won't be polite to you." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, putting away several jade bottles.

Seeing this, Liang Ji quickly named two jade vases and gave them to him, saying: "Sister Bian, I haven't traveled too many places like Senior Qi. I collected them in my hometown and when Tianluan Star was on a mission last time. Got two bottles of spiritual wine.”

"I heard from Senior Qi that you like it, so I specially prepared it for you. Congratulations to Senior Sister for taking further steps in your cultivation, and may you hope for eternal life!"

"Haha... Okay!" Senior Sister Bian also smiled and accepted the two jade vases, and said: "Senior Brother Liang, as long as you have this intention, I won't be polite."

A few people laughed and chatted for a while, and the little banquet was getting better. Senior Sister Bian Yujiao changed the topic and said: "Senior Brother Liang has been hunting and practicing in the Manggu Star Territory during this time. I know this, so this time there is a celebration banquet at home. I I also sent an invitation to Senior Brother Liang."

"I didn't expect you to come, Chang Ge."

"Originally, I was planning to invite you to celebrate together after I return to Kunlun Star Palace. Maybe I can receive some more good wine and food as gifts."

When Senior Qi Changge heard this, he also smiled and said: "I also came to see Senior Liang this time, but I didn't expect that it would be my luck to catch up with Senior's promotion banquet."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao smiled and said: "It's also my luck to have two junior brothers come to congratulate me."

After drinking for a while, Senior Sister Bian asked: "Chang Ge, why did you come to see Senior Brother Liang for something?"

"Of course, if it is the official business of your security department, there is no need to tell me about the research."

Senior Qi Changge nodded, shook his head and said, "It's indeed official business, but there's nothing I can't say."

"I came to see Brother Liang because I was ordered to track down a monk with him."

"This person is often active in the Manggu Star Territory. He will ask the senior family for help when unforeseen circumstances arise."

"No problem." Senior Sister Bian Yujiao responded directly and said: "I will stay in the family for a few months to carry out the transformation and development of the fifth-order stars. If you have any questions, just contact me directly."

"In the Manggu Star Territory, your senior sister and I still have some energy."

"Thank you very much, senior sister." Qi Changge raised his glass in thanks.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao also raised her glass and responded: "We are all from the same school, so there is no need to be polite."

After a night of silence, Liang and Ji rested in Baixiang City for one night and set out to perform official duties the next day.

"We captured the 'Immortal King Kong' last time and reported on the evil cultivating the 'divine crystal' fragments. The ministry took it very seriously."

On the way out, senior Qi Changge introduced the mission to Liang Ji.

Liang Ji also nodded slightly and said: "A few months ago, I received a reward for meritorious service. It was more than I expected. I knew we had caught a big fish."

Senior Qi Changge also nodded and said: "Yes, in the past half year, the Star Alliance security department has used various means to investigate all the competitive stars who are active in the Star Alliance today."

"Now the ministry has made a list of people who have found some abnormalities and are suspected of refining the 'divine crystal' fragments, but they have not been confirmed."

"Therefore, this task is assigned and handed over to various teams to track and investigate these suspected persons."

"Our team has also been assigned to more than a dozen names." Senior Qi Changge said: "The one we are going to follow and investigate this time is one of them. He is often active in the Manggu Star Territory. Captain Yang Yun knows you are here, so he sent me Come and join us in action and inspection.”

"Thank you, senior." Liang Ji thanked him.

Qi Changge waved his hand and sent a piece of information through the spiritual message, saying: "This is the information of the person we are investigating. You should take a look at it first to familiarize yourself with it."

"Okay." Liang Ji agreed and then opened the information.

The information shows that he is a kind-faced fat man who looks harmless to humans and animals, and is called the "Three Fatty".

Liang Ji was a little surprised and said: "Is this also a competitive star?"

Qi Changge nodded and said: "Sports stars do not necessarily play by themselves. This 'Three Fatty' practices the immortal Taoism and has cultivated a group of extremely powerful 'incense ghost soldiers'. He all sends his own 'incense' The Ghost Soldiers engage in team competitions and gladiatorial battles, and so far they have rarely lost, and they are considered celebrities in the competitive circle."

"However, when the security department collected his information in the past ten years, they found that there seemed to be some problems with his 'Ghost Soldiers'. Some of the data were abnormal and exceeded the regular 'Ghost Soldiers' recorded in the Star Alliance database. Data, so we suspect that he has refined the 'divine crystal' fragments, and we need to investigate him."

Liang Ji checked the information and found that it was basically as Senior Qi Changge said.

Suddenly, he noticed one of the pieces of information, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "This person has often visited various 'Earth Immortal Blessed Lands' in the Manggu Star Territory in recent years!"

"Not bad!" When Senior Qi Changge heard this, his face slightly condensed, and he said in a deep voice: "Liang Ji, you are also an intern in the security department now, and you should have read some information about the 'Earthly Immortal Blessed Land'."

"Yes." Liang Ji nodded and said: "During the last mission, the senior suggested that I read more information on the ministry's intranet. In the past six months, in addition to practicing, hunting, and studying, I have also been checking this information. "

Senior Qi Changge nodded and said: "The Earth Immortal Blessed Land is now a key issue within the Star Alliance, so we must find out the situation of the 'Three Fatty' this time. If he really refined the 'God' The evil cultivation of crystal fragments and the issue of the Earthly Immortal Blessed Land are involved, so that would be troublesome."

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