The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 330 Underworld of Underworld

In the underworld of Fengquan, the gate of hell is opened.

The sounds of all kinds of music were passed down from Fengquan City. Two teams of heroic ghost soldiers, led by the ghost soldiers officials in Fengquan City, came to the gate of ghosts, lined up in formation, and played various music of the Celestial Emperor Sect's sacrificial rituals. .

In the music of this sacrificial ceremony, a golden soul walked out of the gate of hell, and it was the soul of Emperor Jin Xi.

"Meet Emperor Jin Xi!"

The team of heroic ghost soldiers lined up in front of the ghost gate, led by the leader, bowed to the soul of Emperor Jin Xi with full respect.

The leaders and leaders of these heroic ghost soldiers in Fengquan City will all be officials in the Kingdom of Jin under the rule of Emperor Jin Xi for more than a thousand years.

They respected Emperor Jin Xi the most. Now that they knew that Emperor Jin Xi's soul had returned to the underworld, they naturally led their team to welcome him here early.

Jin Xihuang's golden soul also beamed with joy when he saw these old subordinates, and smiled and said hello.

After some greetings and conversations, everyone returned to Fengquan City, and naturally, with the support of everyone, the heroic soul of Emperor Jin Xi took the position of the city lord of 'Fengquan City' and became the ruler of the 'Fengquan Underworld'.

Most of the heroic souls and ghost soldiers in the Fengquan underworld are the souls of the people who died under the rule of the Jin Kingdom established by Emperor Jin Xi. They have long been accustomed to Emperor Jin Xi's rule, and there is not much objection to it.

In 'Fengquan City', even if there were heroic souls and ghost soldiers from the previous generations who disobeyed Emperor Jin Xi's rule because of their seniority and age, they were all quickly suppressed and captured by the golden heroic spirit of Emperor Jin Xi.

Emperor Jin Xi led the family members for more than a thousand years, opened up the Kingdom of Jin, and even passed the inheritance of the rights of the family members and the Kingdom of Jin directly to his son in the end. The abdication of "Gongtianxia" was directly changed to the inheritance of "Jiatianxia". Naturally, there is no shortage of tough and violent means of power.

Ruling a country and controlling the world has never only relied on kindness and morality. Tough and violent methods are also indispensable.

This can be seen from the fact that during the more than a thousand years that Emperor Jin Xi ruled the Kingdom of Jin, he sent many family members who opposed him into the underworld and hell.

After Emperor Jin Xi seized power and became the lord of the 'Fengquan Underworld', he began to unify the many heroic souls and ghost soldiers in the 'Fengquan Underworld' to establish a unified and centralized government just like the family members above the stars. .

Moreover, up to now, all kinds of spiritual plants, spiritual minerals, spiritual materials, etc. with Yin attributes that Liang Ji planted in the underworld have been cultivated. Emperor Jin Xi happens to be leading the heroic souls and spirits in the 'Fengquan Underworld'. Ghost soldiers mine these spiritual plants, spiritual minerals, and spiritual materials, sacrifice and refine various elixirs, spiritual weapons, and arrays suitable for heroic souls and ghost soldiers, transform the "Fengquan Underworld", arrange formations, and form ghost soldier battles. Array.

The entire 'Fengquan Underworld', under the leadership of Emperor Jin Xi, can be said to be changing with each passing day, growing and building rapidly.


At this time, the dragon soul wrapped around the natal star raised its head and swallowed another meteor falling from the starry sky. It was another third-level camel demon pill sent by Liang Ji. It was swallowed and refined by the dragon soul. After that, it is planted into the natal star.

The power in the demon pill is refined and integrated into the third level spiritual veins above the stars, while the demon soul in the demon pill sinks into the underworld, is refined into pure soul power, and sinks into the third level. In the underworld.

Liang Ji's soul passed through the 'Fengquan Underworld' and the 'Yaquan Underworld' and entered the third layer of unexplored chaotic underworld.

He stretched out his hand and made a move, and the natal spiritual weapon 'Heaven and Earth Black and Yellow Tower' that stood in the Holy Land of Longshou Mountain immediately flew to him, fell on his hand, and was activated with the power of his soul. There was a bright yellow light blooming from it, illuminating the chaotic underworld in all directions. .

Wherever the black and yellow light goes, it opens up the heaven and the earth, distinguishes the pure from the turbid, and the third level of the underworld is gradually opened up under his hands.

When the underworld was first formed, Liang Ji's soul stretched out his hand, and dozens of meteors fell from the starry sky. They were swallowed by the dragon soul, refined, and sent to the third level of the underworld. It was he who used it to open up and Various materials for building the underworld, including a 'divine crystal' fragment.

This 'divine crystal' fragment was exactly the one on 'Pang Sanpang'. Senior Liang Ji and Qi Changge took it down, and this 'divine crystal' fragment also came into their hands as a trophy.

Qi Changge is now at the third level of cultivation and is about to advance to the fourth level Star Master. In addition to the trophies accumulated in the Star Alliance security department over the past many years, there is no shortage of 'divine crystal' fragments for the time being.

Therefore, Liang Ji paid some spiritual stones and meritorious service to get this fragment of 'divine crystal' from Senior Qi.

At this time, he planted the fragments of the 'divine crystal' into the third layer of the underworld. As the underworld opened up and evolved, a spring gradually emerged and expanded in the center of this layer of underworld. The spring water was dark yellow, and it was one of the nine springs. One's underworld, and the third level of underworld opened by Liang Ji at this time is also the 'underworld of underworld' in the underworld of nine springs.

When the underworld expanded into a lake and sea, Liang Ji's soul flew over it and placed a soul seal on his hand. An island rose from the center of the underworld, which was called the underworld island.

The soul seals on his hands continued to be laid, and the earth and rocks built up on the island, gradually turning into a palace, in which a statue of the Hades Emperor was sculpted, and a plaque was formed on the main entrance of the palace, with three runic characters engraved on it: Huangquan Palace.

Arriving at the backyard of the 'Huangquan Palace', Liang Ji continued to use his soul seal to open a pool on the island. The water from the Yellow Spring soaked into it and quickly filled it up.

Later, Liang Ji took out the water rune crystal, the essence of the bloodline of the Familia, a bottle of the 'Creation Spiritual Liquid' which is a specialty of the Creation Star Palace, a bottle of pure soul liquid, a jet black water drop, and a water black lotus seed.

Liang Ji's soul sent these treasures into the 'Yellow Spring Pond', stimulating the power of the 'Tao Fruit', the power of the Emperor of Heaven, the power of the origin of the underworld, and the origin of the stars to pour into the 'Yellow Spring Pond', and refined the treasures in it. Transform and blend into the yellow spring water in the pool.

As these treasures merged into it, a pool of dark yellow spring water gradually turned into black water, and a black lotus grew and bloomed in it. Beside the pool, there was a monument made of earth and stone, on which three large runes were formed and appeared. Transformation is exactly: Shui De Chi!

After opening up the 'Underworld of Underworld' and casting the Island of Underworld and Shuide Pond, Liang Ji's soul flew back from the center of Underworld and saw that some heroic souls and ghost soldiers had entered the 'Underworld of Underworld' and were heading towards the center of Underworld. People visited islands and palaces to pay homage, and even priests from the Celestial Emperor Sect presided over sacrificial ceremonies.

When everything settled, these heroic souls and ghost soldiers who entered the "Underworld of Huangquan" began to build a city not far away. Liang Ji also manifested a miracle and named it: Huangquan City.

After everything was completed, Liang Ji took the array diagram, black water beads and other treasures to the other side of the Huangquan Lake and sea, established a boundary, planted the black water pearl spirit seeds, laid out the array diagram, and then laid various soul seals to activate The power of 'Tao Fruit' was refined and birthed, and a hell with surging black water gradually opened up on the other side of the Yellow Spring. It was called: Black Water Hell!

It's too hot, it's uncomfortable!

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