The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 327 Pagoda Town River and Mountain

Above Liang Ji's natal star, the opened 'star gate' vibrated violently, and countless starlights bloomed, apparently resisting the erosion of the 'hacker array master' and the invasion of the black shadow demon soul.

There were screams of demon souls coming from it, and black light gradually invaded from outside the 'Star Gate' and coiled around the 'Star Gate'.

Liang Ji separated out a ray of consciousness and landed in his natal star. Upon seeing this, he immediately activated the power of the 'Tao Fruit' and the power of the Heavenly Emperor contained in the stars.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with wind and clouds, thunder and thunder exploded, and starlight rose from all over the natal stars and poured into the 'Star Gate' one after another.


The 'Star Gate' suddenly buzzed and vibrated, and the starlight exploded, instantly shattering and suppressing the invading and coiling black light.

However, taking this opportunity, several demon souls rushed out from the shaking 'star gate'.

At the same time, several demonic souls manifested out of thin air in the starry sky, turning into meteors and impacting towards his natal star. These demonic souls were obviously shaken out by the 'Stargate' when they forced their way into the 'Stargate'. Being able to enter the stars, but instead wandering outside the stars.


Facing the several demon soul meteors falling in the starry sky, the dragon soul entangled in the stars raised its head and roared, opened its huge dragon mouth, like a black hole spinning in it, and the terrifying devouring power suddenly swallowed up the several demon soul meteors falling in the starry sky. Swallow and refine.

The demon soul was refined in the dragon's belly, turning into black energy and blending into the dragon soul. The illusory dragon soul suddenly became more real and vivid. It's like a living dragon wandering around the natal star.

The dragon's head overlooks the natal stars. The demon souls wandering in the starry sky are easy to remove, but those demon souls that enter the stars through the 'star gate' are in trouble. The dragon souls entangled in the stars cannot enter the stars. Devour them.

We can only rely on the layout of the natal stars and the power of the dependents to suppress and eliminate these demonic souls that have invaded the stars.

As soon as the invading demon souls entered the stars, they immediately dispersed and turned into streaks of black light, either rushing into the stars and the earth, or rushing to the Dragon Soul City not far away, or rushing to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain , or rush towards each family member.

The black light of these demon souls rushed into the earth, immediately dyeing the earth black. When they rushed into the city, they immediately activated the large formations arranged in the city. They fell on each of the dependents, immediately dyeing them with demons and turning them into twisted and mutated monsters. Monsters were killing each other.


At this time, the sacred artifact 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower' standing in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain made a ringing and vibrating sound.

The pagoda shook, bursting out with a large black-yellow light, brushing towards the black light of the demonic souls, colliding with the black light of the demonic souls, causing a roar and explosion.

However, the black light of these demon souls was of a very high level, and the black and yellow light erupting from the pagoda was no match at all. It was quickly suppressed and shattered during the collision. Instead, the black light rolled back up, impacting and infecting the sacred artifact pagoda.

Around the Longshou Mountain Holy Land and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, a large number of dependents gathered to worship and pray on a daily basis. At this time, faced with the impact and erosion of the black light of the demonic soul, these dependents, whether they were warriors or professionals from all walks of life, , at this time, they were all guarding around the Sacred Artifact Pagoda, activating the power of their bloodline and launching various magical powers to attack the attacking and infecting black light of the demonic soul.

It's just that the black light of the Sacred Treasure Pagoda is no match for the black light of these demon souls. Although these low-level dependents are numerous in number, they are still difficult to resist.

All kinds of magical means of wind, thunder, water, fire, and five elements to relieve disasters were constantly shattered by the impact and erosion of the black light of the demon soul. Some of the black light of the demon soul even fell on those dependents, quickly eroding their bodies and blood, twisting, deforming, and turning them into The monsters counterattacked in the direction of the Familia team and the Sacred Artifact Pagoda.

Seeing that the situation was becoming more and more dangerous, a group of priests walked out of the Holy Land Tiandi Temple and came to the square to face the impact and erosion of the black light of the demonic soul.

These priests are from all ten bloodline families and represent the will and power of the ten bloodline families.

But seeing them raising their hands one after another, the spiritual messages flew to various clan cities in the stars.

The next moment, compasses and formation diagrams flew up in all the cities of the clansmen. Many clansmen in the cities gathered in the city to hold sacrifices and worship ceremonies at the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven and the pagoda.

The pagodas built in various cities shone with rich divine light, and with the power of incense and faith, the divine light soared into the sky.

These divine lights intertwined with each other, intertwined in the air and on the ground to form a huge formation that enveloped all cities and the entire stars.

Between the divine lights of these pagodas, there are various 'elemental spiritual veins' manifesting, connecting, and flowing.

The pagoda controls the mountains and rivers!

This is a star formation that Jin Xi deployed among the stars relying on various cities, elemental spirit veins, etc. after establishing the first country of the Familia in the same Familia city.

This formation has many functions, including guarding the stars, gathering the power of the family's incense and faith, and sorting out the spiritual veins of various elements contained in the stars.

Nowadays, the formation is just taking shape, and there are still many formation methods, materials, etc. that have not been added to it, and it can continue to be improved.

The perfected formation can cover and control the entire star, speeding up the speed at which the stars can refine demon pills, spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc.

But at this time, even though the formation was just formed, many divine lights and elemental spiritual energy were flowing with the formation, and they were gathered in the sacred artifact pagoda in the center of the formation, in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

With the infusion of vast and infinite power, the Sacred Artifact Pagoda shook violently, lifted up, and grew larger. The black and yellow light that burst out from it was constantly pushed to new peaks. The vast and vast black and yellow light continued to blast down, with the entire clan of the Jin Kingdom. With the help of the formation, the black and yellow light blasted by the Sacred Artifact Pagoda finally caught up with the black light of those demon souls.

The black-yellow light and the black light of the demonic souls continuously collided and exploded, finally resisting the continuous impact and infestation of the black light of the demonic souls, temporarily suppressing them, making it difficult to continue bombarding and demonically staining the holy land of Longshou Mountain, the families, and the city.

At this time, in the opened 'Star Gate', Jin Xi led the 'Guardian Corps' and quickly rushed back to the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

Looking at the black light of the temporarily suppressed demon souls, Jin Xi quickly issued an order for the Heavenly Emperor Sect to prepare a grand sacrificial ceremony.

During the sacrificial ceremony, Jin Xi praised the merits of the Emperor of Heaven and gradually took over the power of the entire formation.

But seeing him bring out a book made of gold from the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven, Jin Xi sacrificed the book, pouring the power of the formation into it, and golden runes appeared on the book one by one, forming prohibitions, Articles, etc., under these golden runes, you can still faintly see the phantoms of the 'Knife Mountain Hell' and the 'Kurong Hell', which are connected with the golden books and rune regulations.

This golden book is the ‘Celestial Emperor’s Code’ established during Jin Xi’s religious reform. After the founding of the country, this ‘Celestial Emperor’s Code’ was also adopted as the governing provisions of the entire Jin Kingdom.

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