The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 322: Ghost Soldier Camp and Ways to Make Money

The Gate of Hell, in the underworld opened and created by many star masters of the Star Alliance, is the gateway for heroic souls, ghosts, etc. to enter the underworld.

Previously, when Liang Ji's natal star underworld was first opened, there were third-level family members who died, and there was no unified path for their souls to fall into the underworld. Those who were buried in the cemetery all passed through the "Hall of Heroes", while those who were not buried in the cemetery were not buried in the cemetery. He fell directly from the place of burial into the underworld, without any order at all.

But now, as the underworld has been opened for a long time and various constructions have followed up, Liang Ji has also taken advantage of this grand funeral and sacrificial ceremony, relying on the strong and blazing incense faith and belief of the family members to close this 'Gate of Hell' Open up.

From then on, after the death of the dependents on the natal stars, the condensed souls will enter the underworld through this 'Ghost Gate'.

At this time, heroic souls came out one by one from the 'Ghost Gate'. Outside this ghost gate was a group of heroic ghost soldiers, welcoming these entering heroic souls and leading them into Fengquan City.

In Fengquan City, a complete bureaucratic management system has been formed like Yangjie.

After these heroic souls entered the city, they were immediately taken to the city government office, where their names were registered, their pasts were reviewed, and their places in the underworld were assigned according to many conditions and information such as their merits, past, and belief in the Emperor of Heaven.

Either stay in Fengquan City, or be sent to Fengquan for reincarnation, or arrange to serve a sentence in the underworld to atone, or be sent to hell, etc.

Of course, the heroic souls who entered the underworld this time were all the heroes who had died in the battle with Pang Sanpang's "Incense Ghost Soldier". Each one of them had a rich white light on his body and was surrounded by dots of starlight. The white light was the member of the family members. The incense is transformed by the power of belief and belief, which represents the recognition and blessing of the family members; and the starlight is the power of the "Rain of Starlight" given by the Emperor of Heaven, which represents the blessing and recognition of the Emperor of Heaven.

Therefore, their merits, beliefs, etc. are undoubtedly of the highest level without question.

According to the arrangements of the Fengquan City Government Office, these heroic souls also have their own places to go. They can stay and live in Fengquan City, even hold official positions in Fengquan City, and enjoy the incense, belief, sacrifice and worship of the family members and the Kingdom of Jin; they can also enter Fengquan City. You can reincarnate in the spring, or try to enter the 'Yaquan Underworld', or try to board the island in the center of Fengquan; you can also go to the ghost soldier barracks in the west of the city.

This time, during the battle with Pang Sanpang's 'Incense Ghost Soldiers', Liang Ji had already discovered that his heroic ghost soldiers had many problems and were not large enough.

Therefore, after the battle, Liang Ji summarized his experience and lessons and began to guide the organization of a regular and large-scale ghost soldier team in the underworld.

Now, in the west of Fengquan City, a military camp has been built to recruit powerful and militant ghost soldiers from the underworld and train them into an army in the military camp.

The heroic souls that entered the underworld this time were all the heroic souls of the family members who died in the battle with the "Incense Ghost Soldiers". Moreover, the power of the family members' massive incense faith and the blessing of the Emperor of Heaven made their heroic souls become... More solid and powerful, surpassing most of the Familia in the underworld today.

These heroic souls are undoubtedly the best choices to form a regular team of ghost soldiers.

Therefore, under the guidance of Liang Ji and the arrangements of the Fengquan Yamen Office, most of these heroic souls were assigned to the first batch of ghost soldiers stationed in the military camp in the west of the city.

At the same time, Liang Ji has also guided the Fengquan City Government Office to summon and gather the heroic souls such as formation masters, weapon refiners, talisman masters, and alchemists who have entered the underworld to prepare various supplies for these ghost soldiers.

Talismans, spiritual weapons, elixirs suitable for use by ghost soldiers, and the most important battle formations.

Since it wants to organize its most formal team of ghost soldiers, these resources and treasures are naturally indispensable.

"There are also various underworld resources, such as spiritual mines, spiritual roots, etc., which also need to be prepared."

"These spiritual seeds and spiritual root resources in the underworld are more expensive than ordinary spiritual roots, spiritual seeds and other resources in the stars."

Liang Ji sighed and shook his head.

Resources and spiritual seeds suitable for the underworld can naturally be cultivated and cultivated in the underworld of the main stars, or the third-order or higher spiritual vein stars. The cultivation and production methods are compared to the spiritual roots planted in the stars. , spiritual seeds, etc. are undoubtedly more troublesome, and naturally their prices are more expensive. Each type costs at least tens of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones, and many more can cost tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual stones.

"The higher the cultivation level, the more spirit stones need to be spent. And the third-level Star Lord in the Star Palace is no longer a new student, and the student loan is no longer an interest-free loan, and there are many restrictions on the number of times, the amount, etc... well!"

Liang Ji thought in his mind, feeling a little helpless.

He joined the Star Alliance security department as an intern and received fixed spiritual stones, elixirs and other benefits every month, and every time he participated in a mission, he also received additional spiritual stones, meritorious service and other rewards.

However, among these rewards, meritorious service is still the main one, supplemented by spiritual stones, which is a drop in the bucket for the number of spiritual stones Liang Ji needs now.

In addition, his natal star has advanced to the third level, and the stars can already cultivate second-level elixirs, spiritual mines, spiritual materials, etc. for sale, and even alchemists, weapon refiners, talisman masters, array masters, etc. among the family members. , they can also make second-level elixirs, magic weapons, talismans, arrays, etc. for sale.

However, on the one hand, these are all second-order objects, and they are 'inferior objects' produced and produced in the third-order natal stars of the Star Lord. Their own grade and quality are limited, and the price they can sell is not high. It is far less than what a third-level star master needs.

What's more, now the markets at all levels in the Star Alliance have long been occupied by those middle and high-level Star Lords. The market is saturated and there is no room for low-level Star Lords and newcomers like them to get involved.

What Liang Ji can do now is to directly provide the most direct spiritual materials to large companies such as "Xanderlou" and "Herborist Group", and provide the lowest level and basic natural resources. Naturally, the value of the spiritual stones obtained is also the least. , which is also a drop in the bucket for what he needs for his current practice.

"In the war that broke out in the Yinghai Black Hole, the loot, resources, spiritual stones and other goods that were accumulated have been almost consumed by now. We must find ways to open up more ways to make money."

"And now it seems that there are only two ways to make money."

"The first is to continue to hunt the Void Monster Clan. With the current strength of my third-order Familia, the combat power and organization after the Jin Xi Emperor's reform and founding of the country, I should be able to earn a lot by hunting the third-order Void Monster Clan and then selling the materials. Spiritual stone.”

"Unfortunately, since the Yinghai Black Hole erupted, I have checked the data of various star regions in the past two years, but I have not found any signs of the black hole erupting again in any star region."

"It seems that the information recorded in the Star Alliance about an outbreak occurring every few hundred years is quite accurate."

"If you want to wait for the next black hole explosion in the star field, you should have to wait hundreds of years. We can't hope for the time being."

"Otherwise, if we experience another star black hole explosion, we should be able to earn more."

Liang Ji thought with some regret.

"The second way is to do more tasks in the Covenant security department."

"For participating in missions, the spiritual stones, meritorious service and other benefits rewarded by the security department are secondary. The loot gained during the mission is the biggest one."

Thoughts were swirling in Liang Ji's mind, and he suddenly felt that the formations and restrictions outside were being touched. He immediately understood that it was Senior Qi who had returned.

At this moment, the soul flies out of the underworld, returns to the pagoda of the natal spiritual weapon, and returns to its true body.

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