The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 328 Demon Refining and Harvest

"The encroaching enemy has violated the law!"

"In accordance with the law of the law, I now sentence you all to hell and never be reincarnated!"

Emperor Jin Xi raised the golden book and activated its power. The manifested golden runes immediately spun and turned into a huge vortex connected to the two hells in the underworld.

boom! Click...

Winds and clouds surged in the sky, thunder and thunder exploded. Liang Ji mobilized the power of the 'Dao Fruit' and the power of the Emperor of Heaven to help Emperor Jin Xi drive these invading demon souls into hell with black light.

In the great formation that surrounded the stars, the divine light and the power of the elemental spiritual veins also swept up at this time. The black light surrounding the demon souls flew up, submerged into the vortex transformed by the golden runes, and fell into hell.

Liang Ji's mind and consciousness flew into the underworld, and first entered the Knife Mountain Hell of the Fengquan Underworld. He saw several black lights of demon souls falling into the Knife Mountain Hell, and was immediately struck by countless golden knives. , the storm of sword energy swept and engulfed.

Cut into pieces by a thousand cuts, the storm swept across, completely crushing the black light of those demonic souls.

The power of the broken demon soul was swallowed and refined by the underworld, and turned into pure soul power and integrated into the underworld, forming another underworld under the two layers of underworld.

Then, his mind and consciousness transferred to the withering hell of the Yaquan Underworld. In this hell, the vegetation withered three thousand times in one day, and the powerful power of withering pervaded and circulated in it.

Several black lights of demonic souls were thrown into this 'Withered Hell', swallowed up by the power of withered glory, and tortured in the process of withering, breaking, and reuniting. They lived and died three thousand times in one day. The time was completely unable to support it, and it withered and shattered directly in the "Withering Hell", turning into pure and broken soul fragments and integrating into the underworld, sinking into the third layer of the underworld below.

Liang Ji finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the black light of these demon souls being refined and turned into resources for the growth of the stars and the underworld.

Among the stars, the Familia quickly cleared or repaired the land, cities, and Familia that had been stained by demons.

All this seemed to last for several days, but on the Black River planet, it was only tens of minutes.

The battle situation on the Black Market Island is still in a stalemate.

However, Liang Ji and Qi Changge had already suppressed the invading demon souls. At this time, they shouted angrily: "What a Black River City, what a black market, and there are demon cultivators entrenched there!"

The black market and the magic cultivator are already two very different things.

If it is just a black market where prohibited items are traded, even if Liang Ji and the two clean up the black market in the name of the Star Alliance security department, there is only a limit to what they can do.

Just like in the previous battles, the monks in the black market basically suppressed them if they could, and captured them if they could, and few of them directly killed them.

But at this time, a 'hacker array master' was discovered in the black market, and a demon cultivator was found entrenched. The demon cultivator even launched an offensive against Liang Ji and the two of them, wanting to erode and seize their natal star origin and the power of the Tao Fruit.

The meaning of this is naturally quite different.

If Liang Ji and the two of them want to be involved and pursue the investigation, not only will this black market be completely destroyed, but Heihe City and Heihe Planet will also be implicated.

At this time, the captain of the inspection department who came with the two men was undoubtedly the first and most direct person to be implicated and liquidated.

Captain Guan was obviously a smart man. He instantly understood the entanglement and his expression suddenly changed.

"How brave!"

"Kill me!"

Captain Guan issued an order in shock and anger, raised his hand and a spiritual light exploded in the air, sending a message to Heihe City, asking the Inspection Department of Heihe City to send more monks and experts to help.

At this time, he could only protect himself by actively expressing himself and separating himself from the black market and these monks.

Even, in order to show his determination, Captain Guan led his team to kill those black market monks after summoning the aura of communication.

Before, there was some acting between them, but now they were directly fighting to the death, really fighting.

Suddenly being attacked and killed, the black market monks on the island were caught off guard, and Captain Guan killed several of them on the spot.

The remaining monks immediately started to curse one after another, angrily scolding Captain Guan for not being trustworthy, and angrily scolding Black River City for crossing the river and demolishing the bridge.

Captain Guan naturally refuted it continuously, and led his men to form a team, and the charge and killing became more and more fierce and fierce.

"Junior, hurry up! Raise the formation plate and block the star network!"

Senior Qi Changge ignored Captain Guan's positive performance at this time, turned over his hand and pulled out the array terminal issued by the security department, and shouted to Liang Ji.

Liang Ji immediately understood what he meant and also raised the array terminal.

Two formation auras flew out from their formation disk terminals and intertwined in the sky of the black market island. A faint star network suddenly emerged in the formation aura, covering the island and surrounding the four directions.

As interns in the security department of the Star Alliance, Liang Ji has many emergency rights within the Star Alliance.

For example, taking over the formation restrictions of a place and cooperating with them to fight, fight, etc.

In an emergency, it can even activate and take over an area's 'Star Network' within a short period of time to coordinate operations.

Of course, this is a very urgent permission and is not allowed to be used except at critical moments.

And after using it, the two of them had to make a detailed report explaining why they used this authority.

This is undoubtedly the critical moment. The 'Star Network' emerges, and the stars interweave and fall down, heading towards the black market island to suppress it.

Many struggling and fighting monks on the island were quickly bound and suppressed by the falling starlight of the 'Star Net'.

However, Liang Ji's target is not these ordinary black market monks. They still urge the 'Star Network' to block and suppress the interior of the island, hoping to remove the 'Hacker Formation Master' and the Demonic Cultivator who are inside. Take it.

Seeing the 'Star Net' sinking into the island, he was about to catch the big fish.

Suddenly, formations of black light burst out from the island, colliding with and intertwining with the falling 'star network'.

The falling 'Star Network' was suddenly disturbed, and part of it even escaped the control of Liang Ji and the two of them. The array of black light intertwined with the 'Star Network' and directly controlled that piece of 'Star Network', opening a chain that relied on In the teleportation array of the 'Star Network', a monk covered in black robes held a black array plate in one hand and a black flag in the other. He broke into the teleportation array directly and teleported away.

"not good!"

Liang Ji and Liang Ji both changed their expressions in deep voices. This 'Hacker Formation Master' is obviously the same person as the Demonic Cultivator. What's more important is that this 'Hacker Formation Master' has already made some progress in researching and cracking the 'Star Network'. What he gained was that he was able to seize part of the power of the 'Star Network' and teleport away directly.

One can imagine how superb his formation methods are.

Liang Ji and the other two hurriedly rushed to the formation terminal, trying to seize that part of the 'Star Network' authority to prevent or interfere with the other party's departure, but ultimately failed.

Both of them looked very ugly.

At this time, the support personnel in Heihe City had also rushed over after seeing the aura signal sent by Captain Guan. With everyone's action, they quickly captured the entire black market island.

However, they did not touch the things in the black market. Captain Guan cautiously came to Liang Ji and the two of them. Seeing their faces sinking like water, he forced a few smiles on their faces and said: "You two, this black market has already Take it, and ask the two of you to search it yourself."

Captain Guan's intention was obvious. He would hand over all the spiritual stones and resources in this black market directly to Liang Ji and the two of them in exchange for not continuing to pursue his responsibilities in Heihe City.

Liang Ji and Qi Changge looked at each other, put away the array terminals in their hands, and did not refuse. They each sent a large number of family members to start searching everywhere inside the black market island, searching for spiritual stones, resources, etc.

Although they can take the opportunity to hold Heihe City accountable, in the end, the most they can do is throw out a few scapegoats from Heihe City. The role that a captain like this can play is really limited.

In this case, it would be more cost-effective to capture the spiritual stones and resources in the black market. Moreover, letting go of the captain and HH City's horse will also make the relationship between the two parties better.

In just half a day, the two families had already searched the entire black market island. The spiritual stones allocated to Liang Ji alone were 300,000 medium-grade spiritual stones. As for the various spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc., they were even more difficult to count. .

In particular, I don’t know what the demon cultivator is doing in this black market, but he has collected many spiritual seeds and spiritual roots from the underworld and the yin attribute in a warehouse in the black market. It can be said to be of great use to Liang Ji in developing the resources of the underworld. .

I have a headache and feel afraid of the cold, and now my legs hurt. I feel like I have been infected? Uncomfortable!

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