The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 333 Reincarnation of ‘Sinful Soul’

Among Liang Ji's natal stars, his soul jumped down from the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Tower'. Traveling at night, you can see that compared to the time of Emperor Jin Xi, the Jin Kingdom has expanded a lot, and the land it occupies The area is already nearly one-third of the central continent above the stars, and the ocean also occupies no less than one-tenth of the area.

In addition, in these days, Liang Ji has never lacked the third-order camel demon pills planted in the stars, various third-order spiritual roots, spiritual seeds, etc. The growth and development of the family members, whether it is from spiritual veins or spiritual energy, In other words, there is no shortage of resources such as various foods and spiritual materials.

With this support, coupled with the unification of the Jin Kingdom and the coordination and development under centralized power, it is not bad to be able to develop like this.

But now, Liang Ji's soul is wandering among the clan cities and clans of different bloods, but it can also be seen that under this prosperous unity, there is already an undercurrent.

Because of the warning from the underworld, the Jin Kingdom's royal family has become more and more suspicious and suppressed the various bloodline clans in recent years. Coupled with its own arrogance and extravagance, it has already provoked many family members to be ready to stir up trouble.

However, once the Jin Kingdom has been unified for thousands of years, the majesty passed down by Emperor Jin Xi has not diminished, and the families of various bloodlines are wary of the opinions of the Celestial Emperor Sect.

After all, when Emperor Jin Xi established the Jin Kingdom and unified the family members, he was taught and recognized by the Emperor of Heaven.

If they rise up to resist now, will they be guilty of the Celestial Emperor Sect and the Celestial Emperor?

Anyway, in the propaganda of the Jin Kingdom royal family and the descendants of Emperor Jin Xi, they have always been the royal family recognized by the Emperor of Heaven. They are with the Emperor of Heaven. To resist them is to resist the Emperor of Heaven and to resist the power of Heaven!

That's why, although there is already an undercurrent surging among the family members, it has not yet exploded.

"This is missing a breakthrough point!"

"We are missing someone who dares to raise the banner!"

Liang Ji's soul did not continue to wander above the stars, but escaped into the underworld below, and went straight to the central island of Fengquan and the Fengquan Palace.

He formed a soul seal on his hand and opened a portal in the backyard of Fengquan Palace.

There is a pond behind the portal, which was newly built behind him. Different from the 'Jin De Pond', the liquid in this pond is a treasure that is beneficial to soul nourishment, recovery and strength.

At this time, there were two souls lying in this pool of spiritual liquid.

One was the 'guilt soul' who had climbed to the top of Daoshan Mountain before.

At that time, although the development of the family members and the form of the Jin Kingdom had begun to show signs of decline, they had just begun to decline and had not yet reached the level of complete decline that they are now. Therefore, at that time, although the 'guilt soul' had successfully climbed the ladder On the top of the Knife Mountain, Liang Ji stopped his soul and sent it here to nourish and recover, instead of letting it reincarnate directly to destroy the Kingdom of Jin.

But now, Liang Ji's soul travels around the clan at night, and what he sees and hears makes him know that the time has come to release this 'sinful soul' to reincarnate and become the first reaper of the Jin Kingdom to unify the dynasty. .

In the spiritual liquid pool, the condition of the 'Sinful Soul' has obviously become much better than before. The various mutilations and injuries caused by the 'Sword Mountain Hell' have been restored under the nourishment of the spiritual liquid over the years, and other The 'Mountain of Swords' contained in the soul has the power to overthrow everything, but it has not weakened at all. Instead, it has become more fierce and powerful under the nourishment and suppression of these years.

Liang Ji's soul made a move, and a piece of spiritual fluid in the pool rolled up the 'sinful soul' and flew down to his side.

At this time, there is another soul in the spiritual liquid pool, but it is also a golden soul.

This golden soul is another soul on the natal star that successfully swam through Fengquan, landed on the central island, and entered the 'Jin De Pond' hundreds of years ago.

Similarly, today's development and situation of the family members are not suitable for such a golden soul to reincarnate, so Liang Ji also stopped it at that time, brought it to the spiritual liquid pool, and let it slowly receive nourishment and wait. opportunity.

Liang Ji took another look at the condition of the golden soul. After confirming that there was no problem, the 'sinful soul' left the Fengquan Palace and headed straight for the Daoshan Hell.

At the destination, Liang Ji's soul sent the 'guilty soul' back to the top of the mountain of swords. The reincarnation of the 'guilty soul' that was intercepted and interrupted by him suddenly restarted, and his body was covered with swords as powerful as mountains and sharp sword aura. The 'guilt soul' successfully entered reincarnation.

Above the natal stars, there is the city of Yajuan.

This was originally the first city built by the Yaju bloodline. It has always been the main city of the Yaju family, the center of power, bloodline, and inheritance.

However, over the years, on the one hand, the territory occupied by the family members has continued to expand, and the cities occupied by the Yajuan family members have also been increasing; secondly, since Emperor Jin Xi implemented reforms and unified the family members' power and positions and established the country as the emperor, from his own The subsequent generations of the Golden Emperors have been working hard to weaken the power and influence of the main cities of each bloodline clan, and to weaken the control of the leadership of each bloodline clan over their own bloodline clan.

Even in the later generations of the Golden Emperor, they had begun to assign officials from different bloodline families to other bloodline family members to maintain their rule.

Just like this Yajuan City, although it is the main city of the Yajuan family, and most of the people living in it are Yajuan family members, but there are almost no Yajuan family members serving as officials in the city, but the Qi Niu family members, the Pulao family members, and the Suani family members. wait.

Under the rule of the Jin Kingdom, the current situation among the various bloodline dependents of the Familia is basically the same. The Golden Emperor did this on the one hand to strengthen his control over the various bloodline dependents of the Familia and to strengthen the centralization of power; on the other hand, it was also to sow discord among the ten bloodline dependents. relationship makes it difficult for them to unite against themselves.

Therefore, although Yajue City was once the main city of the Yajue Bloodline Familia, it has long since declined. Even the name of the main city has long been suppressed by the Golden Emperor, either overtly or covertly, and no one has mentioned it. .

Especially in recent years, the Golden Emperor has been more vigilant and suppressed the Yaju clan, and the Yaju city has become increasingly declining.

Most of the Yaju family members in the city have basically left, going to the cities occupied by the Yaju family members in the remote areas of the Jin Kingdom to avoid the Golden Emperor's repeated suppression. The main city of Yajuan has been declining more and more, and every year even the newborns are dying. Not many.

The 'sinful soul' who climbed to the top of Daoshan, the soul that was about to bring revolution to the Kingdom of Jin, was reincarnated here and became a newborn of the Yajue bloodline clan.

It should be said that the choice of the Golden Bloodline to guard against and suppress the Yajuan clan was not wrong. His soul is full of the power of a mountain of swords, and his sword spirit is unparalleled. Once the 'guilt soul' is reincarnated, only the Yajuan bloodline will be the most powerful. It matches, and his reincarnation is indeed in the Yajuan clan.

However, the Golden Emperor's lineage would not have thought that the Emperor of Heaven would intervene and stop the reincarnation of the 'sinful soul' until hundreds of years later, which would make all their previous pursuits and suppressions in vain. His efforts were so useless that he has gradually relaxed now.

Moreover, the reincarnation of this ‘sinful soul’ filled with the power and intention of the sword should have been the same as the reincarnation of the golden soul of Emperor Jin Xi. There were some strange phenomena, and the company was suppressed by Liang Ji.

In this way, the revolutionaries and gravediggers of the Jin Kingdom arrived and grew quietly.

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