The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 319 Incense God Body


Liang Ji was surrounded by heroic ghost soldiers, and faced the 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' that were coming to attack him.

Pang Sanpang's 'Golden Armor Ghost Soldiers' are all covered in golden armor, with dancing golden spears and shining golden light. They are as sharp as gold and as fierce as fire. They can compete for supremacy in the 'arena', and even gain fame and become Competitive stars, these 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' are naturally extraordinary in their abilities.

The heroic ghost soldiers around Liang Ji were all transformed by the heroic souls of the third-level family members after their death.

Liang Ji's third-level family members' cultivation has the top inheritance of the Star Palace of 'Nine Transformations of Mysterious Jade' and 'Nine Cauldrons to Build Power'. When he reaches the third level of cultivation, he has already cultivated the power of blood into the soul, making the connection between soul and blood The power is combined into one, with the power of breaking souls and the power of 'Soul Cauldron'.

But now, these dependents have died, and their souls have turned into heroic souls and entered the underworld as ghost soldiers. Naturally, they also brought the power of their blood with their souls.

However, in the time of the Familia in the Yang Realm, the fighting power of the third-level Familia was still based on the power of blood and supplemented by the power of the soul; but for the ghost soldiers in the underworld, the power of the soul was the main part and the power of the blood was supplemented. .

Therefore, although the ghost soldiers around Liang Ji have not yet formed a battle formation, they mainly use the soul-breaking method and the power of the 'soul cauldron', supplemented by various bloodline magical powers, to fight against the 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' He got up, but he didn't fall behind at all.

The power of the soul swept through the place where the wind, thunder, water, fire, sword energy and mountain shadow passed, shattering the golden light around the 'Golden Armor Ghost Soldier' ​​and breaking the golden armor.

Among them, the strongest group of heroic ghost soldiers are the "sinful souls" who have endured the hell training in the "Sword Mountain Hell" and the "Withering Hell".

Liang Ji sent out the heroic ghost soldiers for the first time, and these heroic ghost soldiers had not yet reached a large scale, so they naturally went all out, even the 'sinful souls' in the two levels of underworld hell were sent out.

Facts have proved that these "sinful souls" are in hell and endure the "mountain of swords" or "withered glory" day and night. As long as they are not dead or broken into soul fragments and merged into the underworld, their souls are tenacious and powerful. , generally surpassing other heroic ghost soldiers in the underworld.

Among them, those heroic souls who are climbing the 'Knife Mountain', crossing the 'Kurong Forest', and taking the initiative to endure the trials of hell are even stronger. As they wave and fight, the power of their souls and all kinds of magical powers are even more evident. Sharp and powerful, it can directly kill the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldier'.

At the same time, Liang Ji, surrounded and protected by his family members and ghost soldiers, also took action at this time.

With a wave of his hand, all kinds of magical powers swept through the wind, thunder, water and fire, shattering golden light, breaking golden armor, or killing ghost soldiers.

Liang Ji looked around and soon discovered that among all the magical powers, the power of thunder was the most restrained against these 'golden armored ghost soldiers'.

Although these 'gold-armored ghost soldiers' were refined into Tao soldiers with the power of incense by 'Pang Sanpang', they still had the essence of 'ghost soldiers', so they could only be restrained by the power of pure Yang of Thunder.

At the moment, Liang Ji gave up his other magical powers and only used the thunder magical power of 'Driving Thunder and Controlling Lightning' with all his strength. He cooperated with the Familia and the heroic ghost soldiers to fight against these 'golden armored ghost soldiers'. Although there were constant deaths of the Familia and ghost soldiers. Although they were destroyed, more and more "golden-armored ghost soldiers" were killing, and they were not left behind.

In this battle, Liang Ji's side was just a sideshow, and it was Senior Qi Changge's side that really decided the outcome.

While Liang Ji was blasting down the thunderbolts to kill the 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers', he was looking at the battle situation on Senior Qi's side.

Although he was in the enemy's 'god domain', senior Qi Changge had completely gained the upper hand in the battle.

Pang Sanpang's 'Golden Armored Ghost Soldiers' were blessed by the 'God Realm'. Although their combat power was stronger, the power of the 'Golden Armored Ghost Generals' formed in the battle array could even reach the limit of fifth grade.

But their number is far less than Senior Qi Changge's ghost soldiers and battle formations.

The star master controls a natal star, and the number of dependents is tens of millions. Even if Senior Qi Changge only sends out ghost soldiers from the underworld at this time, the number is still endless, numbering in the hundreds of thousands.

However, the size of the 'divine realm' where the gods are sacrificed is limited, far less than the star master's natal star. The number of 'Tao soldiers' that can be cultivated in it is limited, and it is already extremely impressive to have tens of thousands.

So in the battlefield at this time, Senior Qi Changge sent out a dozen ghost soldiers to form a battle formation and attack. The number was ten times that of the 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' on the opposite side. Under such a siege, even if the 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' on the opposite side could get With the blessing of 'God's Realm', they were beaten and retreated steadily.

Senior Qi Changge, at this time, has led the ghost soldiers to advance continuously, killing into the depths of the 'God Realm', aiming directly at 'Pang Sanpang' himself.

Seeing this, shouts of orders came from the depths of the ‘God Realm’.

Surrounding Liang Ji, the 'golden-armored ghost soldiers' who were fighting with the Liang Ji family members and the heroic ghost soldiers seemed to have received orders, and they retreated towards the depths of the 'god domain' to block the advance of senior Qi Changge.

But at this time, how could Liang Ji let them withdraw easily.

With an order, the surrounding Familia and Heroic Ghost Ghost Soldiers suddenly changed their formations, switching from defense to offense. They took the initiative to charge towards those 'Golden Armor Ghost Soldiers' who wanted to retreat or move the battlefield, entangled them, and continued to fight.

"You guys are going too far!"

Shortly afterwards, a deep and angry shout came from the depths of the 'God Realm'. It was obviously that 'Pang Sanpang' was forced to the limit.

The next moment, a huge golden shadow appeared in the depths of the 'God Realm'. Its figure was tall, as if it reached the sky and the earth, supporting the entire God Realm.

That is the divine body formed by 'Pang Sanpang' condensed with the divine power of incense. It is the master and control of this 'divine realm'.

But when he saw the seal on his hand, the surrounding 'God Realm' roared and shook. Countless golden lights gathered from all directions in the west, turning into golden clouds and shrouding the battlefield. Golden thunderbolts appeared and died in it, and struck down!

Amidst the roaring thunder, the power of these golden thunderbolts was close to the peak of the fifth level. Where the thunder fell, Liang Ji's family members and heroic ghost soldiers could not resist it. The battle formation was blasted, and a large number of family members , the ghost soldiers were killed.

Even Liang Ji had to activate his magical power of "Big and Small Ruyi" at this time, transformed into a body of tens of feet, used the "Guardian of the Stars" astrology to the extreme, and summoned the natal spiritual weapon "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower". , with streaks of black and yellow light hanging from the top to guard against the golden thunder that hit one after another in the air.

He looked up and saw golden clouds gathering in the sky, thunders rising and dying, and in the depths of the golden clouds and thunders, thunders continued to gather and roll, and their divine power continued to rise. Liang Ji felt a huge threat from them.

"The thunder generated within it has definitely reached the fourth level of power!"

"With my current methods, I can't resist it at all!"

At this time, Senior Qi’s instructions came from afar:

"Liang Ji, the enemy is difficult to control, activate the formation!"

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