The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 321 The Gate of Hell

Above Liang Ji's natal star, at the foothills to the north of Longshou Mountain Holy Land.

This is where the clan cemetery is located. The warriors of the clan who died in the past generations, the leaders of the tribe, the clansmen who have made outstanding contributions, etc. will be buried here and receive the year-round worship of the entire clan of the clan.

At this time, in the cemetery, Jin Xi was personally leading the patriarchs, priests, priests, etc. of the 'Tiandi Sect' to hold a grand sacrificial ceremony to bury the family members who died in Pang Sanpang's 'divine domain'. ,bless.

Liang Ji's soul was now on top of the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda', overlooking the entire sacrificial ceremony.

He could see that as the sacrificial ceremony progressed, the bodies of the family members who died in the battle were buried in the soil, and the heroic souls gradually condensed in the cemetery, receiving the baptism of the power of the sacrificial ceremony.

"The heroic spirits have returned, and the Emperor of Heaven has blessed them!"

As Jin Xi chanted, bits of white light emerged from the sacrificial ceremony and floated into the cemetery, sinking into the newly condensed heroic souls.

These white lights are the blessings of the dependents, the incense and the power of faith of the dependents.

Baptized by these white lights, the heroic souls of the family members that had just condensed in the cemetery suddenly became more solid and real.

These leaders manifested in the cemetery and were baptized by the sacrificial ceremony. The ordinary family members participating in the sacrificial ceremony could not see them. However, Jin Xi, who presided over the sacrificial ceremony, and a group of imams, priests, priests, etc., could Seeing these heroic souls.

They led the crowd to worship these heroic souls and praised their achievements and military exploits.

At this time, on top of the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, Liang Ji's soul reached out and made a move towards the sky.

The next moment, the day stars appeared in the sky, and a large "rain of starlight" sprinkled down. This was the reward Liang Ji exchanged for his meritorious service from the Star Alliance.

The 'Rain of Starlight' is sprinkled and falls among the stars, making the power of the stars more active and intense, increasing the source and the fruit of the Tao; falling among the Familia, baptizing the blood of the Familia, allowing more Familia to awaken, advance, and become more powerful. The sick and injured dependents also recovered in this 'Rain of Starlight'; and in the cemetery, many newly condensed heroic souls became more solid and real in the 'Rain of Starlight', manifesting themselves as if they were alive. Come over here!

At this moment, all the family members in the audience saw the heroic spirit manifesting, and the sacrificial ceremony was immediately pushed to a climax.

"The heroic spirit returns!"

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven!"

"Thank you, God, for your blessing!"

Jin Xi led the sacrifices and bowed down again, not only to worship and bless the returning heroic souls, but also to thank the Emperor of Heaven for his blessings.

Among the family members participating in this sacrificial ceremony, more than half were relatives of the warriors who died in the battle and were buried in the cemetery. At this time, seeing the return of the heroic souls, they were naturally even more excited, and their belief in the Emperor of Heaven also increased at this time. New peak.

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven!"

"Thank you, God, for your blessing!"

They followed the golden rays, sacrifices, etc., and kept kowtow to express their gratitude to the Emperor of Heaven.

Such sounds rang out among the family members and quickly swept through the entire sacrificial ceremony. All the family members participating in the sacrificial ceremony began to shout loudly, and the atmosphere in the venue suddenly reached a new peak.

As for Liang Ji's soul, standing on the high tower, he could see extremely rich and blazing incense, faith, and the power of the family members' beliefs arising from the sacrificial ceremony, from each of the family members, and converging in several directions. And go.

Part of it flows into the cemetery, part of it flows into the Tiandi Temple, and part of it flows into the Sacred Treasure Pagoda.

The incense faith and the power of belief that flowed into the cemetery were partly integrated into the many manifested heroic souls, making these heroic souls more solid, powerful and real, and part of them were merged into the 'Hall of Heroes'.

Under the baptism of these incense beliefs and the power of faith, the 'Hall of Valor' in the center of the cemetery gradually changed, and a misty shadow emerged and enveloped the entire 'Hall of Valor'.

Under the shadow, the 'Hall of Heroes' gradually turned into a shadow, shadowy and insubstantial. Only the portal and entrance of the 'Hall of Valor' manifested a large black light, condensing into substance and turning into a huge portal.

A group of family members participating in the sacrifice looked at the huge portal, and immediately saw a dark world behind it. There were towering cities, turbulent lakes and seas, a dense hell, and many heroic souls who seemed to be holding ceremonies in it. The sacrificial ceremony is viewed from the outside world!


"That's the underworld created by the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The place where my soul will return!"

Seeing the scene behind the black light portal, among the many family members participating in the sacrifice, some smart people immediately reacted and let out low shouts.

At this time, Jin Xi led the patriarchs, priests, priests, etc., and led the family members to bow again to the manifested heroic souls in the cemetery and to the manifested portal of the 'Hall of Heroes', chanting:

"Thank you to the Emperor of Heaven for opening up the underworld!"

"Protect our souls!"

"Send the hero's soul to the underworld!"

This undoubtedly confirmed the speculations of some family members.

And this time, it was also the first time that the family members had truly seen the existence of heroic souls and the underworld.

Although in the past, whether it was the sacrifice before Jin Xi or the Tiandi Sect that was reformed later, they all promoted the existence of the Emperor of Heaven, the existence of heroic souls, and the creation of the underworld by the Emperor of Heaven to protect the heroic souls of the family members.

However, no one has ever truly seen the existence of heroic souls, the underworld, or even the Emperor of Heaven. Various theories and stories are found in various classics and epics. Although there are various circumstantial evidences, they are ultimately not as real as what they see with their own eyes. , more impactful.

At this time, many dependents who participated in the sacrificial ceremony had truly seen the souls of heroes and the existence of the underworld. They no longer had any doubts about the sacrifice, the benevolence of the Emperor of Heaven, and the destination of the underworld that the Celestial Emperor Sect has always promoted. The atmosphere in the venue and the belief in incense His power was suddenly pushed to another peak.

The many heroic souls manifested in the cemetery are now baptized by the more intense and blazing incense faith and the power of the family faith, as if they are stepping on the white light of the clouds into the black light portal, and stepping into the "Hall of Heroes" behind it. 'middle.

Liang Ji's soul jumped down from the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda' and 'came out of his body'. Surrounded and protected by the strong and blazing incense faith and the power of belief, Liang Ji's soul went deep into the stars and the earth, all the way into In the 'Fengquan Underworld'.

At this time, in the "Fengquan Underworld", in the north of "Fengquan City", the cemetery and the Hall of Heroes are also manifested. The size of the cemetery here is expanding with the expansion of the cemetery above the stars. The Hall of Valor in the center of the cemetery is now Also manifests a black light portal.

Heroic souls surrounded and baptized by the rich and blazing incense faith and the power of faith are walking out of this black light portal and entering the 'Fengquan Underworld'.

Liang Ji looked at the tall black light portal, and his thoughts changed slightly. He reached out and touched the door of the portal, and saw the divine light gathering together and forming three big characters on it: Gate of Hell!

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