The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 318 The Realm of Immortals

Among the Star Alliance, the Star Master Tradition is certainly a comprehensive crusher of the monks from other Dao Traditions, and is almost invincible at the same level.

However, other Taoist traditions have developed for countless years and have also benefited from the Star Alliance to seize and study the inheritance and civilization among many stars. They can even come into contact with super-level civilizations such as the 'God Realm' and the 'Spirit Realm' through the Star Alliance. Study some inheritances, study their advantages, and try to turn them into your own inheritance.

During these countless years of development, each Taoist lineage naturally has its own gains and advantages, which even the Star Lord Taoist lineage cannot compare with.

Just like this 'immortal Taoist lineage', they can use the 'divine decree' to sacrifice a 'divine domain' to house their incense believers and to worship and refine Taoist soldiers.

Although this 'god's domain' is very weak and far inferior to the Star Lord's natal star, it also has some advantages that the Star Lord's natal star does not have.

The important point is that just because the 'God Realm' is weak, as long as the monks of the 'Fairy Dao Lineage' have mastered the 'Divine Order', even low-level cultivation can still summon and attract the 'God Realm' to come and cover the place where they are. , turn it into a 'domain' that is under your control and beneficial to you.

The higher his cultivation level and grade, the greater the power of the 'god domain' he brings, the wider the influence, and the stronger his control over the 'domain'.

For Star Lord monks, it is precisely because the natal stars are too strong that low-level star lords cannot have much influence or control on the natal stars, let alone draw the power of the natal stars to fight against the enemy.

Only when the star master reaches the fifth-level star master and the fifth-level Nascent Soul stage, the star master has a certain degree of control over the natal stars, and his own strength is strong enough, can he receive the power of the natal stars and turn them into his own stars around him. Domain', used to fight enemies.

Liang Ji and Liang Ji are both only third-level star masters now, and they are still far away from the level that can draw the power of their natal stars. Naturally, they use the 'star realm' to break the 'divine realm' that their opponents draw to them.

All that can be done at this time is to summon the combat power of the family members and use sufficient strength and combat power to forcibly break through the 'god's domain' they have led to.

Similarly, for the monks of the 'immortal Taoist lineage', the divine realm is directly connected to the divine edict and is the foundation and core place of the immortal monks. Once the 'divine realm' is broken, even the immortals will perish!

Therefore, 'Pang Sanpang' is trying his best to lead the 'God's Domain' to come and erode and transform the surrounding areas into a 'domain' under his control.

Even if Liang Ji has just opened two of the nine levels of the underworld, it is in the early stages. The heroic souls and ghost soldiers in the underworld have just taken shape. They have not yet refined the appropriate battle formations to form a team. Now they have to summon them first. Join the fight.

After all, in this 'god's domain' environment, the effect of dealing with the 'incense ghost soldiers' of the immortal Taoism, which are both heroic souls and ghost soldiers, is often more suitable than the battle formation of the family members.

Among the Familia, the one who leads the battle this time is ‘Jin Xi’. As the emperor of the ‘Jin Kingdom’ among the Familia, he is the controller of the entire Familia, and is also the strongest among the Familia.

Now facing the enemy's desperate situation, Liang Ji naturally resorted to all means and let 'Jin Xi' directly lead the family members to fight out.

"Set up the formation and destroy everyone in all directions!"

‘Jin Xi’ led the eleven battle formation armies of the family members into the battlefield and immediately gave the order.

The eleven clan battle formation teams immediately formed their own battle formations. Jin Xi was in the center, integrating the other ten battle formations through the 'Small Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' composed of the 'Guardian Legion' to form one and lay down the strongest. The battle formation was destroyed in all directions, and Liang Ji himself was guarded in the battle formation.


The surrounding 'god domain' has been completely expanded, and a large number of 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' formed a battle formation and charged towards the battle formation of the family members and Liang Ji.


Jin Xi controls and operates the entire battle formation, gathering ten kinds of destructive powers such as storm, thunder, flood, mountain, golden knife, ice, and sea of ​​fire on the ten battle formations from all directions. Under the operation of the battle formation, Mutually reinforcing each other, under the operation of the battle formation, they continue to push to the peak, facing the battle formation of the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers'.

The battle formation composed of these 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' gathered the power of all the ghost soldiers, and condensed and manifested the appearance of a huge 'gold-armored ghost general' on the battle formation. Under the urging of the battle formation, this 'golden-armored ghost general' The armored ghost general is even more majestic and majestic, which is quite inconsistent with the environment of the "god domain" that is filled with gloom all around.

However, the Yin Qi that permeated the surroundings continued to gather towards the battle formation of the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers'. In the battle formation, it merged into the manifested 'Golden Armored Ghost Generals', and the battle formation, and the ghosts were completely separated. The golden light all over the body becomes more shining, solemn and majestic.


Under the blessing of the battle formation and the gathering of Yin Qi and golden light, the 'Golden Armored Ghost General' shouted angrily in a deep voice, and chopped down the halberd in his hand. The Yin Qi from all around gathered and turned into golden light and merged into the halberd, expelling the power of the halberd. Boost to the extreme.

The environment of the 'God's Domain' does not seem to be suitable for these majestic 'golden armored ghost soldiers' and 'golden armored ghost generals', but the blessing to their combat power is unparalleled.

Deep in Liang Ji, protected by the battle formation of the family members, he looked at the power of the golden halberd that was originally still within the sixth level of power. However, with the blessing of Yin Qi and the Divine Realm, the power of the sword climbed straight up. It soon broke through to the fifth level of power, and even with the blessing of the 'God Realm', the power continued to rise.

Seeing this, ‘Jin Xi’, who was in charge of the family battle formation, did not dare to wait for the battle formation to reach its peak with the power of ‘Shifang’, and shouted in a deep voice:

"All destroyed!"

The next moment, the ten directions of the battle formation and the ten forces that were mutually reinforcing each other suddenly reversed, from the process of mutual benefit and mutual support to the operation of mutual restraint and reversal, turning into a terrifying force of destruction, and the chopped golden halberd, The battle formations of the golden-armored ghost generals and the 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' collided together.

Amidst the loud roar, the power of the ten directions was shattered, and the power of destruction exploded. The golden halberd with a power of level 5 was shattered. The golden-armored ghost manifested on the battle formation will be destroyed, and the golden-armored ghost below it will be destroyed. The soldiers' battle formation also collapsed.

And similarly, around Liang Ji, the 'Ten Directions Destruction Battle Formation' controlled and operated by 'Jin Xi' also broke apart under the attack of the golden halberd with the power of the fifth grade in this terrifying collision.

The battle formations of both sides broke open at the same time, and those 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' took the opportunity to rush in and fight with Liang Ji's family members.

These 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' are ghosts, and they are even more elusive in this 'god's domain'. Familia below the third level can hardly even attack them. Only the blood and attacks of the third level famili contain the power of the soul. , was able to hurt the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldier'.

Now there is no battle formation to protect them. As soon as Fang joins the battle, the second-level family members who formed the battle formation among the ten battle groups are constantly injured and killed by the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers'.

The target of these 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' was Liang Ji, who was surrounded by many family members.

The monks in the Star Alliance all know that fighting the Star Lord, no matter how many families are killed, is useless. It will only damage the skin of the family members. If you want to truly have a killing effect, you still need to directly attack the Star Lord himself.

Therefore, under the command of 'Pang Sanpang' behind them, hundreds of 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' broke through the obstruction of the family members around Liang Ji in just a moment and killed around Liang Ji.


Those who greeted them were none other than Liang Ji's heroic ghost soldiers in the underworld.

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