The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 316 Immortal Taoist Soldiers

Manggu Star Territory, Black River Star.

This is one of the ‘Blessed Lands of Earth Immortals’ in the Manggu Star Territory, but unlike the closed ‘Chishan Star’, this ‘Heihe Star’ is open to the outside world.

The Earth Immortal Way has only been derived for more than 10,000 years, and there are still no successful practitioners. Therefore, practitioners who embark on the Earth Immortal Path do not have a fixed and unified practice plan or path. Every Earth Immortal Taoist leader The monks are left to explore their own paths.

Among them are those like the Chishan Star that seals off the inside and outside and completely controls the stars, as well as the indigenous alien races, in order to completely control the origin of the stars and the way of heaven, and then successfully merge with the way and ascend to transcendence.

Naturally, like the Black River Star, they will choose to open up the stars and rely on the strong culture, orthodoxy, and power of the Star Alliance to subdue the indigenous alien races in the stars, thereby conquering the alien races and the origin of the stars, in order to finally unite with the stars and transcend to ascension. of.

It is not yet known which of these two paths is correct and which is wrong. After all, they are still being explored and there is no final verification of success.

However, in terms of the development of stars, the 'Heihe Star' chosen to be developed is obviously more prosperous than the 'Chishan Star' chosen to be closed.

Many activities, businesses, etc. that are inconvenient to be carried out on the main stars in the Star Alliance are undoubtedly much less restricted in the earthly immortal blessed land of 'Black River Star', which also attracts many monks from all walks of life. , made a huge contribution to the development and prosperity of this star.

These include the black market and the ‘underground black market’.

There are even clear records in some of the information that Liang Ji checked from the security department's intranet. In the black market within the Star Alliance, as well as the underground black market and other 'shadow businesses', these 'earth immortal ways' are more or less present. The cooperation of the monks, and even direct control.

After all, these monks of the 'Earth Immortal Taoist Tradition' are themselves top monks of various Taoist traditions other than the Star Lords in the Star Alliance. They themselves are human immortals, ghost immortals, gods, nine-turn golden elixir refiners, etc., and they are themselves in various fields. He occupies the top position among the orthodox traditions.

This allows them to not only hold huge power and wealth, but also bear huge responsibilities.

In itself, the "shadow business" such as the black market and the underground black market is to take care of the development of these Taoists and Taoist monks. Otherwise, if they are doing normal business, these Taoists and Taoist monks, even the top human immortals, ghost immortals, gods, etc., They are far incomparable to the Star Lord monks.

After all, there is a natal star to rely on. Whether it is resources or the development of industry with dependents, it is impossible for monks from other sects, even the top monks, to compare with the main monks of various stars.

Therefore, in today's Star Alliance, basically more than 90% of normal businesses are monopolized by Star Lord monks.

Except for some of the other orthodox monks who have top-notch skills and can do some business, the rest cannot compete at all.

Under such circumstances, these "earth immortals" who are the top monks of each Taoist lineage, as well as the monks of each Taoist lineage, will inevitably have the idea of ​​​​these "shadow businesses" for the development of themselves and the Taoist lineage.

For this reason, although the Star Alliance stipulates that these 'shadow businesses' are illegal and often cracks down on them, there has never been any intention to completely ban or eliminate them.

It is also very clear to the Star Alliance that these 'shadow businesses' have long been integrated with various orthodoxy, and it is impossible to completely eliminate them.

Black River Star, Black River City.

The underground black arena here has no intention of hiding in a secret realm. Instead, it builds an arena directly in the city and holds events regularly.

At this time, Liang and Ji were on the audience stage, watching the fighting and fighting in the black ring.

The two sides fighting were a team composed of the indigenous alien races in the Black River Star, and the other were the "incense ghost soldiers" sacrificed by the "Three Fatty".

Liang Ji checked the information and found that because Black River Star was not blocked, some of the indigenous alien races in Black River Star also knew about the existence of the Star Alliance beyond the stars.

According to the regulations of the 'Earth Immortal' monks who control this Black River Star, there are only a few ways for these indigenous alien races to leave the Black River Star and enter the Star Alliance.

Participating in fighting in this arena and achieving enough victories is one of the ways.

The ‘Earth Immortal Monk’ of Black River Star also uses this method to attract many Star Alliance monks to come here every year, either to participate in the arena fighting or to watch these arena battles, making a lot of money.

There are several kinds of indigenous alien races in the Black River Star. However, because most of the stars are in the black water river environment, the alien races are mainly fish-men, shrimp-men, and snake-men.

At this time, in the arena, there is a group of indigenous teams composed of fish people, shrimp people, and snake people, either engaged in close combat, casting spells, or remotely controlling magic weapons.

The Black River Star has been open for thousands of years. Even if it is difficult for these indigenous alien races to contact the Star Alliance, over the thousands of years they have more or less mastered some of the Star Alliance's inheritance, spellcasting, weapon refining, etc.

But despite this, they were completely at a disadvantage in this arena fight.

Fighting against them, the "Incense Ghost Soldiers" sacrificed by the "Three Fatty" were all tall, wearing golden armor and holding golden guns. They were like golden armored magic soldiers descending from the gods, with golden light lingering around them. The image and posture are very good, and the combat power is equally powerful.

The swords chopped off by the indigenous aliens, the spells cast, the magic weapons controlled, etc., were simply unable to break the golden armor defense of these 'incense ghost soldiers'.

The whole fight was like an exhibition match by these "incense ghost soldiers", displaying various splendid and dazzling methods, like gods subduing demons and ghosts, killing the indigenous and foreign teams on the spot.

These gorgeous and dazzling performances also aroused cheers from many spectators in the venue. They like to watch such bright and majestic performances.

Liang Ji was in the audience and could feel the strong emotions and spiritual energy gathering into the ring from all directions.

Those golden-armored ‘ghost soldiers’ were receiving cheers from everyone on the ring. The golden light around them became more and more shining and bright, attracting more and more cheers from everyone.

"There is indeed something wrong with these 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers'."

Liang Ji quickly reviewed it. On the way to Heihe Star, he specially logged into the department's intranet and checked a lot of information about the "Tao soldiers" of the Immortal Taoism.

Because of the large amount of incense and the power of faith used in the Taoist sacrifices of the Taoist gods, the spiritual intelligence of the Taoist soldiers will be greatly affected, unless the Taoist soldiers of the top third-level gods are specially sacrificed. ’, otherwise few people can retain their intelligence.

But now in the arena, although these 'golden armored ghost soldiers' are disguised, it can still be seen that they all have high intelligence.

Soon, the target they were chasing, the 'Three Fatty', came to the ring to collect the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldier'. After thanking everyone, he got off the ring and left the arena.

Seeing this, Liang Ji and the two men followed him directly.

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