The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 334 The First Sword of the Revolution

The underworld of Yaquan is in the Yaquan.

A heroic soul has swam through most of the Yaquan, and nearly half of the memories and emotions in its soul have not been washed away, and it is still swimming firmly towards the island in the center of the Yaquan.

Liang Ji's soul is now possessed by the statue in the Yaquan Hall in the center of the island, watching the heroic soul swimming in the Yaquan.

As his natal stars refine more and more third-level camel demon pills, the strength of the spiritual veins in the stars becomes stronger and stronger, and the number of dependents that can be cultivated increases.

Correspondingly, more and more souls of the family members have entered the underworld in these years.

Although Fengquan and Yaquan are vast and difficult to swim, as the number of souls of the family members continues to increase, the probability of swimming through Fengquan and Yaquan is naturally increasing.

In the underworld of Fengquan, in the Fengquan Palace, Liang Ji has collected a golden soul that swam through Fengquan and entered the 'Jin De Pond', which is one of the clear proofs.

But now, Liang Ji looked at the soul swimming in the Yaquan, and after a little calculation in his mind, he understood that he might have to collect one more cyan soul that entered the 'Mude Pond'.

After all, the current situation among the family members is not that these ‘heroic souls’ who have been strengthened and blessed by treasures are reincarnated and mixed in. They still need to wait for the opportunity.

Calculating in my mind, I realized that the souls of the family members had indeed gone through hard work and landed on the island in the middle of Yaquan.

He came to the center of the island and bowed immediately when he saw the Yaquan Hall. When he entered the hall, he saw the statue of the Emperor of Hades and bowed again.

Finally, he entered the backyard of the Yaquan Hall and saw the Mu De Pond built in it. He instinctively entered it and accepted the baptism and infiltration of the spiritual liquid in the Mu De Pond. Most of the water had already been washed away. His soul was quickly infiltrated into blue color by the spiritual liquid in the 'Mu De Pond', and turned into a blue heroic soul.

Seeing that the green heroic soul had been transformed and was about to enter reincarnation, Liang Ji's soul stopped it again and collected it. He formed a soul seal on his hand and opened a door on the side. There was also a mouth of his newly created spiritual liquid pool in it. It is the same as the one in Fengquan Palace in Fengquan Underworld, except that there are no other heroic souls in it.

Liang Ji's soul put the cyan hero's soul into the pool of spiritual liquid, letting it slowly accumulate and wait for the opportunity.

He can imagine that more and more special heroic souls will be born in the underworld in the future, and more special heroic souls will be collected in these spiritual liquid pools he built.

However, for Liang Ji, these can be regarded as his wealth and heritage. Special heroic souls can give birth to special family members. When needed, these special heroic souls can naturally be used by him to bring him the required growth and changes.

Just like at the beginning, he needed the reunification of the family, the founding of the country, and the golden heroic soul of the reincarnated Emperor Jin Xi.

But now, he needs the fire of revolution to be born among the family members, and there is also the reincarnation of the "sinful soul" who climbed to the top of Daoshan.

They are all chess pieces in Liang Ji's hands, used to guide the development of the family and cultivate the strength he needs.

After placing the cyan hero's soul that swam through the Yaquan, Liang Ji's soul returned to his natal spiritual weapon, the 'Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda', overlooking the four directions.

Below, on the Holy Land Square, a grand sacrificial ceremony is being held, presided over by the Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect himself.

Today's Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect no longer holds the concurrent position of the Golden Emperor, but was separated several generations ago for internal inheritance.

However, the status of the Celestial Emperor Sect among the dependents has never been weakened. Even the handover, enthronement, and coronation of each generation of Golden Emperors need to be personally presided over by the Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect.

At this time, the grand sacrificial ceremony held at the Longshou Mountain Holy Land was the handover ceremony between the old and new Golden Emperors.

Emperor Jin Xi abdicated early, handed over the throne to his son, and presided over the ceremony and coronation as the Pope of the Celestial Emperor Sect. Afterwards, he was admitted to the Celestial Emperor Temple to accompany the Celestial Emperor until his death.

Since then, the tradition has been left in the Jin Kingdom and the royal family.

After the older generation of Golden Emperors feel that they are limited, they will abdicate early and hand over the throne to the next generation. The Pope of the Emperor of Heaven will preside over the coronation and become the new Golden Emperor.

At this time, the ceremony in the field had reached its climax. Under the guidance of the Pope, the old Golden Emperor had handed over the 'golden seal' in his hand to the new Golden Emperor.

This 'Golden Seal' was originally made by Emperor Jin Xi using the talismans of the four leaders of 'Xi', 'King', 'Nong', and 'Chi' that had been passed down from ancient times by the Familia tribe. It contains hundreds of thousands of years of the Familia tribe. The inherited beliefs, power, order and other forces are in it.

Afterwards, after Emperor Jin Xi established the Kingdom of Jin with all the bloodline clans, he also found all the "Fun Fu Festivals" that had been used to "split the symbols to separate the villages" in history, and refined them into the "Golden Seal".

In addition, for thousands of years, the Golden Emperor's lineage has used this 'golden seal' as a representative to control and lead the entire family, which has also incorporated the authority, belief, order, code power, etc. of the entire Jin Kingdom.

The accumulation of these powers has already made this 'golden seal' extraordinary, and it has grown into a spiritual treasure that ranks among the top ten among Liang Ji's natal stars.

Of course, the first one on the list must be his natal spiritual weapon, the ‘Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Tower’.

In addition, the Golden Book of the ‘Code of Law’ of the Celestial Emperor Sect is also one of them. However, in order for the Golden Book of the ‘Code of Law’ to exert its greatest power, it needs the support of the power of hell in the underworld.

At the beginning, Emperor Jin Xi held the 'Code' and sent the invading demon souls into hell for refining and killing. This was the case.

At this time, during the sacrificial ceremony, the old Golden Emperor had handed over the 'golden seal' representing the throne and authority to the new Golden Emperor, and then stepped aside. Next, the Pope of the Heavenly Emperor's Sect would crown the new Golden Emperor, representing the Heavenly Emperor. Church's recognition of the new Golden Emperor.

When everyone's eyes turned to the field, the pope, who was born in the Prison Niu family, crowned the new Golden Emperor.

Suddenly, a ray of sword light rushed out from the group of dependents who were watching the ceremony and slashed directly towards the high platform.

This sword light came silently, but it was swift and fierce. For a moment, countless family members around seemed to feel that they were under ten thousand swords and were about to be killed by the sword light.

There was chaos on and off the stage, and many warriors from the clan rushed out shouting 'protect the emperor' and 'catch the assassin'.

At this time, the sword light had already struck in front of the new Golden Emperor. The new Golden Emperor had not yet reacted, or was caught by the force of the sword and could not react. When he saw that he was about to die and was folded under the sword light, he The 'gold seal' on his hand suddenly glowed with golden light, blocking the light of the slashing sword.

This 'Golden Seal', which can be ranked among the top ten among the stars, lived up to its name after all, protecting the newcomer Jin Huang at the critical moment.

The light of the sword failed to break through the blockage of the 'Golden Seal' immediately, and there seemed to be a sigh. However, the light of the sword did not stop at all. It turned directly, took advantage of the momentum, and slashed to the side. The old golden emperor who protects himself with the 'gold seal'.

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