The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 329 The Dragon of Elements and the Family World

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, meteors fell from the starry sky one after another. They were swallowed by the dragon soul entangled in the stars, refined, and planted into the underworld.

Liang Ji and senior Qi Changge handled the affairs of Black River Star, reported the discovery of the 'Hacker Formation Master' and the magic cultivator, and reported all the traces of the last 'Hacker Formation Master' teleported away with the help of the 'Star Network' to the security department. , leaving it to the security department to use more means and authority to trace the traces of the 'hacker array master' magic cultivator.

Although they are here to track down and attack the evil cultivators of the Pantheon this time, the demon cultivators of the Pantheon and the hacker array masters are also the targets that the Star Alliance security department has been pursuing and attacking.

Liang Ji and the two reported these clues and received some meritorious rewards from the security department.

After handling these matters, the two contacted Captain Yang Yun and learned that all the competitive stars assigned to their team to investigate had been investigated.

It can be said that more than 80% of them have problems.

The intelligence and information held by the Star Alliance security department is still very accurate, and the targets that are deliberately screened out are indeed problematic in all likelihood.

Since he had no mission for the time being, Liang Ji returned to the Kunlun Star Palace and used the spiritual stones, various spiritual seeds, spiritual roots and other materials obtained from the black market to develop his natal stars and dependents.

All kinds of spiritual roots and spiritual seeds of the Yin and Dark attributes were planted into the underworld of the 20% under the stars. As time went by, various Yin and Dark attributes spiritual plants, elixirs, and spiritual minerals and spiritual materials were gradually produced.

These spiritual plants, elixirs, spiritual materials, etc. with Yin and Nether attributes can be used to build and develop the underworld, and provide materials for the ghost soldiers in the underworld to refine various elixirs, Yin and Nether attribute spiritual weapons, battle arrays, etc. , at the same time, these spiritual materials, spiritual plants, etc. with yin attributes are also materials needed by many monks in the Star Alliance who practice the ghost and immortal Taoism.

It can be regarded as opening up another source of wealth for Liang Ji. Although it is still a drop in the bucket for his own needs, slowly improving and accumulating it can always alleviate his needs.

The underworld is changing with each passing day. Not only are the heroic ghost soldiers developing, but the Kingdom of Jin and the dependent clans above the stars are also constantly developing and growing.

Under the leadership of Emperor Jin Xi, the Kingdom of Jin continued to expand, and the number of dependents continued to grow, occupying more land and resources in the stars, building more cities, and erecting more Temples and Towers of the Heavenly Emperor.

With these high towers as the core of the formation, he led the formation masters in his family to continuously sort out and connect the various elemental spiritual veins in the stars, and added various formation weapons and spiritual materials to protect the entire Jin Kingdom and the great formation of the stars. Continuously improve and improve.

When the formation is completed, hundreds of high towers will stand everywhere in the stars and in the cities of the Familia. They gather and circulate the incense belief and belief power of the Familia. They can not only suppress and protect the Jin Kingdom, but also They gathered at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain and the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda', and pushed its power to the extreme.

At the same time, during the operation of the great formation, various elemental spiritual veins manifested themselves, like hundreds of rivers flowing into the sea, connecting and converging in the great formation, and finally transformed into an 'Elemental Dragon', wandering in the great formation, arriving at the Kingdom of Jin Everywhere, it has become an important force protecting the Kingdom of Jin and the stars.

This 'Elemental Dragon' is obviously a method that has never been used in the previous large arrays in the stars to control demons. It was continued to be perfected and arranged by the formation masters of the family led by Emperor Jin Xi over the years.

At this time, in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain, in front of the Tiandi Temple, Emperor Jin Xi already had white hair and looked old.

Liang Ji has only been practicing and doing tasks for more than ten months, but more than a thousand years have passed on this natal star. Even with Emperor Jin Xi's cultivation and the power of his golden soul, he is now very old. , when he is approaching the end of his life.

Emperor Jin Xi basically only did two things in his life. One was to reform the family members and establish a unified Jin Kingdom. The other was to unite everyone to initially set up a large formation among the stars to protect the Jin Kingdom and the stars. Dependent family.

The aging Emperor Jin Xi raised an array disk to control and operate the entire array.


In the great formation, the 'Elemental Dragon' formed by the aggregation of various elemental spiritual veins let out a dragon roar and flew up. It flew in the air, accompanied by wind and rain, surrounded by thunder, and fell to the ground. Duntu can move unimpeded even in the earth fire magma, and can instead sweep and control the earth fire magma for its use.

hold head high!

The 'Dragon of Elements' roared again and rushed directly into the sea to the east. The waves were piled up and the ice was frozen. However, in a moment, the 'Dragon of Elements' had rushed out of the sea again. In the dragon's claws, it has already tightly grasped a whale and a shark, two third-order spiritual beasts.

The third-order giant whale was entangled with a stream of water. No matter how it struggled and resisted, it was difficult to escape. The third-order giant shark was frozen by ice, making it even harder for it to resist.

Emperor Jin Xi looked at the performance of the 'Dragon of Elements', a smile appeared on his old face, he nodded and praised: "Good! Good!"

This 'Elemental Dragon' is the various elemental spiritual veins formed by the stars refining the 'Elemental Spiritual Crystal'. It is formed by the connection and convergence of the large array. It is directly connected and connected with the origin of the various elemental powers in the stars. Coupled with the help of the 'Pagoda Formation', this 'Elemental Dragon' is indeed the representative of the highest combat power among Liang Ji's natal stars, but it can operate various elemental powers like instinct.

With this 'Pagoda Suppressing Rivers and Mountains' formation and the protection of the 'Elemental Dragon', Liang Ji's natal stars and dependents have the initial ability to protect themselves. There is no need to worry that any invading force can destroy his life. Stars and Familia.

After testing the combat power and effect of the 'Elemental Dragon', Emperor Jin Xi was very satisfied. He grabbed half of the dragon family members below and said: "My son, come forward!"

"Yes, Father!"

The half-dragon stepped forward. The scales on his body were pale gold. Although he was not as good as Emperor Jin Xi, he was obviously his descendant.

Emperor Jin Xi handed the formation disk to the half-dragon man and said: "You must first familiarize yourself with and master the national defense formation. When the time is right, I will abdicate and pass this throne to you."

The half-dragon with pale golden scales, his eyes flashing, bowed to take the formation plate and said: "Yes, thank you, Father."

Three months later, in his old age, Emperor Jin Xi presided over a grand sacrificial ceremony at the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain.

In this grand sacrificial ceremony, Emperor Jin Xi handed over the golden seal and crown, which represented the imperial power of the Jin Kingdom, to his son, which represented the inheritance of the power of the family and entered the era of family and world.

Emperor Jin Xi is retreating to the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven in Longshou Mountain, quietly serving the Emperor of Heaven, and praying for the Emperor of Heaven, his family, and the Kingdom of Jin.

In September, Emperor Jinxi expired and died without illness in the Temple of the Emperor of Heaven. The new Emperor Jinxi held a grand sacrificial ceremony for him, and sent him off and blessed him into the underworld.

The historian of the Jin Kingdom and the recorder of the Heavenly Emperor Sect compiled the achievements of Emperor Jin Xi into a book and circulated it among the family members.

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