The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 317 Ghost Soldiers Go to Battle

"Within the Star Alliance, as long as you have sufficient authority, it is very simple to track a person."

Senior Qi Changge led Liang Ji out of the underground black ring. He was not in a hurry to catch up with the "Three Fatty" who left. Instead, he took out the "Star Book" and logged into the internal website of the Star Alliance Security Department on the Star Network.

Here you can apply to track suspects through star nets, formations, restrictions and other means throughout the Star Gate.

The ‘Three Fatties’ were people who had already been included in the list by the security department, and Senior Qi Changge’s authority was sufficient, so he just initiated the application and it was approved.

The two found a teahouse nearby, ordered a pot of spiritual tea, and looked at the figures and traces of the 'Three Fatty' projected and manifested in the 'Star Book'.

Finally, I watched him enter a villa in the north of the city.

Senior Qi Changge quickly retrieved the information about this villa from the star network and confirmed that it was a stronghold of the 'Three Fatties' on the Black River Star.

"Let's go and have a look." The two of them had finished drinking the spirit tea and determined their target location. Senior Qi Changge didn't waste any time and led Liang Ji on the speed car and set off.

"Liang Ji, please contact the local government and ask them to cooperate in opening the formations and restrictions around the villa, isolating the inside and outside, and blocking the other party's escape route."

On the flying car, senior Qi Changge gave Liang Ji some guidance.

"Yes, senior."

Liang Ji agreed and followed the instructions of his senior to contact the government departments of Heihe Star through the internal network of the security department. This is the 'Blessed Land of Earth Immortals'. The entire star is controlled by the 'Earth Immortals' who refine the stars, and government departments at all levels are also under the control of the 'Earth Immortals' who refine the stars. It is appointed and controlled by the 'Earth Immortal'.

However, in the general environment of the Star Alliance, these 'earth immortals' also have to accept the rule and arrangements of the Star Alliance.

Therefore, when Liang Ji contacted the local government through the Stargate security department network, they could not refuse and could only cooperate fully.

When Liang Ji and the two arrived at the locked villa, the surrounding formations, restrictions, and starlight network blockade in the sky had all been activated, completely blocking the target villa in an internal space.

After arriving here, senior Qi Changge showed the documents from the 'Security Department', and then took over the formations and restrictions activated nearby. After confirming that there were no problems, he led Liang Ji into the formation blockade.


As soon as the two people entered the formation, they heard shouts of killing, and faced a large number of 'golden-armored ghost soldiers', each holding a spear and killing them.

Obviously, the 'Three Fatty' had discovered something was wrong in advance and deployed a large number of 'incense ghost soldiers' to guard the surrounding area.

"Hmph!" Senior Qi Changge snorted coldly when he saw this, raised his hand and shot out a large piece of red jade light, which hit the 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' who were killed. Under the red light, the sacred and bright golden light around the ghost soldiers was immediately scattered. , the golden armor was also beaten back to its original shape, showing a special yellow paper appearance with cracks all over it.

Groups of 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' screamed and were knocked to the ground.

Liang Ji raised his hand to mark the Star Alliance Security Department and shouted loudly: "Pang Sanpang, we are investigators from the Star Alliance Security Department. There are some investigations that require your cooperation. Please do not resist!"


"Guardian God!"

"Behead the enemy..."

Faced with Liang Ji's call, 'Pang Sanpang' in the villa did not respond at all. Instead, more 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' came out of the villa and headed towards the two of them.

"Huh! There is indeed a problem!"

Senior Qi Changge snorted coldly and waved his hand to open the 'Star Gate'. Then he saw several families' teams, each offering sacrifice formations and forming battle formations, fighting against those 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers'.

Liang Ji looked at the family team sent by Senior Qi, but his eyes lit up slightly.

He saw that what Senior Qi sent was not ordinary family members, but the same 'ghost soldiers'.

Senior Qi is a veteran third-level star master. He is not far away from advancing to the fourth-level star master. The underworld in his natal star has been opened up. Among them, the heroic souls of the family members have even formed a special "ghost soldier team". A special "Ghost Soldier Battle Formation" has been set up.

'Pang Sanpang' and these 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' are made from the sacrifices of various ghosts. If you want to fight with them, ordinary warriors and battle formations cannot do it. Only this team of ghost soldiers are also born from ghosts. 'Instead of fighting against each other, it is more effective.

Qi Changge's family is a kind of red tiger and half demon. At this time, this 'ghost soldier team' can gather in the battle formation and manifest a huge black tiger. It roars with its head raised, opens its mouth and spits out a large piece of red and black jade light, blasting towards Those 'gold-armored ghost soldiers'.

Wherever the red and black jade light passed, the shining golden light and golden armor around the 'golden armored ghost soldiers' were also blasted one after another, and the 'golden armored ghost soldiers' who were killed in groups were blasted into pieces.

"Set up the formation!"

At this time, more than a dozen ghost generals rushed out from the "gold-armored ghost soldiers" who were killed. Their golden armor looked more majestic, they wore golden helmets, and they were no longer golden spears but big halberds.

They raised their hands and held up several formation diagrams, and quickly gathered the 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' who were shooting out from all around. They also formed a battle formation to fight against Senior Qi's 'black tiger battle formation'.

Star Master's Taoist lineage has certainly been continuously absorbing the advantages of each Taoist lineage over the years and integrating the cultivation methods of each Taoist lineage into the Dao of Heavenly Immortals.

However, there are certainly smart people from other cultivators who are also constantly studying the Star Lord Tradition, hoping to incorporate some of the advantages and methods of the Star Lord Tradition into their own cultivation traditions in order to develop their own traditions. Road, impact on the Tianxian Avenue.

The ‘Earth Immortal Taoist Tradition’ can be said to be the most accomplished among them, having learned all the methods of the Star Lord Taoist system to refine stars into natal stars.

But other orthodox traditions also have their own gains.

For example, this 'immortal Taoist' monk has also learned how to use 'Tao soldiers' to form battle formations to fight and kill.

At this time, Ji set up a battle formation to fight and fight with Qi Changge's ghost soldiers. Although they were still at a disadvantage, it was not the usual situation of being randomly crushed and massacred before.

Moreover, as the battle progressed, Liang Ji soon discovered that the surrounding environment was gradually changing.

Although this place is blocked by a large formation, it does not block the outside sunlight. You can still see the sun in the sky when you look up, and the sunlight illuminates the entire battlefield.

But at this time, Liang Ji found that a layer of mist gradually filled the air, covering the sun above his head and filling the space sealed by the surrounding formations, as if he had entered another world.


Although there were differences, when Liang Ji looked at the surrounding environment, he immediately thought of the environment in the underworld that he had entered into the natal stars many times and opened up. He only felt that it was quite similar to the current gloomy situation around him.

"Liang Ji, be careful!"

At this time, Senior Qi Changge raised his voice and said: "The other party is trying to usher in the arrival of the 'God Realm', and they are preparing to fight tooth and nail!"

When Liang Ji heard this, he did not dare to neglect. He immediately opened the star gate and summoned his family members to fight out and guard the surroundings.

At the same time, in the "Fengquan Underworld" and "Yaquan Underworld" opened by his natal star, star gates were also opened, and heroic souls and ghost soldiers lined up to fight out of the underworld.

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